The Reformed Advisor

UPDATE: The Latest States to Fall: Utah, Indiana, Wisconsin

Posted on July 10, 2014 in Marriage by

judges gavelI’ve been following the judicial activism in states with traditional marriage laws as federal judges, acting alone, usurp the will of the people and enact sweeping changes unilaterally. For previous comments on states that have had marriage redefined for them within the past year or so, scroll down to see an earlier post. (Or click here for my first post on the subject.)

The first post centered around 13 states – conservative states – where marriage was being threatened by judicial activism. Since that first post, much has changed. Two more states were added, Georgia and Wisconsin. Of the original 13 Utah, Oklahoma and Indiana have now had marriage redefined for them – along with Wisconsin.

All in all this means that 15 conservative states where marriage laws protected natural, one man one woman marriage by a vote of the people have now had those laws wiped out by a single judge. That fact should trouble ever freedom loving American that believes our Constitution stands as a barrier to such radical activism.

For news regarding the decision in Indiana you can click here. For news on what is happening in Wisconsin you can click here. For news on what is happening in Utah you can click here. To see what is happening in Oklahoma you can click here.

The bottom line is that these judges are acting alone in states where LGBT activists and other lawmakers knew there was little chance of changing the laws. Because these are conservative states where traditional, conservative values are held in high esteem, there is little chance of getting voters to approve marriage redefinition. So, the judges simply wiped out the will of the people and replaced it with their own opinion. While LGBT activists cheer they forget that one day other judges could do the exact same thing and reverse those marriage redefinition laws.

That’s the point. Judges should not be making the law. It’s not for them to decide what laws to keep and what laws to change. That is the job of legislatures and the people. But if we have a president that decides which laws he wants to abide by and which ones he wants to write an executive order changing, well, why can’t everyone do it? And so, anarchy has begun rolling across America because our president doesn’t care about the Constitution.

This is troubling not just because traditional marriage is being marginalized. This is troubling because the rule of law and the order prescribed in the Constitution is being trampled. If judges can decide marriage laws are unconstitutional and change them with a pound of their gavel, why can’t they decide gun laws are unconstitutional? See the problem?

This trend will continue. The spirit of lawlessness created by our president isn’t going away. The state of marriage and family is in jeopardy in America unless people begin to speak up. Our lawmakers need to know we support traditional marriage and demand they do the same. Just as the voters in Iowa fired state judges that forced marriage redefinition on them, so too can other states make the same bold statement.

One thing is for sure, you can’t stay silent any longer.

(Keep scrolling to read my previous post detailing the other 13 states.)

Not long ago I told you about the 13 states that are facing judicial efforts to redefine marriage. These are not ballot measures, these are not voter initiatives, these are judges deciding for an entire state to oppose the majority of the people of that state and force marriage redefinition on the state in some way.

Included in this list is:


What is striking about each of these cases is the similarities, or relative similarities in each state. If you look closely at the list you will notice these are all predominantly conservative states. Each of these states embraces more traditional values and beliefs regarding a wide range of issues, including marriage. Each of these states tends to elect conservative leaders for both federal and state office. While certain exceptions exist these states are similar in their values, beliefs, politics, and governance.

I predicted that West Virginia would soon be added to this list. There is currently a lawsuit in federal court challenging the legality of West Virginia’s DOMA law. West Virginia doesn’t even have a constitutional amendment defining marriage because our lawmakers would not allow such an amendment to be added to the ballot in 2010 when it was requested. So the only thing preventing marriage from being redefined in West Virginia is our DOMA law, which is currently being challenged by several homosexual couples from Kanawha and Putnam counties. It’s only a matter of time before a federal judge redefines marriage for all of West Virginia unless the people pressure our lawmakers to take action. (Although, don’t count on Gov. Tomblin to sign any laws protecting marriage even if he does profess to be “pro-traditional marriage.” We see how his “pro-life” conviction worked out.) (Click here to keep reading.)


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