New Documentaries Tell Stories of Former Homosexuals and Their Faith
Posted on September 29, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry

Christian musician Dennis Jernigan shares his struggles with homosexuality.
I’m convinced that those driving the LGBT agenda don’t want to have an honest conversation. This fact is primarily seen in their efforts to silence ex-gay people who have left the homosexual lifestyle. Anytime a story of someone that once lived the homosexual lifestyle but chose to leave surfaces, it is attacked and ridiculed. This shows the intolerance of those asking us all to be tolerant as they vehemently deny that it’s possible to be a “former homosexual.”
I find this interesting. Since science has yet to find any evidence of a “gay gene,” it stands to reason that sexual orientation is a choice. The ideas of nurture and nature, as applied to sexuality, can be brought into the discussion but, ultimately, it’s a choice. This fact makes LGBT activists angry. If sexuality is a choice then creating an entire system of laws based on that choice is dangerous. They realize that even a hint of personal choice in sexuality will sink their cause.
And yet, try as they may, there is no way to deny the fact that there exists an entire sub-culture of people that were at one time proud homosexuals but are now – not.
Are they heterosexuals? Some are, but not all. Some are simply choosing not to be homosexual in order to adhere to their religious convictions that homosexuality is a sin. This makes LGBT activists angry. They say these people are denying who they “really are” in favor of a lie. They don’t understand the biblical commands to be holy and deny oneself – including sexual desires – in order to live a life pleasing to God.
Others are in fact living as happy, fulfilled heterosexuals. This too angers LGBT activists that want to deny such a person can exist. But they do exist. Real people living real lives absent the homosexual relationships and indulgences that once dominated daily life. Whereas many LGBT activists see their homosexuality as an identity, part of their person, these people recognize that they are more than their sexuality.
The efforts of LGBT activists to shame and humiliate anyone who would dare admit to being a “former homosexual” (and their supporters), appears to be an attempt to keep such people from engaging in what seems to be a most effective tool for healing: community.
Knowing this, there is no doubt that a new series of short films will enrage activists that argue there is no such thing as a “former homosexual.”
“Desire of the Everlasting,” “Sing Over Me,” and “Kidnapped for Christ” is the name of three new documentaries chronicling the stories of three different people dealing with homosexuality or unwanted same-sex attractions.
In a recent article for Christianity Today the films are described:
“Desire is one of three new documentaries that takes up the question of change in the context of Christian homosexual identity. Sing Over Me, a film about contemporary Christian music star Dennis Jernigan’s struggle with homosexuality—is another. Kidnapped for Christ, ostensibly an expose of a Christian boarding school (“Escuela Caribe”) in the Dominican Republic, also wrestles with the “LGBTQ Christian” question by focusing on a gay high school student whose parents send him to the school with hopes (it is suggested) that he’ll come back straight. Each documentary takes a different approach to the contested questions, and yet each is humane and empathetic. At a time when the Christian discourse on homosexuality may be shifting and all sorts of models/positions/perspectives are represented within the church, these three films represent helpful additions to the ongoing conversation.”
Each of these documentaries features different people with different stories. But they all share a common element of people longing for close intimacy and finding it in homosexual relationships. Each went through a separate journey of discovery but has determined that their unwanted same-sex attractions don’t define them. Each is now celibate, believing that celibacy is to be preferred over a destructive life. Some, though not all, live a heterosexual life with an opposite sex spouse and even kids; but every one admits to ongoing struggles with same-sex attractions. The article reports:
“Though all three had lived active homosexual lifestyles for a time…each is now celibate and prefers distance from the gay or lesbian label. They are not “cured” of their SSA and they admit it’s still a struggle; but each says they’ve come to a more peaceful place now that they’ve left the lifestyle, returned to faith and chosen celibacy.”
LGBT activists don’t want to admit these people exist. These people, for activists, are a clear and present danger to their movement and underlying goals. If people can overcome sexual desires and even choose to leave homosexuality then there must be some element of choice to a person’s sexuality. For LGBT activists there is no choice (sort of like abortion advocates that claim to be “pro-choice.”)
Documentaries like these are sure to stir up trouble but they are nonetheless important. They are important for the people telling the stories and they are important for us to hear. We need to know that there is hope for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attractions. And even if activists deny that such people exist and want to silence them we need to take the approach of “Rilene,” the main character in “Desire of the Everlasting Hills”:
“You can choose to believe or not believe that my experiences are valid. That’s OK. I just ask you to keep an open mind and consider that it might be possible that this is a genuine, authentic experience, and that it’s possible for more than just me.”