The Reformed Advisor

Tag: right

Supreme Court Ruling was Good – But Not Good Enough

Posted on June 5, 2018 in Marriage, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

While I appreciate the ruling and am thankful that the court recognized the unfair treatment of Jack Phillips, I want more. I want the court to recognize the principles of human productivity and the right of every business owner to discriminate.

West Virginia Mother Wants School Bible Course Ended So Her Daughter Doesn’t Have to Attend

Posted on January 31, 2017 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

When I was about 9 years old my elementary school announced that our class, a group of fourth graders, would be taking part in a sex-education course. They sent a letter home to all parents and let them know the dates of the course. This allowed parents to decide whether they wanted their kids to be in the class or not.

My parents decided that they did not want me in the course and signed a form requesting that I be excused from the class during that period.

So, every day during the sex-education class – which only lasted a week or so – I went to another room and did other work while my peers and friends took part in the course.

GrubHub CEO Doesn’t Want to Do Business with Trump Supporters and I Support Him

Posted on December 8, 2016 in Religious Freedom by

After the election of Donald Trump a number of CEO’s made it clear that Trump-supporters are not welcome at their companies. This article shares the reactions by several CEO’s at various companies’ that decided it was a good idea to tell Trump supporters that they are not welcome at their company.

Now, I’m all for the first amendment rights of these owners making it clear where they stand. And, I fully support their right to do business with whomever they choose. I’m also supportive of their right to refuse to do business with anyone they want. Business owners should have the right to adhere to their conscience and convictions, and should not be forced to conduct business that would violate those convictions.

David Platt’s Message to Christian Won’t Be Well Received. But It’s Absolutely Needed.

Posted on February 23, 2015 in Theology by

David Platt has a new book called “Counter Cultured” in which he encourages Christians to decide whether they will live with conviction, and what that might cost them.

The message is timely as religious freedom has been attacked at increasing rates and many Christians around the world are losing their lives for their faith.

According to a recent report by The Blaze, Platt discusses the upside down reality that right and wrong are no longer measured by transcendent truth, but by popular opinion. The word tolerance has bee hijacked to accomplish this goal. The end result is, if you agree with what is popular you are tolerant, if you disagree, you’re intolerant. But, as Platt says, this is a misunderstanding of the word tolerant:

“Basically, if you agree with what’s popular or politically correct, then you’re okay — but if you don’t, you’re labeled intolerant. Part of it is the way we’ve mystified the idea of tolerance. Tolerance, itself, implies disagreement.”

Platt is among a group of young leaders emerging as the voice of modern Christianity. With a solid theological foundation Platt has repeatedly called Christians to die to this world, and to self, in order to spread the Gospel. Now he is reminding Christians of the dangers this will involve and urging us to count the cost, then move.

Watch the short video below to get an idea of what Platt’s new book “Counter Cultured” is all about. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Has the Supreme Court Already Decided the Definition of Marriage for America?

Posted on August 26, 2014 in Marriage by

Here’s an important question we need to answer. Is there a Constitutional right to same-sex “marriage”?

If a Constitutional right exists then it should end all the debate. The Supreme Court should simply cite the Constitution and the entire issue will be settled. And yet, when they had the chance not even the Supreme Court was willing to say that such a right exists. That leaves me wondering whether such a right – as some activists claim – is reasonable.

One of the most important court decisions concerning the definition of marriage has been issued and you probably didn’t even know it. Not only did the media fail to cover the decision adequately, but the fact that it took place in Europe made it a little harder to hear about. But, let me share a brief recap to ensure you are up to speed with this monumental decision. Here’s a recap as reported by Alliance Defending Freedom:

UPDATE: EU Decides Abortion in NOT a Human Right!

Posted on December 11, 2013 in Life, Public Policy by

The European Parliament will vote Tuesday on a report, known as the Estrela Report, which will decide whether or not abortion is a “human right.” This is important first because it is absurd to think that abortion is a human right. This is important secondly because this vote will no doubt have consequences for America.

As Americans continue to recognize that life should be defended from conception to natural death, the abortion industry grows desperate. Clinics are closing at unprecedented rates, pro-life laws are being passed by states like never before, and most Americans now identify as pro-life than in the last 40 years. This spells trouble for the money making machine of the abortion industry.

A vote, such as the one taking place tomorrow, will have a ripple effect on the United States. Should the European Parliament find a “human right” to abortion, we can be sure the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history and his administration will seek to further push their pro-abortion agenda on us. However, if the vote defends life, we can expect an increased surge in the protection of life here in the states.


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