The Reformed Advisor

Tag: Arminian

When People Want to Believe the Worst About Reformed Theology

Posted on September 13, 2018 in Uncategorized by

I’m convinced that some simply want to believe the worst and have no interest in a friendly dialogue about the truth claims of Reformed theology. But with so much common ground between Reformed theology and Arminianism, it should be our goal to build one another up, not tear down.

Does Man Have Free Will to Choose Christ? Not So Fast!

Posted on June 13, 2017 in Theology by

The view concerning man’s will is one of debate among Arminians and Reformed theologians. Arminians believe that man has the ability, the free will, to choose Christ. Reformed theologians believe that due to the bondage of the will to sin, man does not have the ability to choose Christ without the regenerating work and effectual calling of the Holy Spirit. This distinction has been the source of much debate between these two theological groups.

Before moving forward, it is important to understand that it is a universally agreed upon fact that man has a will and can make choices based upon that will. However, what is not true is that man has the ability to freely choose Christ based solely upon his own free will. Let me explain the difference.


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