The Reformed Advisor


The LGBT Movement is the New Fascism. Conform or Else! (Part 2)

Posted on April 17, 2014 in Marriage by

This is part 2 of my commentary on the the forced resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich and the “new fascism” that is the LGBT movement. Part 1 is here.

Even calm voices such as Dennis Prager is alarmed by the actions of Mozilla. In a recent blog for WND Prager actually told people to uninstall Firefox and boycott Mozilla entirely – something he has never done in his career. Prager warned America that the issue of totalitarianism is the most pressing issue in America right now and must be fought by lovers of liberty. He wrote:

“Worldwide…every genocidal totalitarian regime of the 20th century was leftist. And domestically, too, the left has much less interest in liberty than in forcing people to act in accord with its values. A totalitarian streak is part of the left’s DNA. How you think matters and what you do away outside of work matters: More than 20 states prohibit judges from being leaders in the Boy Scouts – because the left deems the Boy Scouts homophobic.”

Prager is right and that is a frightening thought. At this moment the left is not seeking rights and equality for everyone, the left is seeking conformity by everyone. This matters for two reasons:

Historian Says No One is Born Gay or Straight – Society Does That

Posted on April 8, 2014 in Sexuality by

There is no such thing as a “gay gene” and no one is “born that way.”

Oh, by the way, no one is born heterosexual either.

In fact, being heterosexual or homosexual is nothing but a social construct developed in the 19th century in response to the pathologization of homosexual experiences by doctors.

That is the essence of a recent article by David Benkof at The Daily Caller in which he explains that LGBT historians are fighting the idea that anyone is born gay. Benkof’s purpose for the article is difficult to determine as he at times seems to call into question the idea that homosexuals don’t choose their sexuality due to a “gay gene.” But then he immediately asserts that sexuality in general is in part biological and mainly a social construct developed only in the last 150 years.

The following paragraph will give an idea of how difficult to follow this article is:

Doug Mainwaring Explains Why Gays Don’t Want to be Married

Posted on April 1, 2014 in Marriage by

Doug Mainwaring, an openly gay man, married to a women, rejecting the homosexual lifestyle and same-sex “marriage,” has gained attention in recent years for his outspoken opposition to marriage redefinition.

Mainwaring is a well educated, successful, articulate, communicator of the fact that marriage is inherently the union of a man and woman and nothing, not laws, not judges, not certificates, can change that. He has, as you might have guessed, gained a number of detractors seeking to silence him from exposing the true motives behind the LGBT agenda.

Mainwaring recently wrote an article in the American Thinker responding to some of his detractors after they viciously attacked him for daring to say that marriage cannot be redefined. you can click the link to see what some of those “tolerant” people wrote and Mainwaring’s responses. I’ve posted part of his article below because he explains in find detail common sense reasons to reject marriage redefinition. The fact that he is gay and holds this position makes him dangerous to “the cause” of liberals and those seeking more than they care to admit.

“This whole disagreement stems not from gays being discriminated against by a society that wants to deny them rights. It stems from gays choosing to abandon certain rights. Gays reject the right to marriage. Most don’t want marriage. They want something different from marriage. They want a committed, sexual relationship with another man. And in practice, sometimes these are monogamous, but let’s face it: most evolve into open or semi-open relationships.


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