Category: Home School
VIDEO: Mom Destroys Common Core in 3 Minutes
Posted on January 20, 2014 in Home School, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
I’ve had a lot of conversations about Common Core lately. Unfortunately many parents don’t know how dangerous this once-size-fits-all attempt at education really is. Not onyl does Common Core dumb down America’s academic standards, it removes parents are the primary educator of children and replaces them with government. And don’t get me started on the complete lack of morals hidden in Common Core.
If you don’t know much about Common Core I encourage you to do some home work. Most states have implemented it, but many are now backing out because they see how absurdly awful it truly is.
Watch the video below of a mother in Arkansas that went to her school board and absolutely destroyed Common Core with one single math problem in less than three minutes. If this math problem from Common Core doesn’t give you an idea of how inadequate these “standards” really are, it might be time to head back to school.
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