The Reformed Advisor

Month: November 2013

Doug Mainwaring: Homosexual’s Are Not Soulless

Posted on November 30, 2013 in Marriage by

I have a great amount of respect for Doug Mainwaring. His life is interesting for a number of reasons; perhaps most intriguing to me is that he is a same-sex attracted man, married to a woman, fighting against marriage redefinition. Doug has been in homosexual relationships before, but his faith helped him understand that being gay was not who he was.

Mainwaring has written a response to a book by Jonathan Rauch in which Rauch claims that only marriage can make gays and lesbians whole. Mainwaring response is not only an articulate critique of Rauch’s book, it is an intellectual disarming of Racuh’s entire premise. I highly recommend you read this fine piece of writing.

Jonathan Rauch’s Denial

by Doug Mainwaring
Jonathan Rauch, in his memoir Denial, argues that only access to the institution of marriage can make gays and lesbians whole. In doing so, he purposefully suppresses the truth that there are many other options available to those who are attracted to persons of the same sex.

Undercover Video Shows Statutory Rapist Getting Abortion Drug While Victim is With Him

Posted on November 29, 2013 in Life by

What makes videos like these so unbelievable is the ease and comfort the pharmacists show in selling an abortion drug to an admitted statutory rapist while his victim stands with him. It is an appalling site to watch this rapist tell the pharmacists that he is having an illegal sexual relationship with a minor and see them show absolutely no concern. This further proves that medical professionals are not concerned with protecting minors and gives greater evidence that parents must be vigilant in protecting their kids.

Watch the video below. If the video doesn’t appear automatically lease refresh your browser. Click here for original article.

A Worthy Proclamation: President Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Day Proclamation

Posted on November 28, 2013 in Religious Freedom by

On this historic day of thanks we pause for a moment to look back and remember the blessings we have been granted by Almighty God over the past year. It is customary for the sitting president to issue a Thanksgiving Day proclamation, a tradition that has endured for many years.

One of the most memorable proclamations was offered by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. Though Thanksgiving had been officially recognized and celebrated before 1863, celebration of the day was dwindling. It was revived in 1863 when Abraham Lincoln once again officially recognized the day and called for all Americans to celebrate on the last Thursday in November.

Lincoln made faith in God a central part of his proclamation in recognizing the providence and provision of Almighty God in the blessings experienced by America. President before and after Lincoln would similarly recognize the central role faith and the providence and provision of God played in American history.

Read the text of Lincolns historic proclamation below:

Can We At Least Be Content and Thankful on Thanksgiving?

Posted on November 27, 2013 in Family by

The following is an article I came across and wanted to share. It is a commentary on the American consumer society and how we can’t even be content for a few hours on what is supposed to be a national day of thanks. Rather than spending time with our families being thankful, we are arranging shopping trips to buy more because we just can’t be content, not even for a few hours on Thanksgiving. Read it and be reminded of what a day of thanks is supposed to look like. And remember, if people weren’t willing to go out and shop, stores wouldn’t open at ridiculous times, like Thanksgiving.

Is nothing sacred? Stand up for real meaning of Thanksgiving, skip the shopping on Turkey Day
by T.J. McCormack
I was almost expecting it when the KMarts and Walmarts of the world announced their stores would be open this year on Thanksgiving night. Sigh. It seemed to reflect that good ol’ American over-the-top holiday consumerism which seems to creep up on us closer and closer to Labor Day every year.

7 Things You Might Not Have Known About the Pilgrims

Posted on November 27, 2013 in Religious Freedom by

At Thanksgiving we briefly return our attention to the Pilgrims as we remember the incredible voyage they made to the “new world” in search of religious freedom. As we look back and remember not just the Pilgrims, but what our Founder’s endured to establish and ensure religious freedom in America it is almost surreal to think our greatest battle presently is over religious freedom.

Lest we forget the Pilgrims and their bravery and sacrifice, I want to share a few things you might not have known about that fateful voyage so many years ago.

Viral Video: Baby Celebrates 1 Year Birthday After Being Born Months Premature

Posted on November 26, 2013 in Life by

The video below is incredible for a number of reasons. First, it shows the first year of a little boy born 3 1/2 months premature. After spending many days and nights in the NICU the boy went home and finally celebrated his first birthday. The video tribute to his first year is nothing short of amazing.

