The Reformed Advisor

Warning: Latest Planned Parenthood Video Showing Organ Harvesting is Graphic

Posted on August 3, 2015 in Life by

The latest (4th) undercover video of a Planned Parenthood executive discussing organ harvesting and the money profited by the procedure is hard to watch. The discussion is graphic as you realize that they are talking about removing “intact specimen’s” through abortion; which means killing unborn babies through grisly means only to harvest their organs. But perhaps the hardest part of the video comes around the 9 minute mark when the footage shows an actual organ harvesting “demonstration” and the doctor talks about all the parts: heart, foot, leg, etc. It’s at this moment the doctor says “it’s a baby” and you realize just how evil this action is.

Watch the video below. Be warned that the footage and discussion are very graphic. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.


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