The Reformed Advisor

Category: Family

A Few Reasons Why Parents Should Demand Obedience from Their Kids

Posted on December 27, 2016 in Family, Theology by

I find that my greatest struggle in parenting my kids is consistency. Playing loudly in the basement is okay at noon, but at 7:30 in the morning? Seeking to consistently apply the rules of our household each and every day is no small feat. But, one thing is for sure; demanding that our kid’s obey is essential.

How Do You Define Parent and Family?

Posted on November 23, 2016 in Family, Sexuality by

But this is what happens when you remove the clear definition of what a family is and is not. While the secular culture would quickly say that the definition of family is a “man-made” construct that can be altered. Christians would confess that God established the family and the definition of what construes a family is not alterable, similar to the definition of marriage. Yet man, is his defiance and rebellion against God is seeking to reverse and undo all that God has established. But by doing so, man will create greater trouble, confusion, and harm to people.

Apps and Books to Help Plan Your Financial Future

Posted on November 15, 2016 in Family by

So you’ve decided you need to get your financial house in order. You see the need to save for emergencies, future purchases, and retirement. Now that you’re ready to take those important steps, you’re wondering where to start and what to do first. With such an important task before you it’s necessary to make sure you do it right.

I suggest starting with a budget. The foundation of any successful financial strategy is a budget. You can’t know how much to save or where to save if you don’t know how much money is coming in and how much is going out each month. A budget is nothing more than a detailed list of your income and your expenses. You can start by simply making a list on a piece of paper showing how much you bring home each month, and how you pay out for things like cable, cell phone, food, gas, and car insurance. It’s a simplified version of a budget, but it’s a great place to start on your journey to financial freedom.

If You’re Wondering Where to Start Saving for Retirement – Look At This

Posted on November 8, 2016 in Family by

The need for saving money is critical to everyone and yet it seems to be a constant struggle. Few people know about the options available to them for saving money. This is reflected in shocking statistics like 6 out of 10 Americans have less than $25,000 saved for retirement. Every person hopes to retire one day and still so many find it hard to save for that day.

Recent articles have reported that cash reserves are at all-time highs. People are keeping cash in bank accounts and other cash equivalents (CD’s and Money Market accounts) in an effort to be prepared if the economy crashes. While this might make us sleep better right now, it’s not the wisest way to plan for the future. Between taxes and inflation, keeping cash is a safe way to lose money each year. While it is highly advisable to keep some cash liquid for emergencies, keeping the majority of your assets in cash is not a good plan for preparing for, or living in retirement.

For those who are wondering where to start with investing, take a look at this article.

More Resources for Parents Seeking to Raise Godly Kids in a Sinful World

Posted on November 2, 2016 in Family, Theology by

Last week I posted a few resources for Christian parents to help in raising their kids in the “fear and admonition of the Lord.” I found those resources very helpful for me, personally, as I seek to raise my kids in the Gospel. So, when I came across more resources to help with this holy task, I wanted to share them as well.

Take a look at some of the articles below to learn more about cultivating the Gospel in your kids, the importance of your presence, and how to avoid “provoking your children to wrath.” There’s even a couple of videos at the end of the list that I think are very helpful (the first video is a beautiful animated YouTube song depicting the Gospel.) I hope these are a blessing and encouragement to you as you seek to impart your faith to your children.

10 Tips for Leading Kids to Christ

“This is definitely not an article about “success, and how we have achieved it.” Rather, as the old adage goes, we are beggars telling other beggars where we have found some bread. If you are seeking to influence little ones toward Christ, you might find these ten tips helpful…

Resources for Christian Parents Seeking to Raise Kids in a Sinful World

Posted on October 25, 2016 in Family, Theology by

As a parent that is deeply committee to imparting my faith to my children, I am always looking for resources to help. I am often overwhelmed by the task of sharing my faith with my kids, teaching them, and training them. I fail daily and need the wise counsel of those who have gone before me.

