The Reformed Advisor

Tag: trump

If You Plan to Live by Your Faith – Read This

Posted on March 1, 2017 in Marriage, Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

In a stunning case of injustice, the Washington state Supreme Court ruled against Barronelle Stutzman, a florist that has been a pillar in her community for decades. Her crime: living out her Christian faith in public.

As the owner of Arlene’s Flowers, Stutzman served everyone in her community. She served people without prejudice and built relationships with the people she served, including homosexuals. When one of her long-time customers asked her to create floral art for his same-sex wedding, Stutzman politely declined, saying it would violate her religious convictions. Stutzman did exactly the same thing as designer Theallat, she refused to associate with something she found to be wrong.

President Trump Starts Strong by Supporting Life and the Mexico City Policy

Posted on February 8, 2017 in Life, Public Policy by

One of the very first actions of President Trump surprised me, in a good way. If more actions like this follow I am very hopeful for the unborn in our country.

I will admit that I am cautiously optimistic concerning the “pro-life” claims of President Trump. He has supported abortion in various ways throughout his lifetime and never been considered a pro-life advocate. So when he claimed, on the campaign trail, to be pro-life, I was skeptical.

But you know what they say: actions speak louder than words.

Within the first few hours of his administration, President Trump reinstated the Mexico City policy, much to my surprised and the delight of many pro-life Americans. In case you are not familiar with this policy, it is a policy that prohibits the federal government from sending any taxpayer money to a foreign organization that performs abortions. In other words, not one penny of your hard-earned money, or mine, will be used to perform abortions overseas.

There is a Difference Between Political Statements and Religious Convictions

Posted on January 5, 2017 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

People should be free to live and do business according to their convictions, even if that means refusing to serve food to Donald Trump supporters.

GrubHub CEO Doesn’t Want to Do Business with Trump Supporters and I Support Him

Posted on December 8, 2016 in Religious Freedom by

After the election of Donald Trump a number of CEO’s made it clear that Trump-supporters are not welcome at their companies. This article shares the reactions by several CEO’s at various companies’ that decided it was a good idea to tell Trump supporters that they are not welcome at their company.

Now, I’m all for the first amendment rights of these owners making it clear where they stand. And, I fully support their right to do business with whomever they choose. I’m also supportive of their right to refuse to do business with anyone they want. Business owners should have the right to adhere to their conscience and convictions, and should not be forced to conduct business that would violate those convictions.

Planned Parenthood Empire Could Come Tumbling Down Under President Trump

Posted on December 1, 2016 in Life by

Last year a Republican controlled House and Senate passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood of all taxpayer money. This was a bi-partisan bill that had overwhelming support in Congress. And yet, President Obama vetoed the bill and sent more than $500 million dollars to the abortion merchant.

The American people are tired of funding Planned Parenthood. Republicans and Democrats alike say that tax money should not be used to fund a “non-profit” organization that profits from killing babies. But Planned Parenthood doesn’t just profit from killing babies, they actively seek to kill the unborn so they can sell their body parts. It’s as gruesome and evil as it sounds.

This is What Happens When You Grow Up Believing “Everyone’s a Winner”

Posted on November 29, 2016 in Public Policy by

First, this tantrum reveals that many Trump supporters were right. Many people across the country (even Democrats) supported Trump because they are tired of the elitist obnoxiousness from the liberals of the country. People in the heartland of the country are tired of being berated and demeaned for adhering to their traditional values and convictions. As violent and angry protesters throw their highly public tantrum and call Trump voters racist, bigoted, misogynist, and any other liberal moniker that crosses their mind, it validates the underlying reasons many people voted for Trump.

The truth, and this will be hard for the “participation trophy” kids to understand, is that many people voted for Trump simply to oppose Hillary Clinton.

One of the Most Honest Post-Election Statements You NEED to Read

Posted on November 22, 2016 in Public Policy by

In the wake of the election that saw Donald trump upset the Clinton political machine, stunned media outlets tried to make sense of it all. One of the most honest, and accurate statements about why Hillary Clinton lost the election came from a CNN anchor.

The liberal media took a beating during the 2016 election and in the days immediately following. How did they get it so wrong? How could they possibly have so underestimated Donald Trump and the outcome of the election? Fingers started pointing and tongues began wagging as accusations against each other began to fly. But in the midst of the confusion the pundits and talking heads were going through, one statement helps make it all make sense.

John King, host of the show “Inside Politics” on CNN made the following clarifying statement that should bring every liberal to reflection and encourage most Americans:

My Post-Presidential Election Top 10 List for a Trump Presidency

Posted on November 16, 2016 in Life, Public Policy by

Now that the election is over and we have a new president-elect in Donald Trump, I have composed my top 10 list of the thoughts I am most curious about. A Trump presidency is a mystery at this point as we are still uncertain about what, exactly, he will do. While I did not support or vote for Trump, I, like many other Americans am curious as to what this epic political upset will look like. To that end, this list is a compilation of the thoughts I am most curious about regarding Trump as well as the thoughts that occupied my mind directly after the election.

10 – The Electoral College is…terrible. I’ve watched the results of the last 3 presidential elections with curiosity as the electoral map begins to form. Go ahead, Google 2012 or 2016 electoral map and see what appears. I suppose I understand the idea behind the Electoral College but, practically speaking, it stinks. It’s time to get back to making sure every single vote counts with a popular vote. If it’s good enough for Senators, and Congressman, and Mayors, and Governors, it’s good enough for the president as well.

This Might Be the Worst Election Advice I’ve Ever Seen

Posted on August 17, 2016 in Life, Public Policy by

The upcoming election is going to be a tough decision for Christians. The last thing anyone needs is advice on who to vote for like the advice given by a Christian blogger.

VIDEO: Mike Pence: “I’m a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican…In That Order”

Posted on July 26, 2016 in Public Policy by

Watching his speech made me wish Pence were running for president, it would be an easy choice to vote for him. He has been a strong conservative voice in Washington when he was in Congress, and, as Governor of Indiana he continued those same traditional, conservative policies.

Pence understands what it means to be a socially, fiscally conservative lawmaker. He also knows what is at stake in this election. Pence told the packed crowd:


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