The Reformed Advisor

Tag: ex-gay

Why Are homosexuals Afraid of This Wedding?

Posted on December 13, 2013 in Marriage by

I’m willing to bet that you know someone who is homosexual. That’s an easy wager to make considering the current landscape of our society. But I’m also willing to bet you don’t know an ex-gay person.

Considering the fact that homosexuals only comprise roughly 3.5% of the American population, the fact that most of us know someone who is gay is incredible. The six degrees of separation are quickly shrinking. However, a rapidly growing segment of the homosexual population is those who now call themselves “ex.” And yet you probably don’t know someone who identifies in this way.

The reason you probably don’t know someone who identifies as ex-homosexual is two-fold. One, they make little effort to announce to everyone they meet that they were at one time homosexual but have since left that lifestyle. Simply put, it’s not that important to them to share. And second, concerted efforts exist to repress anyone who dares claim to be an ex-homosexual.


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