The Reformed Advisor

Tag: kill

All You Need to Know About Alfie Evans in 19 Media Headlines

Posted on May 8, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

To say this story is shocking and tragic is an understatement. To say that this story is critical for everyone to understand would also be an understatement. This case perfectly defines the difference between pro-life and pro-choice, and between free market health care and socialized health care. These differences make Alfie’s story crucial for every person to understand.

What follows is 19 media headlines that begin to tell Alfie’s story. I urge you to read and become aware of how dangerous socialized health care is to parental rights, individual rights, and actual health care.

Toys R Us Partners with Organization That Killed Customers

Posted on April 11, 2018 in Money, Public Policy by

Toys R Us supported the Komen foundation. Komen actively partners with Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is actively killing the customer base of Toys R Us. Toys R Us says declining birth rates contributed to declining profits and, ultimately, to the end of their business.

The lesson here is simple, if kids are your customer base, don’t support – directly or indirectly – any organization that works to kill your customer base.

Planned Parenthood is Really Mad and Donald Trump…Again!

Posted on March 22, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

Is it any wonder people feel free to walk into a school and start shooting? Are we really surprised that people have no trouble filming their abuse of the elderly for social media? Can we really be shocked that a person would drive a car through a crowded parade? If human life is not valuable simply because it exists, it is easy to rationalize the killing of anyone. If I get to decide what constitutes life, and what life is valuable, it stands to reason that conflicting definitions of life and value will compete with one another.

Margaret Sanger: Planned Parenthood Founder Shares Racist Vision in Her Own Words

Posted on November 1, 2016 in Life by

You might have missed the historic anniversary that took place recently. There was fanfare and celebration and the media even made sure to mention it. Sadly though, the celebration was over the millions of unborn babies killed by Planned Parenthood.

The 100th year of the world’s largest abortion merchant saw everyone from celebrities to politicians applaud and thank Planned Parenthood for their efforts in killing the unborn. Many people, however, have no idea that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist woman that hated minorities and anyone that was different than herself.

Margaret Sanger was a first-class racist that had ties to the Klu Klux Klan and routinely wished that minorities could be exterminated. An article recently recounted some of her statements and writings. They are posted below so you can educate yourself, and share them with others in an effort to help people see the true intent behind Planned Parenthood and the push to abort the unborn.

The Reason I Don’t Own Pets Has To Do With Harambe the Ape

Posted on June 15, 2016 in Life, Theology by

I had pets growing up. Many of my friends and family today have pets. I don’t have any pets. My kids really like animals and would love to have a pet, but so far I’ve refused to get any pets. One reason for this decision is that I would be a really bad pet owner. I should probably explain that statement.

Pet ownership has gone to a whole new level of crazy in our culture. You can find pet spas, pet resorts, and all manner of comforts and conveniences for your pet: sweaters, shoes, lounge chairs and houses nicer than the people down the street. People now refer to themselves as parents simply because they own a pet and there is a section of greeting cards that is from the pet to the owner (who exactly fills out and signs that card?).

When I say I would be a bad pet owner it’s not because I abuse or neglect animals but because I treat them like…animals. I don’t buy pets expensive food, I don’t celebrate their birthday, and if you call me a parent because I own pets I’m liable to punch you in the throat. I don’t see animals as being on the same level as humans or in any way equal. So the lengths to which some people go to own a pet is beyond my comprehension. (I know a retired lady concerned about running out of money but she refuses to stop taking her dog to groomers or buying unbelievably expensive medicines.)

POWERFUL VIDEO: Former Abortionist Explains What Happens During an Abortion

Posted on March 29, 2016 in Life by

For years pro-abortion advocates have labeled pro-life advocates as “anti-science” in discussing abortion. But in recent years that ploy has been unmasked as medicine and science have both confirmed the absolute humanity of the unborn. This has left pro-abortion advocates with one less tool in their belt to deceive people into supporting their culture of death.

The following video is no exception.

In this video, produced by Live Action, Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, explains exactly what takes place during a second trimester abortion. The video uses animation to show the brutal reality of what happens during abortion. It is a difficult video to watch. A recent article comments on the powerful message of this video:

“The new video series features Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist who became pro-life. In the videos, Dr. Levatino uses simple medical descriptions of the most prevalent abortion procedures. These innovative videos use medical animations (not graphic photos) to show the brutal injustice committed against preborn children. Information presented in the videos is backed by peer-reviewed medical journals and has been developed and reviewed by practicing OB/GYNs, medical professionals, and former abortionists… As this new video project is showing, when people see what an abortion really does to an unborn baby, many change their minds.”

