The Reformed Advisor

Month: February 2015

Are Atheists Right? Is It God’s Fault the World is a Terrible Place?

Posted on February 10, 2015 in Theology by

I’m fascinated by atheists. How can I not be fascinated by someone who spends a great deal of effort and energy refuting someone they don’t believe exists?

It would be as if I said “this chair I’m sitting in does not exist,” and then spent the next 2 hours lecturing you about why doesn’t exist, the silliness of believing it does exist, and all the whole pointing to the chair that I don’t believe exists. And yet this is, in my opinion, what many – if not all – atheists do.

Some of the world’s most brilliants atheists are also some of the most educated theologians. Though they seek to discredit the Bible and theology and prove that God doesn’t exist, they certainly know a lot. I can think of no other person that proves more clearly that knowledge does not equal wisdom or relationship than atheists.

Update: West Virginia Legislature Advances Bill to Ban Abortion

Posted on February 9, 2015 in Life by

I recently wrote about the intentions of the West Virginia legislature to reintroduce a bill to ban abortion after 20 weeks during this year’s legislative session.

This is important for several reasons. First, West Virginia is one of just nine states that has absolutely no restrictions on abortion; none. A woman can have an abortion the day she is due to deliver her baby and no one would say a word. If that is not shocking check your moral pulse. Somehow, despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of West Virginians are pro-life, our lawmakers have never tried to defend the unborn. This bill would change that.

Another reason this is important is because it protects the most helpless citizens of our state. Those that can’t speak for themselves, can’t fight back, would be protected from an awful death. Most people have never seen an abortion and if they did, they’d look away. It’s nothing short of torture. Pieces are pulled out and oftentimes entire babies are pulled out and left to die. That’s not a practice we want happening in our state.

Last, the body of evidence showing that unborn children can feel pain at 20 weeks is growing exponentially. Only the most callous, science-denying person would dare challenge the notion that unborn children at 20 weeks can feel pain. That makes abortion murder AND torture.

Though the bill was passed last year, our “pro-life” governor vetoed it because he was advised it was “unconstitutional.” I guess the other dozen states that have similar laws on the books and have seen those laws withstand judicial challenge are just better than West Virginia. Or maybe facts are pesky things that just get in the way. Either way, the bill is advancing this year (HB2568) and will no doubt pass the legislature with another bi-partisan majority. The difference this time is that should Go.v Tomblin veto it, there is a very good chance the legislature will have the votes to override the veto and see the bill signed into law. We should be praying for such an end. Then West Virginia would join the other 40-some states that have at least one abortion limiting law on the books.

Why Does Having a Gay Kid Change a Parents Theology?

Posted on February 5, 2015 in Marriage, Sexuality by

A headline caught my attention a couple of weeks ago. The headline reads “Evangelicals with gay children challenge church.” Being an active participant in the effort to strengthen marriage and convey the biblical definition and image of marriage God designed to the next generation, I couldn’t help but read the article.

The story is about parents, Rob and Linda Robertson, whose 12-year old son Ryan told them he was gay. The Robertson’s sought o help their son by loving him, seeking counseling for him, and through church participation. Sadly though, at age 18, after a six year battle that eventually led to drug use, Ryan overdosed and died.

What strikes me about this story is not the circumstances, the Robertson’s story is one of many that are very similar. (That is a tragic reality of our culture.) Instead, I am struck by the Robertson’s response. They are seeking to help the church change the way it responds to evangelical kids that come out as gay. In essence, the Robertson’s want Christian parents to affirm their kids’ homosexual lifestyle.

Linda Robertson recently said:

West Virginia Lawmakers Ready to Override Governor Veto – If Necessary

Posted on February 4, 2015 in Life by

West Virginia did something historic last fall when citizens of the state changed the color of the legislature from blue to red. It has been 80 years since Republicans had a majority voice in the state house. But citizens made their displeasure with current leadership clear when many Democratic incumbents were ousted in favor of Republican challengers. The same trend carried to federal races where two long-time Democratic congressional seats were won by Republicans.

After this historic “West Virginia Red Wave” the question on everyone’s mind was “will Republicans take advantage of this opportunity and actually do something?”

It seems the answer to that question is becoming clearer concerning one of the most pressing issues in our state.

West Virginia is one of just 9 states that have absolutely no abortion laws. An unborn child can be aborted up to the moment of birth for any reason in the state of West Virginia despite the fact that most of our residents identify as pro-life. The fact that ur state is primarily pro-life can also be seen in the fact that most of our elected officials are pro-life; even many among the Democratic party. West Virginians value life.

But last year when a bi-partisan majority in the state legislature passed our version of the pain capable unborn child protection act, our “pro-life” governor vetoed it. Gov. Tomblin said simply that he thought it was unconstitutional and therefore vetoed it.

Seriously!? Pastor Sues Michigan for the Right to Marry Homosexuals

Posted on February 3, 2015 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

A Detroit “pastor” is suing the state of Michigan claiming infringement on his religious freedom. That’s becoming an increasingly normal headline. The problem with that headline in this case is the damage this “pastor” is causing to marriage and the Gospel.

Neil Patrick Carrick was a “pastor” with the United Church of Christ. This is, presumably, a quasi-denomination not serious about being true to the Gospel or God’s design for marriage. Mr. Carrick – because I really have a hard time referring to him as pastor – believes in same-sex “marriage” and wants the freedom to marry homosexuals in his church. Carrick not only wants the freedom to marry homosexuals but also to marry people in polygamous relationships as well.

Carrick recently commented that laws defining marriage between one man and one woman result in the state engaging in “the disparate treatment” of gays, lesbians and “plural relationships.”

Did You See This Awesome Super Bowl Commercial?

Posted on February 2, 2015 in Life by

Maybe in all the excitement of the Super Bowl you missed this commercial. It is well worth taking a minute to watch to be reminded that every life counts, and that parents and kids are on this crazy journey together. Nothing more needs to be said, just watch the video.

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