The Reformed Advisor

Tag: cut

Friends in Maryland: Did You Know Your Elected Officials Were Doing This?

Posted on March 21, 2017 in Life by

The previous administration refused to even consider defunding Planned Parenthood, despite bi-partisan support. The Trump administration has said, however, that it is willing to cut funding. That seems like a no-brainer considering the bi-partisan support and overall common sense it makes.

In case you aren’t aware that a majority of people want to see Planned Parenthood defunded, a recent article reports:

“A recent survey found that community health centers not only provide more comprehensive health care than Planned Parenthood, excluding abortions, they also outnumber the abortion group’s facilities by 20 to one.”

Democrats in Maryland have responded by saying they will take the tax dollars of Maryland residents approximately, $2.7 million annually, and send it to Planned Parenthood.

What? Michael Sam Was Cut by the Rams? But…He’s Gay!

Posted on September 5, 2014 in Sexuality by

Did you hear the latest excitement from the NFL? No, not that opening day is coming or the new rules that no one likes. I’m talking about the fact that the first openly gay NFL draft choice, Michael Sam, was cut by the St. Louis Rams.

A few months ago Sam made all sorts of headlines for being the first openly gay player to enter the NFL draft. In fact, that’s all anyone could talk about. They talked about his sexuality even more than his on-field accomplishments or his future potential as a NFL player. Some dared to discuss his talents and abilities, saying he was too small and slow for his position and would not make it in the NFL. But they were quickly shamed into silence by everyone else that was elated over his sexuality.

This is the problem when a person’s sexuality becomes more important than anything about him or her. Even as LGBT activists argue that sexuality and sexual-orientation are private matters and no one’s business, they want to parade their sexuality in front of everyone as the singular accomplishment of their life.


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