The Reformed Advisor

Category: Life

President Trump Promises to Sign Bill Outlawing Late-Term Abortion

Posted on October 24, 2017 in Life by

Despite efforts by individual states to stop the murder of innocent children, America remains just one of 7 nations across the world that allows late-term abortion, according to this article. This is not a list that I wish for America to be on.

While many cheer this decision and believe it is a step in the right direction, others are concerned that making abortion illegal on the basis of pain could one day backfire. Writing at Christianity Today, Katelyn Beaty…

VIDEO: Ben Shapiro Destroys Abortion Advocates Argument During UC Berkeley Visit

Posted on October 3, 2017 in Life by

The video below is not for the logically challenged, reason-void, or any other person lacking the ability to understand coherent arguments. What the video below is for, is to show the absurdity of the pro-abortion position.

This Might Be the Most Stunning Video of an Unborn Baby I’ve Ever Seen!

Posted on September 19, 2017 in Life by

But, the science behind this video is amazing to understand. When we think of a living human being being formed inside another human being we should pause to enjoy the awe of that reality. We breathe air. These tiny people breathe through the umbilical cord. We eat by putting food in our mouth and chewing and swallowing. The unborn are nourished by their mother through the umbilical cord.

Pro Life Governor Defunds Abortion Industry; Directs Funds to Help Women

Posted on September 12, 2017 in Life by

This is an important distinction as many abortion providers will often be allowed to receive tax dollars and then use those funds to pay for administrative costs, lease agreements, or other “non-abortion related” costs. This is how abortion providers get around funding prohibitions on abortion. This is also how Planned Parenthood can accept hundreds of millions of tax dollars and claim that they are not used for abortion. But this order is different in that it makes clear that any facility or doctor that is even affiliated with an abortion business is now ineligible to receive those tax dollars.

A recent article states:

Pro-Life Medical Professionals Should “Promote” Abortion

Posted on September 5, 2017 in Life by

He’s right. He does have two patients, and his job is to serve both of those patients. He’s right to oppose the law and defend his right to live and do business according to his religious conviction. But, what if sharing information about abortion and informing his patients of what abortion is could actually further strengthen the pro-life position in our culture?

Let me explain.

Planned Parenthood Has Some Advice for Your Pre-Schooler

Posted on August 16, 2017 in Life, Sexuality by

If you thought that Planned Parenthood couldn’t stoop any lower into the sewer of culture, you clearly don’t know this criminal organization. Planned Parenthood recently released new guidelines and talking points for talking with kids about sex and gender. In case you didn’t know, this is the last group of people you want involved in any discussion with your kids about sex and gender. If you’re not sure whether this is true or not, consider:

Christians Support Abortion and Britain Seeks to Legalize It

Posted on July 27, 2017 in Life by

Even though abortion is still technically illegal in Britain, the law has not been enforced for quite some time. This effort to decriminalize abortion has little to do with the law and more to do with creating a culture of abortion in Britain. If abortion were no longer illegal, providers such as BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) and Planned Parenthood would have free access to market their services. This would lead to abortion services being marketed to schools, women’s groups, and other public services.

The author of the article cited above said that perhaps some of the blame lies with doctors that oppose legalizing abortion but have remained silent. He also said “the church has also been largely silent.”

Perhaps British Christians should learn from our mistakes as it is currently reported that 29% of American evangelicals say abortion should be legal.

New Study Reveals Stark Difference Between Pro-Life and Pro-Abortion Families

Posted on July 18, 2017 in Life by

Though our plans and discussions may have been similar, the outcome has been very different for people. While many families adapt and re-discuss and re-plan. Others choose to abort their child and continue with their original plan. That difference has led to a “shocking” new study with a “shocking” conclusion: pro-life families have more children than pro-abortion families.

The study says that not only are pro-life families larger, they are producing a generation that is “markedly more pro-life”:

Should a Christian School Refuse to let a Pregnant Student Take Part in Graduation? Maybe?

Posted on June 21, 2017 in Life by

First I want to say that I am thankful for Maddi’s decision to keep her baby. I would hope that in a Christian home this would be the case but we all know that it has not always turned out this way. The fact that this young lady will graduate high school and soon after give birth to her first child is a credit to her faith. I rejoice that the tiny life inside her will not be subjected to torture and death.

But the real issue here is not the fact that Maddi chose life.

Planned Parenthood is Really “Angry” Over Bill to Repeal Obamacare. Why?

Posted on June 1, 2017 in Life by

Planned Parenthood is the world’s largest abortion merchant. That’s really all they do. Sure, they hand out condoms, they give birth control pills to girls and women, and they will offer a pregnancy test. But, in the form of substantive health care services to women, including pregnant women, they have nothing more to offer than abortions. So let’s not trick ourselves into thinking that Planned Parenthood is somehow a health center where any person, male or female, can receive comprehensive health care services.

This makes Cecile Richards’ letter complaining over the new healthcare repeal “defunding Planned Parenthood” and “stripping healthcare from millions,” an act of desperation.


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