The Reformed Advisor

Sex-Ed Class Asks 14-Year-Old Girls: How Far Will You Go Sexually?

Posted on June 20, 2014 in Sexuality by

sex edParents that send their kids to school without paying attention to what they are being taught are failing in their duty to protect their kids.

At one time our schools focused on academics, math, reading, and science; or even offered trade classes to prepare students to enter the workplace. Not anymore. The focus of today’s public school is political indoctrination aimed at creating a very specific worldview.

One of the most powerful weapons in the school arsenal is sex education. There’s no doubt we live in a sex-obsessed culture where sex is used to sell everything from tires to office supplies. If you want people to take notice of your advertisement, include a half- naked person. Public schools are now using the “sex sells” method to “educate” students regarding sexuality and abortion.

Parents of students at a California middle school was shocked and outraged when their kids brought home the handout of a presentation that included pictures. A description of these pictures was given by a local news station:

“One slide talks about ‘Top Conception Myths’ and mentions douching. The photo accompanying the slide shows young men with the caption ‘douche bag.’ Another photo shows a man on all fours, with a woman standing on him. The caption reads ‘girl on top can still get pregnant.’ The photo that enraged parents the most was a slide also focused on conception myths, but showed a picture of a man with blood on his face. The caption for that picture read: ‘A real man loves his woman every day of the month.’”

I don’t need to post the pictures for you to know why parents were outraged. The idea that a school would encourage eighth-graders to engage in sex is bad enough. But for them to present graphic images related to positions and sex during menstruation is downright immoral. Why is it that some creepy guy on the street could be arrested for such behavior involving minors but school officials can get away with it?

Another middle school in California made 14-year-old girls stand up and publicly declare how far they were willing to go sexually. A recent article reports:

“The parents…say their 14-year-old daughter was embarrassed because the teacher in her family life and health class instructed her and all of her classmates to stand under one of several signs. Each sign was labeled with a different phrase. Some of the labeled signs were innocuous…“smiled at,” “hugged” and “kissed.” Other signs, such as “above the waist,” “below the waist” and “all the way,” were to varying degrees considerably less innocuous.”

If you’re like me the first thought that went through your mind is “Why?”

Why does a school need to know this information? Why does anyone else in the class need to know this information? What possible benefit could sharing this information have for the students?

According to the school the purpose of this exercise is to open the lines of communication between parents and their kids regarding dating expectations. I don’t know about you, but that might be the worst explanation I’ve ever heard for such an embarrassing and improper exercise.

There is absolutely no reason to believe that having students stand in front of their peers, under a sign declaring how far they will go sexually, will open lines of communication with their parents. It’s almost absurd to utter, much less use to justify this mistreatment of young students. Parents weren’t notified of the exercise, parents weren’t included, and parents weren’t present. How could this possibly open lines of communication when parents were altogether shut out? Had it not been for one student telling her parents and those parents realizing how wrong this exercise is, none of us would know that such an exercise is taking place.

This is, in the very least a breach of parental rights. At worst this is a violation of privacy and decency laws.

What’s far more terrifying is that this exercise, and most likely worse, is taking place in public schools across the country. Funded by our tax dollars these sex-ed classes are telling our kids, as young as Kindergarten in some states, to become sexually active now, experiment sexually (homosexuality, bi-sexuality), and if something happens and a girl becomes pregnant abortion is the answer.

This immoral worldview is being pushed on our kids many times without parental consent or knowledge. And in some states, such as California, parents can’t even opt their kids out of sex-ed classes.

If you think this is bad, wait, it’s going to get worse. Already efforts are underway for public schools to partner with groups like GLAAD, GLSEN, and Planned Parenthood to be the primary teachers of sexuality to students. This will include a celebration of immorality such as homosexuality, bi-sexuality, and transgenderism. This will also include the degradation of traditional marriage and the celebration of same-sex “marriage,” polyamory, and polygamy. And because Planned Parenthood is involved you can bet abortion will be at the center as the solution to all “problems.” These classes will be made mandatory for every student from Kindergarten through high-school. Parents won’t be notified because they will be deemed essential, or a civil right. There will be no ability for parents to opt their kids out.

Parents that send their kids to public school without paying attention to what they’re being taught are failing in their duty to protect their kids. They are failing in their duty to teach and train their kids. They are failing their kids.


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