The Reformed Advisor

Tag: porn

Why Haven’t We Made Porn Illegal Yet?

Posted on March 14, 2018 in Marriage, Public Policy by

Consider for a moment why we don’t invite people to our house to watch us engage in sexual activity. When is the last time your friend, neighbor, or co-worker said “Hey, how about stopping over tonight to watch me and the wife have sex.”? Such an invitation would be met with shock, disgust, and a genuine concern for the well-being of the other person.

Experiencing Sex Before Your First Kiss – We Have a Porn Problem

Posted on April 18, 2017 in Sexuality by

As a father it is heartbreaking to think that many teenage girls are being pressured daily to provide naked pictures and sexual favors to hyper-sexualized boys. At one time boys first viewed pornography around ages 11-13. That number has now been moved back to age 8. But even the pornography they viewed was not the hard-core images and videos available at the touch of a finger today.

But we also have to acknowledge that previous generations primarily viewed static images, not video clips or even full-length movies. The average male first experienced pornography in the pages of a magazine where images could not talk or do more than hold a single pose. Today however, the pornography being viewed is video clips from all over the world being uploaded by porn producers, movie and music stars, and the average person next door. The world of porn has gone global.

Can Someone Please Tell Me Why Fourth-Graders Need a NSFW Book in Their School Library?

Posted on April 26, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

The Oregon school principal is apologizing after angry parents demanded to know why their kids had access to the book; especially when they were told it had been pulled from school shelves. Perhaps a better question is why has such a book been approved for 10 year olds in the first place?

Let’s do a very simple review: any image depicting people engaging in sexual activity is considered “explicit” and/or pornographic (depends on who you talk to). To view any such image a person is supposed to be at least 18 years old; as every pornographic website makes perfectly clear. So why is a school allowed to show explicit/pornographic imaged to our children and call it “health class”?

According to one article, some of the images in the book include:

After 400 Hours of Porn – A Woman Quits for God

Posted on March 17, 2015 in Sexuality by

A growing problem in our society is women addicted to porn. Traditionally this has been a male problem, but our over-sexualized culture has led to a dramatic rise in women that are struggling with porn addiction.

A British vlogger named Oghosa Ovienrioba shared a video about her particular struggle with porn. What makes her video so relatable is that she is 1) a woman, and 2) candid about her addiction starting as a result of abuse.

What is becoming clearer is that porn addiction and childhood sexual abuse are intricately connected. More than just a few people have realized their abuse and their addiction to porn are linked. So much so that studies are being done to understand how they are connected. Ovienrioba is no exception to this trend and shares in the video – posted below – how her own abuse led to consuming hours of porn each day.

“When I was about 15 or 16, I started watching porn much more regularly and this time it didn’t shock me as much. The thing about porn is, it works on desensitizing…When you see people, you don’t even see people anymore. You see them as sex objects.”

Why Christians Seeing 50 Shades of Grey Should Be Embarrassed (and Repent) – Part 2

Posted on February 19, 2015 in Marriage, Sexuality by

Yesterday I posted part 1 of this commentary – it’s a good place to start.

Fight The New Drug is a group whose mission “is to use science, facts, and personal accounts to educate on the harmful effects of pornography and sexual exploitation.” This is a secular group, not a religious group that believes (correctly) that pornography in any form – including literature – is harmful. Here’s what they had to say about the movie:

“We know that books can most definitely be pornographic. Especially books like Fifty Shades of Grey that contain a high amount of highly explicit and graphic sexual content. 42% of male students and 20% of women said they regularly read romance novels, sexually explicit magazines, or regularly visited sexually explicit forums or chat rooms. Literature like Fifty Shades of Grey is referred to as erotica and can be just as addictive and as harmful in warping ideas about sex and intimacy as porn videos/images.”

Yet another non-religious voice decrying 50 Shades of grey while Christians eagerly line up to watch it. Anyone else see the problem with that?

Fight The New Drug has also compiled a list – along with an infographic you can see below – of the harmful views espoused in 50 Shades:

The Connection Between Porn and Incest Is Closer Than You Think

Posted on October 1, 2014 in Uncategorized by

The epidemic of porn can’t be overstated. In the past this has largely been considered a male problem, but new evidence suggests that women have become just as snared as men by this dangerous habit.

The fact that women are just as likely as men to use porn is indicative of a systemic problem in our society. Sex is increasingly viewed as just another social interaction having no ramifications, consequences, or responsibilities. It began with men seeking to “conquer” as many women as possible. Not to be outdone by men, the feminist movement convinced women that “anything men can do we can do better,” and with that they skipped off to outdo men in sexual conquests.

Now, both men and women began to see sex as nothing special, just a social interaction to be undertaken at one’s discretion. Sure, “mistakes” will happen, but with a little practice we can become proficient and skilled in this interaction. And while we are practicing we can learn from the “experts” through the use of pornography. Remember, Playboy is just read for the articles. So both men and women make porn use a regular habit, whether for self-pleasure, or for “research” as to how to get the most out of every sexual encounter.

VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Tells Young Girl to Watch Porn and Visit Sex Shop

Posted on July 25, 2014 in Sexuality by

The first thing that should alarm and disturb anyone about the following video is that begins with the story of a 43-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl “playing sex games.” In my world that’s called statutory rape and constitutes a crime, and yet that is not even the entire story here.

The video becomes more disturbing when you begin to realize that a “15-year-old” girl is being given advice on how to engage in BDSM type of sexual activity. I can’t help but wonder if the Planned Parenthood (PP) worker in the video would be so willing to share this information if the girl’s mother or father was sitting next to her. Then again, Planned Parenthood doesn’t really like parents and is generally willing to do whatever is necessary to circumvent parental authority.

Teachers Should Be Allowed to Make Porn and Students Should Be Allowed to Sext Nude Selfie’s

Posted on March 17, 2014 in Sexuality by

I don’t understand what all the fuss is about. It seems to make major headlines that a teacher was once a porn star. (Here’s an article from a few years ago.) And there’s ongoing media frenzy over a Duke coed that is paying for her tuition by doing porn.

But my question is why there is such a problem with teachers – ex or current – that want to do porn or even students that want to take nude selfie’s and send them out to all their friends. I was under the impression that this is the sort of thing that is just “normal” and “no big deal” and that only extremist religious prudes get bend out of shape over it.

Public Libraries Providing Access to Porn

Posted on November 22, 2013 in Family, Public Policy by

Imagine taking your kids to the public library. While some might think public libraries are obsolete in the age of the Internet, many people still go and libraries are a valuable asset to any neighborhood. Now suppose you’ve taken your kids to visit the library on a beautiful, sunny day to enjoy looking at books and other activities. You walk your kids through the library, hand in hand, discussing what kind of books they will look at when, to your horror, you see…

Someone on one of the library computers is looking at porn!

This is just not a scenario out of a parent’s worst nightmare; this is a real-life scenario taking place in libraries around the country. A recent case involves a library in Orland Park, Illinois, where residents are asking the library to install filters on public computers to block access to pornography. Some however are concerned that such filters violate free speech rights and insert more government into the lives of Americans.


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