The Reformed Advisor

Month: September 2018

Why I Won’t Be Writing Over the Next Month

Posted on September 17, 2018 in Family by

It’s funny how life changes in ways you never fully expected. You can plan for some things, but not in a fully comprehensive way until the time comes. The season of life I currently find myself in is like that. It’s been somewhat planned for the last 2 years but, now that it’s here, there’s a lot to think through.

When People Want to Believe the Worst About Reformed Theology

Posted on September 13, 2018 in Uncategorized by

I’m convinced that some simply want to believe the worst and have no interest in a friendly dialogue about the truth claims of Reformed theology. But with so much common ground between Reformed theology and Arminianism, it should be our goal to build one another up, not tear down.

New Study Shows Americans are Not Prepared for Retirement – And I Know Why

Posted on September 12, 2018 in Money by

This seems to indicate that americans are having trouble affording their necessities and the result is less saved for retirement. I disagree that the problem is the ability of the average American to cover their necessities. I would suggest that the issue is the desire for non-necessities that is causing a lack of savings.

The Best Way to Be More Productive – Stop Eating!

Posted on September 6, 2018 in Money by

We have been trained, as Americans, to believe that our bellies should be full all the time. Any twinge of hunger is a bad thing and we must immediately put something in our mouth to satiate the hunger. But this habit could also be contributing to our many ailments, our problems focusing, lowered productivity, and obesity.

An article at Forbes last year comments on the mental benefits of fasting:

Why the New Lawsuit Against a Cake Maker Should Terrify You

Posted on September 4, 2018 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling that Jack cannot be targeted for his faith, the government in Colorado is targeting Jack for his faith. The Colorado government has decided that Jack simply should not be allowed to do business. It appears that the government has made up its mind that people of faith, people that want to live and do business according to their sincerely held beliefs, don’t belong in the pubic space.


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