The Reformed Advisor

Tag: life

Americans Seem to Support Kavanaugh More than Abortion

Posted on August 1, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

What has been revealed is that many people are simply unaware of exactly what Roe v. Wade is. Many people think reversing this legislation would make abortion illegal in all 50 states. In fact, reversing Roe would simply return the issue to the states to decide. I would think that people that claim to be “pro-choice” would welcome the ability of Americans to “choose” whether to legalize abortion or not. More choice is better, right?

IVF is the Essence of an Inconsistent, Double Standard Definition of Life

Posted on June 19, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

This is where the worldview of many people is often inconsistent. People want to use IVF and have no concern for the loss of life due to this method of making babies. But when the loss is something they did not intend, suddenly it becomes litigious. Would a judge in this case be so clear in his worldview as to declare the couple has no standing to bring the suit because they took part in the intentional killing of human embryos and are, therefore, as guilty as the clinic?

BOOM: President Trump Defunds Planned Parenthood! Here’s My Big Concern.

Posted on June 6, 2018 in Life, Money, Public Policy by

A Vice President for Planned Parenthood commented:“Under this rule, people will not get the health care they need. They won’t get birth control, cancer screenings, STD testing and treatment, or even general women’s health exams.” This just shows the desperation of Planned Parenthood as they completely ignore the facts. For example, the following was reported concerning this proposal:

Christian Man Refuses to Pay Taxes Until the Government Stops Funding Abortion

Posted on May 16, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

Many people have a religious or conscience objection to abortion. Others have an objection to paying taxes. Michael Bowman is

What Happened to Aflie Evans Comes Down to Money

Posted on May 15, 2018 in Life, Money by

A collective cry of outrage was heard around the world as once against the socialized single-payer healthcare system of the

Planned Parenthood is Really Mad and Donald Trump…Again!

Posted on March 22, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

Is it any wonder people feel free to walk into a school and start shooting? Are we really surprised that people have no trouble filming their abuse of the elderly for social media? Can we really be shocked that a person would drive a car through a crowded parade? If human life is not valuable simply because it exists, it is easy to rationalize the killing of anyone. If I get to decide what constitutes life, and what life is valuable, it stands to reason that conflicting definitions of life and value will compete with one another.

Thank You Cecile Richards – For Making the Pro-Life Movement So Strong

Posted on February 13, 2018 in Life by

Perhaps this new administration’s pro-life policy has encouraged Richards to step down. Maybe she sees the writing on the wall for Planned Parenthood. Maybe she is concerned about the new DOJ investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling aborted baby body parts for profit. Without President Obama and pro-abortion allies like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who will protect Planned Parenthood? Now, if they have violated federal law, someone might actually be prosecuted. Maybe Cecile Richards doesn’t want to get her hands dirty (anymore).

DIED in 2017: Two Notable Deaths You Probably Didn’t Hear About

Posted on January 18, 2018 in Life, Theology by

Much more could be said about these two faith driven people. To say our world is worse for losing them would be an understatement. But what occurred to me was the relative media silence at their passing. Why were they not heralded on lists of notable people we’ve lost in 2017? Perhaps it was because the mission of their lives stands in direct opposition to everything the media and this world holds dear. It makes me wonder how many other “notable voices” have gone silent, unnoticed.

Hugh Hefner: Proving Hollywood is a Hypocrite on Morality

Posted on November 15, 2017 in Uncategorized by

It’s hard to make sense of a world that can compartmentalize the lives of Harvey Weinstein and Hugh Hefner. Maybe if Weinstein would have offered to pay women and make them famous for accepting his sexual proposals he would not be in the trouble he is in right now. Then again, I think Weinstein did pay and make women famous. Just like Hefner.

And yet, Hefner is lauded and Weinstein is fired.

President Trump Promises to Sign Bill Outlawing Late-Term Abortion

Posted on October 24, 2017 in Life by

Despite efforts by individual states to stop the murder of innocent children, America remains just one of 7 nations across the world that allows late-term abortion, according to this article. This is not a list that I wish for America to be on.

While many cheer this decision and believe it is a step in the right direction, others are concerned that making abortion illegal on the basis of pain could one day backfire. Writing at Christianity Today, Katelyn Beaty…


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