The Reformed Advisor

Tag: gun

Did You Know the Planned Parenthood Shooter was a Pro-Life, Christian, Conservative, Republican?

Posted on December 1, 2015 in Life by

Last week a man committed a terrible act of violence at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, CO. Depending on what article you read about this incident the picture you will get of the gunman, Robert Dear, will be very different. In fact, as more details emerge about this man and his crime(s), the entire story becomes very troubling.

Abortion activists are painting Mr. Dear as a pro-life activist and calling his crime an act of “domestic terrorism.” They are using the tragic events as an opportunity to paint pro-life activists as extremists that condone violence (a twisted sort of irony).

Gun control advocates are using the incident as an opportunity to call for stricter gun laws. They see Mr. Dear as the typical American gun owner and want to make it more difficult to own a gun.

Some even decided to be very specific with their blame by saying the shooting was the fault of “Christian, white, conservative, Republicans.” These accusations were made while the shooting was still going on and before the suspect was in custody? Either the media coverage was extremely biased and those reporters should be ashamed of themselves; or someone is trying to create an artificial picture of specific groups for a political agenda.

Dr. Frasier Crane – Kelsey Grammer – Has a Message to Gun Control Advocates About Life

Posted on October 12, 2015 in Life by

I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to admit this, but I’m a big “Frasier” fan. I used to watch the show all the time. Partly for it’s witty banter and robust vocabulary; partly because they shared my views and values (which is why I currently watch Tim Allen and Jim Gaffigan shows). So when I saw “Frasier” star Kelsey Grammer wearing this pro-life t-shirt I was encouraged by his defense of life and reminded of why I enjoyed his show.

Grammer has always been an outspoken conservative in Hollywood; not an easy task I’m sure. But he refuses to back down and is unashamed of his views on issues such as abortion. The shirt he is wearing makes a powerful statement about the value of life in America, and the hypocrisy of those who call for gun control. When people like President Obama tell us that if even one life can be saved we should enact stronger gun laws, and then in the next breath praises Planned Parenthood and abortion, something is wrong. If every life matters then even the unborn should be fiercely protected from violence, like the being torn apart in order to sell their body parts (that’s what Planned Parenthood does).

My hat is off to Grammer and his bold defense of life. I wonder where I can get one of those shirts?


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