The Reformed Advisor

Category: Theology

A Primer on The Biblical Doctrine of Predestination and God’s Sovereignty

Posted on July 25, 2018 in Theology by

In the prescience view some people are saved because they hear the Gospel and they exercise their faith in Jesus and accept the Gospel message. In the Augustinian/Reformed view…

Three Great Reasons for Christians to Save and Invest Their Money

Posted on June 26, 2018 in Money, Theology by

It’s no secret that most Americans have little to no savings. I’ve written previously on the inability of many Americans to cover even a small $400 emergency. This reality shows that many people do not prioritize saving. If you asked the average person to stop getting coffee at Starbucks daily, end their Netflix subscription, or take their lunch to work with them, you will be met with looks of disgust and shock. Clearly something isn’t right.

Paige Patterson, Albert Mohler, and a Brief Theology of Complimentarianism

Posted on June 12, 2018 in Marriage, Theology by

Mohler is wondering if this belief gave shelter to abusive men, and allowed them to justify their abuse by using Scripture to demand that women “submit to their own husbands.” Mohler is asking this question in anticipation of the response by opponents of complimentarianism that will see the controversy around Patterson as proof of their claims that complimentarians are secret abusers.

Sunday: Is It The Lord’s Day or Just Another Day for Sports and Recreation?

Posted on May 22, 2018 in Family, Theology by

There’s no doubt we are all aware of how sports has become a god in our culture. Kids sports are no different. It has often been noted that parents will drive for miles, sit out in the cold or rain, and spend large sums of money for their kids to play a game. The dedication parents and kids have to sports is admirable. But, as it’s often been noted, the same dedication doesn’t exist for the church.

Should Christians Change Theology to Accommodate Transgender People?

Posted on May 2, 2018 in Sexuality, Theology by

Claiming that a lack of inclusion into the church robs transgender people of their identity is to miss the biblically stated purpose for the church. The church exists, not to affirm our individual identities but to unite us under the shadow of the cross as the body of Jesus Christ. The church, by commission from Jesus and historical creed, doesn’t care about any individuals feelings or identity. The mission of the church has been clearly communicated and it stands outside the identity of any one person.

2 Ways the Church Makes Being a Christian Hard

Posted on April 12, 2018 in Theology by

Prior to the 19th century there was no such thing as an altar call. It might surprise many to know the church, even the American church, never used such a method. And yet, the American church experienced tremendous growth. But Finney wanted more. He wanted to see people saved immediately and sought to use the altar call (he called it the “anxious bench”) to create an emotional response from people. The unintended consequence, however, was to change the way Christians think about evangelism.

An Unconventional Easter Story of Beauty

Posted on March 29, 2018 in Theology by

I was the rebel, running from God. I spit in God’s face and ran from His grace. I fought for my rights not knowing hell was waiting. And somewhere, on my road to self-discovery and liberation, it wasn’t a fair-skinned moral man that appeared and begged me to accept Him. It was a beaten, bloody, crucified Christ asking God to forgive me because I didn’t know what I was doing.

I Am Tired of Evangelical Christians

Posted on March 1, 2018 in Theology by

Most of all, I’m tired of the sin in my own heart. It calls to me daily to enjoy a moment of pleasure and forget about the season of death that will follow. I struggle daily to kill the sin that lives in me. The battle is never ending and tiring. My soul is weary. My heart is heavy.

What makes it harder is that Christians largely don’t know how to “bear one another’s burdens.” We’re too busy being judgmental.

From One Pastor to Another: Don’t Wait to Get Your Financial House in Order

Posted on February 27, 2018 in Money, Theology by

I recently learned of a pastor that retired from ministry and told his wife they had enough money for 7-8 years. He then got brain cancer and died shortly after retiring, leaving his wife with medical bills and financial concerns. What could he have done differently? Who could he have asked for guidance to avoid this scenario?

I get the impression that many pastors think they don’t have enough money to work with a financial professional.

The Life of Job: A Lesson on the Absolute Sovereignty of God in Every Persons Life

Posted on January 24, 2018 in Theology by

God cannot be in control of some things. He can’t be in control and sovereign over nature, except when hurricanes happen. He can’t be in control and sovereign over wild life, except when they attack children. And God can’t be in control and sovereign over conception (Hosea 9:11-14) and the death (Job 14:5) of humans, but nothing in between. Are we really about to admit that it is God that determines when a person is born, and when that person dies, but He has no sovereignty over any action in the life of that person? This would be a disastrous and patently unbiblical conclusion.


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