With that in mind, the following list is some helpful resources for everything from praying for your kids to taking them to church. There’s insight on answering kids’ biblical questions and tips for raising Godly kids. And, at the end is a list of books and other resources that can provide further support in your task as a parent of bringing the Gospel to your children. I hope this is a helpful list of resources that provide encouragement and support for you, mom and dad.

Why Require Unregenerate Children to Act Like They’re Good?

“Here are at least three reasons why Christian parents should require their small children (regenerate or unregenerate) to behave in ways that conform externally to God’s revealed will. I say “small children” because as a child gets older, there are certain external conformities to God’s revealed will that should be required and others that should not. It seems to me, for example, while parents should require drug-free, respectful decency from a 15-year-old, it would do little good to require an unbelieving and indifferent 15-year-old to read his Bible every day. But it would be wise to require that of a 6-year-old, while doing all we can to help him enjoy it and see the benefit in it.”

Olympic Volleyball Star and Mother of Three Makes Feminists Mad by Saying…

Posted on August 16, 2016 in Family, Marriage by

If you want to know how out of touch some liberal feminists are, take a look at how some responded to pro volleyball player Kerri Walsh Jennings’ recent comments about motherhood.

Walsh-Jennings is competing in the Rio Olympic games this week. She was recently interviewed and asked about her life as a mother and pro athlete. It was just four years ago that Walsh-Jennings won the gold medal in London while pregnant, an act that captured the hearts of many. This time around she is competing as the mother of three and says that her kids gave her the perspective she needed. She said:

What If Kids Don’t Want to Go to Church Because of Their Parents?

Posted on July 28, 2016 in Family, Theology by

I watched a short clip recently with Carl Trueman in which the scholar made the observation that one likely reason we are seeing a drop in church attendance is that parents are simply not teaching their kids that it is a priority. Trueman said:

“The church is losing its young people because the parents never taught their children that it was important. I think that applies across the board. It applies to family worship, and it also applies to whether you are in church every Sunday and what priority you demonstrate to your children church has on a Sunday. If the sun shines out and their friends are going to the beach, do you decide to skip church and go to the beach? In which case, you send signals to your children that it is not important.”

A Helpful Resource for Developing Character in Your Kids

Posted on July 12, 2016 in Family, Home School by

Looking around our culture it is apparent that character is not high on the list of priorities. The selfie generation that is all too willing to trade naked pictures for fame has forgotten the pricelessness of strong character. The effects on our world are more than obvious.

I came across an audio series on teaching character to children. As a father I am always looking for resources to aid my efforts to teach and train my kids. I am keenly aware of the need to teach them morals, respect, and character; so anytime I come across a resource that can help with that task I want to share it.

Let’s face it; we live in a society that does not value character. One look at the political landscape, or at the state of Hollywood and it’s quick to conclude that character and morals are not nearly as valuable as the lack thereof. The self-absorbed, entitled mentality that pervades our culture is a by-product of society that rewards laziness, dishonesty, and corruption. As a parent the task of imparting character and training our kids to think independently and be willing to stand in opposition to “the crowd” is even more critical than ever.

The series includes lessons on cultivating self-control and modesty in our kids, certainly traits that are sorely needed in today’s word of excess and indecency. As more kids become desensitized to sending nude pictures of themselves via text message, self-control and decency are clearly much-needed lessons. It also contains lessons on correction, and how to pray for our children which, I think, are valuable to any parent.

SPORTS: A New Idol for A New Generation

Posted on June 29, 2016 in Family, Theology by

I recently watched the Cleveland Cavaliers pull off an improbable comeback to win the NBA finals. With their team down 3-1 the Cavs won 3 straight games to bring home Cleveland’s first NBA championship; a promise LeBron James issued two years ago. It was an exciting game and series for fans, but it also reminded me of how much Americans worship sports.

To be fair, I love sports. I’ve been playing and watching since I was a kid. What I am most thankful for is that my parents never allowed sports to interfere with our family, or our life as part of the church. That doesn’t seem to be the case today.

How often have you said to your pastor, “we won’t be around much the next few months, it’s _________ season.”?


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