The Reformed Advisor

Tag: illegal

Why the New Lawsuit Against a Cake Maker Should Terrify You

Posted on September 4, 2018 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling that Jack cannot be targeted for his faith, the government in Colorado is targeting Jack for his faith. The Colorado government has decided that Jack simply should not be allowed to do business. It appears that the government has made up its mind that people of faith, people that want to live and do business according to their sincerely held beliefs, don’t belong in the pubic space.

Why Haven’t We Made Porn Illegal Yet?

Posted on March 14, 2018 in Marriage, Public Policy by

Consider for a moment why we don’t invite people to our house to watch us engage in sexual activity. When is the last time your friend, neighbor, or co-worker said “Hey, how about stopping over tonight to watch me and the wife have sex.”? Such an invitation would be met with shock, disgust, and a genuine concern for the well-being of the other person.

Religious Freedom Win: Employers Can Opt Out of Contraception Coverage

Posted on November 1, 2017 in Life by

An article at FRC comments on a piece by Linda Greenhouse at The New York Times in which Greenhouse laments the fact that “American women are losing the right to employer-provided birth control.” The article at FRC argues that birth control is not a right:

“At least she was honest enough to not use the hyperbole of saying, “American women are losing birth control…

Christians Support Abortion and Britain Seeks to Legalize It

Posted on July 27, 2017 in Life by

Even though abortion is still technically illegal in Britain, the law has not been enforced for quite some time. This effort to decriminalize abortion has little to do with the law and more to do with creating a culture of abortion in Britain. If abortion were no longer illegal, providers such as BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) and Planned Parenthood would have free access to market their services. This would lead to abortion services being marketed to schools, women’s groups, and other public services.

The author of the article cited above said that perhaps some of the blame lies with doctors that oppose legalizing abortion but have remained silent. He also said “the church has also been largely silent.”

Perhaps British Christians should learn from our mistakes as it is currently reported that 29% of American evangelicals say abortion should be legal.

Reason #1 for Not Supporting Donald Trump: He is Clueless About Religious Freedom

Posted on May 17, 2016 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

It seems Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election. While many are extremely happy about that possibility, I am more concerned than ever about the future of our country.

First of all, let me say that I believe God is alive and well and continuing to be sovereign over all that takes place. As the Bible clearly indicates, God uses rulers (presidents) to bless and to punish nations. How Donald Trump will be used by God should he become president is not for me to prophesy about; I’ll leave that in God’s hands.

However, statements by Trump from a few months ago give me little reason to be excited by his nomination and possible presidency.

It was reported a few months ago that Trump wanted a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until elected officials can “figure out what is going on.”

Trump went on to say that he would like to stop all Muslims from entering the country

Planned Parenthood Ignores Federal Law and Mother’s Wishes To Take What They Want

Posted on August 18, 2015 in Life by

IHolly O’Donnelln the latest video exposing Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby body parts, ex-technician Holly O’Donnell, reveals that despite a federal law requiring consent from the mother to harvest fetal remains, Planned Parenthood will simply take what they want when they cannot get permission.

O’Donnell was a procurement technician at Planned Parenthood (PP). Her job was to identify women that would be a good match for the samples PP needed to pass along as fetal donations. What O’Donnell didn’t know is that not only was it a demand that she approach women to ask them about donating their aborted babies but, when the mother’s refused, PP would simply take what they wanted.

The sixth video reveals yet another instance of PP ignoring federal law to commit atrocious acts for the sake of money. Even while PP president Cecile Richards is on television telling us all how good Planned Parenthood is, and all the wonderful things they do to help women, we learn yet another way PP operates illegally. It makes me wonder how anyone, such as Hillary Clinton, can support and defend Planned Parenthood.

In the video O’Donnell explains:


Posted on May 8, 2014 in Public Policy by

Original article posted here.

What do you get when you legalize marijuana? More emergency room visits and an increased cost to society.
You may think this is a study from Denver Colorado, but it is not. Even though we are seeing increased emergency room visits in Denver due to drugs, this study took place in a London borough where it saw a 40% to 100% increase in the hospitalization of men due to hard drugs after marijuana was legalized. The legalization of marijuana is seeing dramatic increases in social ills, causing many to see a connection with marijuana and other drug use.

Dangerous: PA Bill Would Force Christian Schools to Employ Homosexuals

Posted on December 19, 2013 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

A proposed bill in Pennsylvania would make it illegal to fire a person for violating the doctrinal beliefs of Christian or Catholic schools and other religious employers. A report discusses the case of a Catholic school where:

“Headmaster and school President Father James McCloskey noted that Griffin’s contract ‘requires all faculty and staff to follow the teachings of the Church as a condition of their employment.’ The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual acts, as all sexual acts outside marriage, are immoral, and homosexual activity is ‘intrinsically disordered.’ Marriage is the lifelong and unbreakable union of one man and one woman. Fr. McCloskey says that when he confronted the teacher, Griffin ‘acknowledged that he was aware of this provision’ of his contract, ‘yet he said that he intended to go ahead with the ceremony.’ The school said it let Griffin go ‘with regret.'”

In other words, a Catholic school fired a teacher because he violated his contract which stated that he would abide by all Catholic doctrine. The teacher violated this contract by entering into a homosexual marriage and was therefore fired in accordance with his contract.

The proposed bill would make it illegal to fire someone based on these circumstances. This means Christian and Catholic schools, along with other religious employers, would not be able to fire someone for refusing to adhere to church doctrine. Not only is this dangerous for these schools, but it is not hard to imagine that churches will be next. This truly is an assault on religious freedom. Click here for original article.


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