Watch the video below and please share it. Many Americans are uninformed or misinformed about what an abortion is. This video shows exactly what takes place and has been medically verified for accuracy. This video has the power to change someone’s mind and maybe even safe lives.

If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Worst Article Ever! “20 Tips for Your First Abortion” is One of the Worst Things I’ve ever Read!

Posted on March 1, 2016 in Life by

The reality of abortion is bad enough. The fact that some people defend it as though it is nothing more than a normal, everyday decision is also bad. But a recent article called “20 Tips for Your First Abortion” is perhaps one of the single most vile pieces of writing I’ve ever come across.

In this article, posted to a feminist website, the author, using a pen name (I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want anyone to know I wrote this either) tells women to ignore the fact that the person on the phone making the appointment to kill her baby doesn’t care. She advises women to “take the nonchalance as a sign that it is no big deal. It could be a teeth cleaning. A very deep teeth cleaning.”

Yeah, because killing a living human being and getting your teeth cleaned are really similar. Seriously?

And the title of this article is subtle yet clearly worded: these are tips for your first abortion. This author wants to make it clear that once you have an abortion it will be easy to have another. Statistically, very few women have repeat abortions. The trauma encountered by the procedure keeps a vast majority of women from ever having another. But don’t tell this author, she wants you to pretend this is just a “teeth cleaning” so you’ll feel free to have as many abortions as needed.

Here’s a few of the author’s “tips” for preparing to kill your unborn child:

Man Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Shares About the “Evil” He Encountered

Posted on October 19, 2015 in Life by

The man behind the undercover videos that exposed the atrocities of planned Parenthood shared with Glenn Beck a memorable moment when he believed he encountered “evil” at a Planned Parenthood clinic. David Daleiden told Beck that while he was at the clinic of a late-term abortionist, a woman that routinely kills babies days before they are supposed to be born, he had a moment when he felt the “evil” of the abortion clinic:

“And for the first time during this entire project, I felt really afraid, like an actual fear, a fight-or-flight kind of response. I felt very exposed, like she knew everything about me. And then all of a sudden … back to laughing and joking, totally casual, normal. And I talked about that with several people afterwards, and some people have kind of a spiritual interpretation, and others have a more psychological interpretation. But on some level, we feel like that was the predator look or the predator instinct that you see in someone who is accustomed to killing people.

Warning: Latest Planned Parenthood Video Showing Organ Harvesting is Graphic

Posted on August 3, 2015 in Life by

The latest (4th) undercover video of a Planned Parenthood executive discussing organ harvesting and the money profited by the procedure is hard to watch. The discussion is graphic as you realize that they are talking about removing “intact specimen’s” through abortion; which means killing unborn babies through grisly means only to harvest their organs. But perhaps the hardest part of the video comes around the 9 minute mark when the footage shows an actual organ harvesting “demonstration” and the doctor talks about all the parts: heart, foot, leg, etc. It’s at this moment the doctor says “it’s a baby” and you realize just how evil this action is.

Watch the video below. Be warned that the footage and discussion are very graphic. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Have You Been Fooled By One of These Pro-Abortion Myths?

Posted on March 13, 2015 in Life by

Writing at Live Action News and, pro-life activist and lawyer Kristi Burton Brown discusses “10 Pro-Abortion Myths That Need to be Completely Debunked.” What’s curious to me is that several of these myths have been offered as “convictions” by people claiming to be pro-life. One has to wonder if the constant media hounding of pro-life people has created compromises that pro-life people are willing to accept. I certainly hope not. What other explanation could there for a person claiming to be pro-life that finds an exception (read: loop hole) where killing an unborn child is acceptable? How can that be justified?

More to the point, if killing an unborn child can be justified in certain circumstances, can’t killing any person be justified? (This example does not include death incurred as the result of just war.) If killing a person can be justified in a few circumstances can’t those few circumstances eventually be expanded to include others? You see where this is going? The bottom line is that if killing the unborn can be justified in any way, it will (and must) lead to the killing to others.

Some of the “myths” Burton-Brown discuses are: (To read the entire list with commentary, click here)

1. MYTH: Abortion is safe.

2. MYTH: Abortion doesn’t kill a person.


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