The Reformed Advisor

Tag: structure

Two Reasons Why Many Churches Are Dying…or…Killing Themselves. Part 1: Unbiblical Structure

Posted on February 12, 2015 in Theology by

This is likely to be a short blog post. But one I hope to build upon and expand into a cohesive doctrinal teaching regarding the church.

Recently I was in a discussion with a group of people about the church. We were talking about being hurt by the church; something I’m afraid too many people have in common. In fact, when I asked who had ever been hurt by the church I am fairly certain every hand went up. I jokingly quipped that those hands not going up represent some “really good liars.”

Call me a skeptic, but anyone that claims to have never been hurt by the church strikes me as dishonest. After years in ministry I’m just not sure there is anyone left that has not been hurt by the church.

As I reflect back on my life growing up as a pastor’s kid, ministry education, and time spent in various ministry roles, I have concluded that two things lead to much of the hurt that takes place in the church: unbiblical church structure, and unbiblical expectations placed on pastors.


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