The Reformed Advisor

Tag: dangerous

2014: A Record Year for Violence and Persecution Against Christians

Posted on January 13, 2015 in Religious Freedom by

Did you know that 2014 was one of the worst years on record for violence against Christians around the world?

According to Open Doors USA, a leading organization that serves the persecuted church around the world, last year marked the most dramatic increase in violence and persecution of Christians around the world in the modern era. And, the group says, the worst may yet be ahead.

Open Doors USA released its 24th annual World Watch List, documenting the 50 most dangerous countries to live in if you’re a Christian. Not surprising is the fact that most of the top countries are Muslim, the rest are communist or socialist. This highlights the reality that without religious freedom there is only violence and persecution waiting for people.

Open Doors USA defines persecution as “any hostility experienced as a result of one’s identification with Christ.”

An article at The Blaze shares details from the World Watch list report:

Bold Politician Displays Compassion for Homosexuals By Being Honest

Posted on December 29, 2014 in Sexuality by

A council member has come under severe attack from the public and colleagues alike for seemingly doing nothing more than speaking the truth.

Rosalie Crestani, the Rise Up Australia Party’s councilor for the City of Casey, has been the subject of what amounts to a smear campaign against her for her willingness to speak out against the health dangers of homosexuality. In the rush to make everyone accept and celebrate the homosexual lifestyle, the inherent health dangers have been deliberately ignored. Who in their right mind would support a lifestyle that is inherently dangerous to a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health? So honesty has been replaced by political correctness.

The reality that the average homosexual will have 500-1,000 sexual partners in his or her lifetime is a shocking statistic. Whether man or woman, if a heterosexual person admitted to having 1,000 sexual partners we would consider that person immoral, and be concerned with the potential for disease. And yet this is a normal characteristic within the homosexual community and no one seems to want to talk about it.

Lord Monckton, writing for WND, reports that Councilor Crestani boldly stood in the council chambers to read the following statistics regarding the health hazards resulting from the promiscuity of the homosexual lifestyle:


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