The Reformed Advisor

Month: July 2017

Christians Support Abortion and Britain Seeks to Legalize It

Posted on July 27, 2017 in Life by

Even though abortion is still technically illegal in Britain, the law has not been enforced for quite some time. This effort to decriminalize abortion has little to do with the law and more to do with creating a culture of abortion in Britain. If abortion were no longer illegal, providers such as BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) and Planned Parenthood would have free access to market their services. This would lead to abortion services being marketed to schools, women’s groups, and other public services.

The author of the article cited above said that perhaps some of the blame lies with doctors that oppose legalizing abortion but have remained silent. He also said “the church has also been largely silent.”

Perhaps British Christians should learn from our mistakes as it is currently reported that 29% of American evangelicals say abortion should be legal.

Can Christians Support a National Travel Ban?

Posted on July 26, 2017 in Public Policy, Theology by

My first thought was, “how can Christians think biblically about this issue?”

As I conversed with Christians about this topic it was clear that many are in the same boat I am. We want to be biblical, we want to prioritize the Gospel, and we want to be loving to foreigners coming to America. But, we also want to protect our families and the lives of those around us from people that would seek to do harm.

Let’s establish some basic thoughts and then we can discuss the issue and hopefully come to some conclusions.

How Many “Gospels” Have You Heard?

Posted on July 19, 2017 in Theology by

In a recent podcast I heard the speaker reference “the gospel of acceptance” and explain that some people are simply seeking a gospel in which they feel accepted. With so much division in our culture it’s easy to see how people could long for acceptance and place acceptance so high on their priority list that it becomes, essentially, a gospel.

As I listened to this podcast I realized that not only does every person alive live under some sort of religious ideology, but everyone is a champion for their own brand of gospel.

New Study Reveals Stark Difference Between Pro-Life and Pro-Abortion Families

Posted on July 18, 2017 in Life by

Though our plans and discussions may have been similar, the outcome has been very different for people. While many families adapt and re-discuss and re-plan. Others choose to abort their child and continue with their original plan. That difference has led to a “shocking” new study with a “shocking” conclusion: pro-life families have more children than pro-abortion families.

The study says that not only are pro-life families larger, they are producing a generation that is “markedly more pro-life”:

Will the Supreme Court Force the Baker to Bake a Cake?

Posted on July 13, 2017 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

One element to this story (and others like it) that continues to intrigue me is that the customers could have gone to any other cake shop to get their cake. Do they really want to force someone to make a cake for their event under threat of government penalty? Will we next begin forcing artists to paint? Or forcing musicians to sing? What would be the difference between forcing a musician to write and sing a song for your same-sex wedding and forcing a baker to bake a cake? If one can be done, can’t the other?

Canada Says Bestiality is Ok! Is that Ok?

Posted on July 11, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Canada has ruled that sexual acts with animals are legal providing there is no penetration involved. This ruling was handed down by the Canadian Supreme Court after a convicted sexual predator, found guilty of assaulting his stepdaughters, appealed the charge and conviction of bestiality.

Does Having A Monthly Menstrual Cycle Make You Less of a Man?

Posted on July 6, 2017 in Sexuality, Theology by

Lets be clear. No amount of feelings will change your biological gender. You can really want to be the opposite sex all you want, but there is nothing you can do about it. The surgeries are like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. It doesn’t really change what’s going on inside.

LGBT Group Can’t Handle St. Louis Cardinals Inviting Christian to Speak at Christian Family Day

Posted on July 5, 2017 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

Because of these comments, which Pride St. Louis calls “divisive and demeaning,” they are asking the St. Louis Cardinals to disinvite Berkmen from speaking at the Christian Family Day.

Let’s put a little perspective on this.

The Cardinals are hosting “Christian Family Day” during which they will invite Christian families to come to the ballpark and enjoy a game together. After the game, they will invite all those that want to stay to hear Berkman speak about the roll his Christian faith played in his life as a major league ball player. There’s a couple of notable things to consider here.


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