The Reformed Advisor

Tag: amendment

Is There Any Good Reasons to Defend Traditional Marriage?

Posted on September 24, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

Though I am a Christian and would eagerly defend traditional marriage on theological grounds, I understand that others would not. I recognize that some would say marriage laws should not be based on religious convictions. Fine, but let me warn that all laws are based on morality. The question then becomes whose morality they are based upon. Is it better to base our laws on the morality of the atheist, the agnostic, the progressive liberal, or the conservative Christian that hold the same views our Founder’s did?

But, putting religion aside there is still plenty of reason to support traditional marriage.

In a very informative article at the Daily Caller several of the arguments in favor of same-sex “marriage” were presented and refuted. Arguments such as procreation and sterile couples, interracial marriage, and adoption were shown to be weak arguments in favor of same-sex “marriage.” Furthermore, those same arguments were shown to support traditional marriage.

Shock! State Marriage Amendment Stands Against Court Challenge

Posted on August 27, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy by

Imagine my shock when I read that a state’s marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of one woman and one man was upheld in a federal court.

It’s not that I think such amendments aren’t Constitutional, quite the opposite. In fact I believe that each state has the sovereign right to decide for itself what the definition of marriage will be. I believe the federal government should stay out of the debate between states and refuse to interfere in the decision each state will make. I believe the people of each state – not a court or a single judge – should make the decision.

So my shock has nothing to do with the constitutionality of such amendments. Instead, my shock is that a federal court would actually uphold the will of the people rather than trample all over it as so many have already done.

A post at ScotusBlog reports:

More Judges. More Marriage Amendments Struck Down. More Confusion Over the 14th Amendment.

Posted on August 5, 2014 in Marriage by

So here we are, reading the news that yet another judge has struck down another voter-approved marriage protection amendment. This time both Virginia and Florida watched as judges simply tossed the voters’ voice aside and decided for the entire state what the definition of marriage will be. And the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, another group of judges, has decided that Oklahoma’s marriage protection amendment is unconstitutional struck it down.

That’s three more traditionally conservative states where LGBT activists and politicians alike had little chance of getting a voter-approved measure legalizing gay “marriage” past the people. So, they circumvented the people, trampled both the Constitution and the voter-approved marriage protection amendments, and forced their will on the entire state.

Daily Roundup: Texas Marriage Amendment Struck Down by Federal Judge

Posted on March 1, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy by

In yet another shocking display of judicial activism, a judge has ignored 76 percent of the state’s voters and struck down a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Following a disturbing trend of judicial and attorney general decisions the federal judge, Orlando Garcia said the voter approved law has no standing in the lone-star state.

This trend of lawless behavior is not surprising when you have a president that does the same thing. Once President Obama decided he would not defend the laws of the United States and instructed his Department of Defense to ignore national law, it was only a matter of time before others did the same thing. Now, as a result of his reckless example we have attorney’s general taking the law into their own hands and making decisions outside their legal purview. As well we have judges ignoring the will of the people and striking laws that they don’t like, much like the Obama administration has done.

America truly is in a state of alarm as lawlessness and immorality are running rampant in an attempt to overwhelm the nation. If good people continue to ignore what is happening we can reasonably expect to lose many of our cherished freedoms in the coming years. Consider this your daily roundup of articles on the situation in Texas:

West Virginia: Attack on Marriage Intensifies

Posted on January 4, 2014 in Marriage by

In case you didn’t know already, a lawsuit has been brought to challenge West Virginia’s DOMA law. The warning that having just a DOMA law and not a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman was sounded long ago. Many West Virginian’s spoke up to say they wanted to exercise their right to vote on such a constitutional amendment. But our elected lawmakers refused to give us the right to vote and have ever since held our own state constitution hostage from us.

While they held our constitution hostage they told us repeatedly that marriage in West Virginia was safe, but that if anyone ever challenged our DOMA law that they would be the first to take up the fight to defend it. Well, this lawsuit was first filed in October of 2013. Have you heard one peep from a single lawmaker about it or the need to defend marriage? Me neither. But Lambda Legal is moving full steam ahead with their lawsuit and has recently asked for summary judgment in favor of their case:


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