The Reformed Advisor

Tag: Supreme Court

Why the New Lawsuit Against a Cake Maker Should Terrify You

Posted on September 4, 2018 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling that Jack cannot be targeted for his faith, the government in Colorado is targeting Jack for his faith. The Colorado government has decided that Jack simply should not be allowed to do business. It appears that the government has made up its mind that people of faith, people that want to live and do business according to their sincerely held beliefs, don’t belong in the pubic space.

Americans Seem to Support Kavanaugh More than Abortion

Posted on August 1, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

What has been revealed is that many people are simply unaware of exactly what Roe v. Wade is. Many people think reversing this legislation would make abortion illegal in all 50 states. In fact, reversing Roe would simply return the issue to the states to decide. I would think that people that claim to be “pro-choice” would welcome the ability of Americans to “choose” whether to legalize abortion or not. More choice is better, right?

Why Feminists Will Hate the Day Judge Amy Barrett is Nominated to the Supreme Court

Posted on July 24, 2018 in Public Policy by

All the drama will reveal that the feminist movement does not, in fact, represent a majority of American women. Just as the #metoo movement revealed that Hollywood is completely out of touch with the values most Americans hold dear; nominating Judge Barrett will reveal the feminist movement as a fringe group out of touch with the values of American women.

Supreme Court NIFLA Ruling Important for Pro-Life Advocates, Bakers, Photographers, and Florists

Posted on July 18, 2018 in Life, Public Policy by

This precedent, established by The Supreme Court of the United States, will have a rippling effect far and wide. The necessary reminder that the government has no business compelling anyone to speak will be heard loud and clear. has been following this case closely. The pro-life news website noted that similar laws have been struck down in Austin, TX, Baltimore and Montgomery County, MD, and New York City.

The Battle’s Not Over: Here’s What the Cake Baking Ruling Didn’t Do

Posted on June 14, 2018 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

I’m certainly not trying to be a killjoy in the wake of a decision that brings good news for religious freedom and free speech. But I do want to be realistic and understand the ruling in its context and scope. To do that we need to understand what the ruling did not do.

Supreme Court Ruling was Good – But Not Good Enough

Posted on June 5, 2018 in Marriage, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

While I appreciate the ruling and am thankful that the court recognized the unfair treatment of Jack Phillips, I want more. I want the court to recognize the principles of human productivity and the right of every business owner to discriminate.

Economics 101: Discrimination is Fundamental to a Free Market Economy

Posted on January 3, 2018 in Money, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

There it is again: it’s not about the person, it’s about the message. Once again, this might sound like a free speech case (and there’s an element of that here) but this is about private property rights. So far Jack has proven over many years that he is willing to serve any person. However, he is not willing to promote every message. That is a value every free person holds dear. The Jewish person does not want to be forced to promote Naziism. The African-American does not want to be forced to promote white supremacy. Are you seeing the point? Every person has the right to discriminate based on his or her sincerely held convictions. Yep, you read that right, we all have the right to discriminate.

The Supreme Court May Soon Decide the Limits of Religious Freedom

Posted on October 4, 2017 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

It’s a chilling reality to realize that if the government can force Jack Phillips, under threat of legal penalty, to violate his core convictions, that same government can (and will) force us all to violate our conviction at some point. No one that loves liberty and freedom should desire to see such authority placed in the hands of any government.

Will the Supreme Court Force the Baker to Bake a Cake?

Posted on July 13, 2017 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

One element to this story (and others like it) that continues to intrigue me is that the customers could have gone to any other cake shop to get their cake. Do they really want to force someone to make a cake for their event under threat of government penalty? Will we next begin forcing artists to paint? Or forcing musicians to sing? What would be the difference between forcing a musician to write and sing a song for your same-sex wedding and forcing a baker to bake a cake? If one can be done, can’t the other?

Planned Parenthood Empire Could Come Tumbling Down Under President Trump

Posted on December 1, 2016 in Life by

Last year a Republican controlled House and Senate passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood of all taxpayer money. This was a bi-partisan bill that had overwhelming support in Congress. And yet, President Obama vetoed the bill and sent more than $500 million dollars to the abortion merchant.

The American people are tired of funding Planned Parenthood. Republicans and Democrats alike say that tax money should not be used to fund a “non-profit” organization that profits from killing babies. But Planned Parenthood doesn’t just profit from killing babies, they actively seek to kill the unborn so they can sell their body parts. It’s as gruesome and evil as it sounds.


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