The Reformed Advisor

Beautifully Graphic Photo Shows the Humanity of the Unborn

Posted on March 2, 2014 in Life by

The following photo is baby Noah. He died due to spontaneous miscarriage at just 12 weeks and 5 days old. What makes that so horrible is that Noah is at the age when most unborn children are aborted.

Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates tell us that unborn children are blobs of tissue, not really living, and not human. But I ask you to take a look at the photo below and tell me if any of those statements seems remotely true or even logical. The fact is, an unborn child at 12 weeks is every bit as human as a 12 year old; and deserves to be fully protected from the horrors of abortion.


An article at shares details that scientifically show how an unborn child is indeed human:

“From the very start, a preborn human meets all of the criteria needed to establish biological life and secures his place in the human family. The child is metabolizing nutrition, moving, growing, can react to stimuli and contains the genetic potential necessary to reproduce. At only 18 to 22 days old, he begins to circulate his own blood, often times with a blood type unique to that of his mothers. In fact, his tiny heart will beat nearly 54 million times before he is even born.

“At six-weeks-old, the child’s eyes and eyelids, nose, mouth and tongue have formed and electrical brain activity can be observed. In his first twelve weeks of life, critical systems are set in place, like the circulatory, nervous, and digestive system, and vital organs are not only fully formed, but are beginning to function. Remarkably, the most dramatic changes in a human’s development occur during this fragile stage. The science is clear: a unique, distinct human life has begun.”

I suppose Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates hate science to deny these scientific realities and support killing children. Perhaps it’s all about money; it certainly seems to be for Planned Parenthood. Whatever their reason it is clear that abortion kills another living, innocent human being.


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