The Reformed Advisor

Month: September 2015

Why Do Christians Accept Ideas That Are Unbiblical?

Posted on September 8, 2015 in Marriage, Sexuality by

At one time our Founders sought refuge from government persecution for their religious convictions. They left their homes to establish a place where people could freely live out their faith in every aspect of their life. What is happening today is a return to that same government persecution that our Founders desperately wanted to leave behind.

One area this seems most apparent is in the effort to force Christians to accept homosexuality and same-sex “marriage.” Sure, there may have been a goal of simply seeing this lifestyle legitimized and legalized; but that appears now to have been a precursor for the larger goal of forcing every person to accept and celebrate it. But there can now be no doubt that seeking simple “equality” is a long forgotten idea. And the rhetoric we were fed that “no one would be affected” was nothing more than a well-rehearsed talking point in a carefully crafted campaign.

A statement in an article from a couple months ago echoes what, I believe, many Americans are thinking:

Planned Parenthood Says Only 3% of Their Services is Abortion. This Infographic Proves That’s A Lie!

Posted on September 7, 2015 in Life by

The infographic below details the fact that despite claims from Planned Parenthood that abortion makes up only 3% of their services, the reality is far more gruesome. What makes the PP claim so curious is that they constantly trumpet abortion as a “woman’s right,” something to be celebrated. if that’s the case, why lie about how many abortions they do? Why hide the fact that 30% of their services are abortions? It makes me wonder if there is something more they are hiding. Take a look at the info-graphic to see just how many abortions Planned Parenthood performs and how much money they are profiting from it.

Happiness Is The Day Planned Parenthood No Longer Exists

Posted on September 2, 2015 in Life by

You know what makes me happy? Planned Parenthood having a really bad day makes me extremely happy. When Planned Parenthood loses state funding, gets sued, has the truth exposed throughout the media (which rarely happens thanks to a liberal media); those events make me happy.

Why am I so happy when Planned Parenthood has a bad day?

The answer is simply that when Planned Parenthood has a bad day it means unborn children will live.

For all their claims that Planned Parenthood cares about women and seeks to improve “women’s health care,” the truth is that they care about nothing more than killing babies and making money. The undercover videos that have been released over the last few weeks have proven that over and over again as the conversation surrounds money and “volume.”

In fact, in the latest video the CEO of StemExpress, a biotech company that gets aborted baby body parts from Planned Parenthood, says they contract with Planned Parenthood because “they’re a volume institution.” This makes clear that the reputation Planned Parenthood has around the country is for the number of abortions they perform each year, nothing more. No one thinks of Planned Parenthood when they think of quality health care – their facilities are frequently cited for being filthy. No one thinks of PP when they think of community service – they are situated in minority neighborhoods to pretty on unsuspecting minority women in accordance with the racist beliefs of their founder Margaret Sanger.

Christians Should Not Be Smug About the Ashley Madison Website Hack

Posted on September 1, 2015 in Marriage by

I’m sure many people were glad when the cheating website Ashley Madison was hacked and the identity of its users was revealed. I know I was. I thought “serves people right.” But very quickly the depth of hurt inflicted on many families across the country became very real to me and my initial happiness was turned to sorrow for the hurting families.

I think there is a tendency among Christians to assume that the only people that use such websites as Ashley Madison are contemptuous people that deserve whatever happens when they are finally exposed. What we tend to forget is that many of the users are friends, neighbors, and pastors.

The people who signed up for the cheating website are not just anonymous men and women with no families, reputations or careers. They are husbands and fathers, wives and mothers, deacons, elders, and pastors. The extent of hurt and heartache inflicted by this single act may never truly be known. But one thing is for sure, no one should be laughing.

Consider, according to Christian culture analyst Ed Stetzer, roughly 400 pastors, elders, and deacons resigned their position on Sunday. We may be tempted to think that a good thing, that they should not be allowed to serve. Whether that’s true or not remains to be seen. But what about the churches? If that number is correct then 400 churches just lost key leaders. And with a shortage of qualified leaders already causing issues among churches, the enemy, Satan, is surely smiling.


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