The Reformed Advisor

Tag: religious

Supreme Court Ruling was Good – But Not Good Enough

Posted on June 5, 2018 in Marriage, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

While I appreciate the ruling and am thankful that the court recognized the unfair treatment of Jack Phillips, I want more. I want the court to recognize the principles of human productivity and the right of every business owner to discriminate.

Two Legal Cases Highlight the Right to Discriminate and Human Productivity

Posted on March 13, 2018 in Life, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

A recent article shares the case of Cathy Miller, the owner of a California baker called Tastries Bakery. Miller was asked to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding ceremony but declined based on her religious convictions. A California judge ruled in favor of Miller, saying that “to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech.”

Economics 101: Discrimination is Fundamental to a Free Market Economy

Posted on January 3, 2018 in Money, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

There it is again: it’s not about the person, it’s about the message. Once again, this might sound like a free speech case (and there’s an element of that here) but this is about private property rights. So far Jack has proven over many years that he is willing to serve any person. However, he is not willing to promote every message. That is a value every free person holds dear. The Jewish person does not want to be forced to promote Naziism. The African-American does not want to be forced to promote white supremacy. Are you seeing the point? Every person has the right to discriminate based on his or her sincerely held convictions. Yep, you read that right, we all have the right to discriminate.

Religious Freedom Win: Employers Can Opt Out of Contraception Coverage

Posted on November 1, 2017 in Life by

An article at FRC comments on a piece by Linda Greenhouse at The New York Times in which Greenhouse laments the fact that “American women are losing the right to employer-provided birth control.” The article at FRC argues that birth control is not a right:

“At least she was honest enough to not use the hyperbole of saying, “American women are losing birth control…

The Supreme Court May Soon Decide the Limits of Religious Freedom

Posted on October 4, 2017 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

It’s a chilling reality to realize that if the government can force Jack Phillips, under threat of legal penalty, to violate his core convictions, that same government can (and will) force us all to violate our conviction at some point. No one that loves liberty and freedom should desire to see such authority placed in the hands of any government.

Christian Business Owner Wins Important Court Case Protecting Religious Liberty

Posted on August 30, 2017 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

The judge in this case determined that Lawson’s home-based business is not subject to the city of Madison’s public accommodations ordinance or the state of Wisconsin’s public accommodations law.

Furthermore, the city of Madison and the state of Wisconsin agreed to this judgment.

This is welcomed news to Christians that have come under fire for trying to live and do business according to their deeply held religious convictions. Certainly the photographer in New Mexico, the baker in Colorado, the florist in Washington, and many others will be overjoyed to hear of this news; even as they have faced lawsuits, fines, and a total loss of their livelihood.

Will Christians Continue to Support Bernie Sanders After His Attack on Faith?

Posted on June 27, 2017 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Vought is an evangelical Christian. As such he dares to hold the audacious view that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. Though this is the “enlightened” 21st century, Vought is so “narrow-minded” and “intolerant” as to believe what the Bible says about salvation and what 2000 years of Christians have continued to believe: Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. He even made this mind-blowing statement:

West Virginia Mother Wants School Bible Course Ended So Her Daughter Doesn’t Have to Attend

Posted on January 31, 2017 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

When I was about 9 years old my elementary school announced that our class, a group of fourth graders, would be taking part in a sex-education course. They sent a letter home to all parents and let them know the dates of the course. This allowed parents to decide whether they wanted their kids to be in the class or not.

My parents decided that they did not want me in the course and signed a form requesting that I be excused from the class during that period.

So, every day during the sex-education class – which only lasted a week or so – I went to another room and did other work while my peers and friends took part in the course.

There is a Difference Between Political Statements and Religious Convictions

Posted on January 5, 2017 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

People should be free to live and do business according to their convictions, even if that means refusing to serve food to Donald Trump supporters.

A Baltimore Victory! And a Victory for Religious Freedom Too

Posted on October 19, 2016 in Life, Sexuality, Theology by

It’s almost too absurd to consider. And yet, it’s a reality in our upside down social landscape. Baltimore City Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and the City Council sought to force pro-life pregnancy centers to advocate abortion. Mayor Blake an the City Council apparently are so committed to abortion in Baltimore that they are willing to force people fundamentally opposed to it to not only support it, but to help advertise it.

A recent article reports:


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