The Reformed Advisor

Tag: why

Americans are Financially Illiterate – and Maybe Insane

Posted on March 27, 2018 in Money by

But financial literacy is more than just knowing the tools and resources needed to be financially successful. Financial literacy includes understanding the “why” behind the financial goal. A writer for Bloomberg Finance recently told Financial Advisor IQ “Once you know why to do it there are resources that will show you how.” Maybe the “why” is more important than the “how.”

For example, accumulating funds that will be tax-free in retirement is a great idea. But the average American is not likely to put much priority on this without knowing why it’s important.

Why Shouldn’t You Experience Pain and Suffering?

Posted on January 14, 2014 in Theology by

Have you ever gone through difficult circumstances and uttered that immortal phrase that runs through every mind at the time, “why me?” Sure, we’ve all done that. It’s a passphrase into the club of commiseration that every person wants to join as we loathe our circumstances together. And with the ability to network and share every detail of our lives on sites such as Facebook and Twitter we can quickly gain sympathy for “how awful” and “unfair” our trial is from lots of very well- meaning people.

And, as cyber friends remind us that “this too shall pass” we are increasingly pushed to focus on the day when our trial will be over and we’ll all look back and have a good laugh about it; rather than considering the purpose for the trial in the first place.


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