The Reformed Advisor

Tag: documentary

Famed Film Maker Has A Question for Christians About Donald Trump

Posted on July 13, 2016 in Public Policy, Theology by

I have a confession; I love a good documentary. I know that makes me a geek. I’m okay with it. I especially love historical documentaries that show footage from our past. To glimpse into the past to see what life was like decades, or centuries ago is incredible.

One of the best historical documentary filmmakers in the world is Ken Burns. Anyone that has watched a really good historical documentary has probably watched a Ken Burns film. Recently Ken Burns did an interview in which he asked Christians planning to support Donald Trump a question. He asked:

“What part of Donald Trump reminds you of Jesus Christ?”

That’s a legitimate question that I think every Christian planning to vote for Trump needs to wrestle with. While some are quick to note that we are not voting on a “pastor in chief,” but a president. I would argue that, for Christians, the person we prefer for our nations highest political office should be one that best represents the convictions and values we cherish. Is that Trump?

I don’t know if Ken Burns is a Christian but he seems to be wrestling with the decision to vote for Trump – as a Christian – more honestly than many professing Christians. During his interview he said:

New Documentaries Tell Stories of Former Homosexuals and Their Faith

Posted on September 29, 2014 in Sexuality by

I’m convinced that those driving the LGBT agenda don’t want to have an honest conversation. This fact is primarily seen in their efforts to silence ex-gay people who have left the homosexual lifestyle. Anytime a story of someone that once lived the homosexual lifestyle but chose to leave surfaces, it is attacked and ridiculed. This shows the intolerance of those asking us all to be tolerant as they vehemently deny that it’s possible to be a “former homosexual.”

I find this interesting. Since science has yet to find any evidence of a “gay gene,” it stands to reason that sexual orientation is a choice. The ideas of nurture and nature, as applied to sexuality, can be brought into the discussion but, ultimately, it’s a choice. This fact makes LGBT activists angry. If sexuality is a choice then creating an entire system of laws based on that choice is dangerous. They realize that even a hint of personal choice in sexuality will sink their cause.


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