This video is also incredible for the context it presents. This boy was born at 5 1/2 months gestation. According to abortion rights groups, Planned Parenthood, and President Obama, this child was not actually a child at this time. Whatever he was, he was not a human being worthy of protections from the torture of abortion. This is why these groups and our president have repeatedly fought to make it legal to kill children at this point in pregnancy.

As well, in our home state of West Virginia it is currently legal to kill an unborn child up to the moment of birth. So this child, obviously human, obviously alive, could have easily been killed by his mother is she would have chosen to do so. Why doesn’t West Virginia believe it is important to protect living human beings like this little boy? Why do our lawmakers continue to claim to be pro-life while they do nothing to protect the unborn?

Breaking: Federal Judge Declares Pastors Housing Allowance Unconstitutional

Posted on November 26, 2013 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

It’s important to note that the federal judge issued a stay of her ruling until the appeals process plays out. So for now nothing will change and no pastor or church will be affected. However, the efforts to strip this protection for pastors and churches has continued with this latest ruling. Here’s why it’s important:

Answering Questions on ENDA

Posted on November 25, 2013 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

The federal ENDA bill appears to be stalled, perhaps dead…for the moment. After passing in the Senate by a solid majority it appears the House will not bring the bill up for a vote. Even though West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin promised to oppose legislation like ENDA, in the end he broke that promise and voted in favor of the bill. However, to this point House Speaker John Boehner has opposed ENDA and said he will not bring it up for a vote in the House of Representatives.

One thing is for sure: this is the end of ENDA. There is no doubt that this bill will come back and we need to be prepared to oppose it. West Virginians in particular need to be prepared to oppose ENDA on the state level as we will no doubt be facing a state level ENDA bill again in the 2014 legislative session.

For those who are not familiar with ENDA, Joe Carter, writing at The Gospel Coalition, has written a short, informative article answering some of the most frequently asked questions about ENDA. In particular he answers the question why should Christians be concerned about ENDA?

“As a practical matter, ENDA teaches a view of human embodiment that Christians will strongly object to. Christianity embraces the body and self as an integrated whole; as unique creations that witness to the divine action and creativity of God through our being created male and female. Male and female are not arbitrary, socially imposed constructs. They are rooted in our biology. In contrast, the worldview behind ENDA assumes an ‘expressive individualism’ where our bodies become instruments of the will, capable of being re-created according to preference and desire.”

I highly recommend reading this article.

Lack of Common Sense Required for Abortion Advocates

Posted on November 25, 2013 in Life by

Abortion advocates say some of the most outrageously absurd things. I don’t know how else to characterize the words that come out of their mouths. By any logical, rational standard the ideas and comments they put forth make absolutely no sense and would in any other context be considered too ridiculous to take seriously.

Take for example the comments of a British abortion advocate and attorney who said that rape victims bear some responsibility for being raped. In other words, “the fact that you were violently attacked and forced against your will to have sex is kind of your fault too.” I can’t even imagine making such a statement in the case of a prostitute being raped because logic dictates that there is a difference between consensual and non-consensual sex in every context.

Robert P. George: What Lincoln Really Said at Gettysburg

Posted on November 22, 2013 in Religious Freedom by

If you’re not familiar with the writings of Robert P. George, you should be. The brilliant professor of law at Princeton is well respected in most circles for his keen insight into matters of law and public policy. But he is also respected as a man of faith that believes in the conservative, traditional values America was founded upon.

After President Obama removed the words “under God” from his recitation of the Gettysburg address this year an article of Dr. George’s surfaced in which he addressed the issue. Defenders of the president claim that Obama was merely quoting one of the “other copies” of the Gettysburg address in which the words “under God” do not appear. Indeed at least five copies of the address exist and at least two o those copies do not have the words “under God” in them. But this excuse is not acceptable, as Dr. George explains:

“Of course, none of these copies is actually the Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address is the set of words actually spoken by Lincoln at Gettysburg. And, as it happens, we know what those words are. (The Bliss copy nearly perfectly reproduces them.) Three entirely independent reporters, including a reporter for the Associated Press, telegraphed their transcriptions of Lincoln’s remarks to their editors immediately after the president spoke. All three transcriptions include the words “under God,” and no contemporaneous report omits them. There isn’t really room for equivocation or evasion: Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address—one of the founding texts of the American republic—expressly characterizes the United States as a nation under God.” Click here for original article.


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