The Reformed Advisor

Tag: definition

Daily Roundup: Texas Marriage Amendment Struck Down by Federal Judge

Posted on March 1, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy by

In yet another shocking display of judicial activism, a judge has ignored 76 percent of the state’s voters and struck down a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Following a disturbing trend of judicial and attorney general decisions the federal judge, Orlando Garcia said the voter approved law has no standing in the lone-star state.

This trend of lawless behavior is not surprising when you have a president that does the same thing. Once President Obama decided he would not defend the laws of the United States and instructed his Department of Defense to ignore national law, it was only a matter of time before others did the same thing. Now, as a result of his reckless example we have attorney’s general taking the law into their own hands and making decisions outside their legal purview. As well we have judges ignoring the will of the people and striking laws that they don’t like, much like the Obama administration has done.

America truly is in a state of alarm as lawlessness and immorality are running rampant in an attempt to overwhelm the nation. If good people continue to ignore what is happening we can reasonably expect to lose many of our cherished freedoms in the coming years. Consider this your daily roundup of articles on the situation in Texas:

The Definition of Marriage is More Than A Defintion

Posted on January 10, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

The definition of marriage is not just an arbitrary conglomeration of words with no meaning. But that is exactly what those seeking to redefine marriage are trying to make it. Opponents of traditional marriage believe the definition is too narrow and exclusive, so they are seeking to broaden the definition in order to be more inclusive.

The problem is that by broadening the definition of marriage, these self-titled liberals and progressives would also erase any actual or perceived definition of marriage. Marriage is inherently the union of one man and one woman for one lifetime. For example, the Webster online dictionary defines marriage thus:

Court: Australian Same-Sex Marriage Violates Law

Posted on December 14, 2013 in Marriage by

Previously, lower court rulings upheld a law making same-sex marriage in Australia legal. But it seems the ruling was short lived as the high court of Australia has ruled that such laws violate the Federal Marriage Law of the country, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. A recent report states:

“The legalization of gay marriage has been overturned in Australia. On Wednesday the country’s high court issued the decision. A landmark ruling in November had upheld same-sex marriage in Australia. That came when the federal government challenged an Australian Territory’s law making gay marriage legal. The high court took a different view, ruling the law violates the Federal Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman.”

The court has not only upheld the law of the land, but has said the issue belongs in the National Parliament rather than in courts. Kudos to Australia for upholding traditional marriage. Click here for original article.

The Day Polygamy and Polyamory Are Legalized

Posted on November 19, 2013 in Family, Marriage by

I’ve made this statement countless times and will continue to repeat it: If the government redefines marriage for homosexuals it will have to continue redefining marriage for other groups or be guilty of the same discrimination it now accuses traditional marriage supporters of.
Come to terms with the reality of its truth. The government cannot simply redefine marriage one time for homosexuals and then say, “There, now everyone’s happy.” Polygamists and polyamory advocates will be the first to stand up and say, “No, we’re not happy at all.” They will then begin an even greater push – because they are already pushing to some degree – for their relationships to be legally recognized.


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