I am a follower of Jesus Christ, husband, and father. I seek to provide advice on everything from budgeting and debt reduction to family and homeschooling; as well as living simply and wrestling with big theological and cultural issues.
As the son of a preacher I grew up in the church. While I don’t believe the church is perfect – primarily because it is composed of sinful people – I do believe it holds great value. That value is in teaching people how to view life through a biblical lens rather than relying on arbitrary measures. The transcendent truth of Scripture has profound wisdom that can heal much of the hurt in our society today.
I went to Liberty University where I earned an Associates degree in biblical studies. From there I moved to West Virginia to serve at a church with my dad and brother. While at the church I continued my education through Trinity Theological Seminary where I earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. I hope to complete an MDiv or doctoral program in a ministry field one day.
While serving with my dad and brother I married Bonnie. Why she decided to marry me is still a mystery, but I am eternally thankful for her. We have three kids, Judah, Esther, and Asher. Learning to be a biblical husband and father makes studying Greek and theology seem like child’s play.
I’ve enjoyed a very full ministry experience. I had the privilege of leading a praise band for nearly a decade. My passion for playing music is still unsatisfied. God has blessed me with the ability to play guitar, piano, drums and bass guitar and I seek to use those talents for Him. I’ve also done graphic design, marketing, discipleship, outreach, community service projects, Sunday school teacher, administrator, and Family Pastor. I find my hunger to learn and teach God’s Word grows.
I started blogging in 2008 with no idea of what I was doing. I’ve learned a lot over the years and have been blessed to meet people from all over the country that read and share my articles. It is humbling to know articles I write reach many corners and impact people. I strive to be a biblically based writer that infuses theology and Scripture into everything I write.
I enjoy healthy, robust conversation. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me all the time, but I do expect the conversation to be civil and respectful. If you cannot discuss and comment with respect you will be removed from the conversation. While tolerance is often emphasized in our society, true tolerance – the ability to respect the right for people to hold divergent views – has been lost.
Thanks for reading, commenting, and conversing. I pray that this site and the interactions herein bring glory to Jesus and spread his fame, name, and Gospel.