The Reformed Advisor

Category: Marriage

Government Gone Wild: Will West Virginia Be the Next State to Fall to Judicial Activism?

Posted on February 17, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy by

I recently wrote about the trend of attorney’s general refusing to defend the laws of the states that elected them to defend their laws. I commented that this trend was accelerated by President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder refusing to defend DOMA. Once the president starts deciding which laws he will and will not defend it is just a matter of time before everyone else decides they can do it too.

Over the last year we’ve seen numerous attorney’s general decide not to defend state laws, while activist judges decide to strike down other laws. The latest in this trend comes from Kentucky where a judge said the state must recognize foreign gay marriages from other states. His declaration is in violation of Kentucky law, but that didn’t stop the judge from deciding to strike down the law and rewrite it according to his opinion. He reportedly ruled:

Without Morality Based Laws Sexual “Rights” Become Foundation of Society

Posted on February 13, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy, Sexuality by

If morality is not absolute, based on something higher than society, culture, or opinion, it is only reasonable to assume that at some point laws will be based purely on the views of the people making the laws. The end result will be a shift in laws toward greater immorality rather than a shift towards morality. We can expect, then, not a redefinition of marriage, but a complete eradication of marriage altogether. As long as marriage exists, even in the minds and hearts of individuals, the perceived bigotry and discrimination the government likes to imagine will continue. The solution, then, according to the government and marriage redefinition allies, is to erase any meaning associated with marriage and family.

Churches Are Now Being Sued for Discrimination

Posted on February 12, 2014 in Marriage by

My friend Joseph Backholm of the Family Policy Institute of Washington has written an article that is simply too good and poignant not to share.

Many have sat on the sidelines of the marriage battle hoping to outlast the attacks. But, as Backholm writes, they are now suing churches in Washington for “discrimination” while the United Nations demands the Catholic church change sacred teaching on sexuality. If that does’t wake you up and cause alarm at how dire the situation is then I question your sanity and coherence.

Read Joseph’s article below and reconsider your “hands off” position. If you continue to take this position you might find yourself in jail anyways, sitting next to the guy who fought on the front lines.

Washington: Now They’re Suing Churches

by Joseph Backholm

Recently, Eastside Catholic High School caused an uproar when they dismissed their vice-principal who entered a same-sex “marriage” in violation of church teaching.

In a story that could have implications for this case, as well as for churches everywhere, last week the Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD) filed a complaint against a Catholic girl’s prep school which refused to hire a man who is “married” to another man.

State Lawmakers MIA in Battle to Redefine Marriage in West Virginia

Posted on February 10, 2014 in Marriage by

Not surprisingly the battle to redefine marriage in West Virginia has been kept relatively quiet. Most people, I would venture, don’t even know there is a challenge to our state’s DOMA law currently pending in federal court. The ability to keep “we the people” out of the loop regarding these critical issues is a tactic liberals employ as often as possible.

Nonetheless the effort to redefine marriage for all Mountaineers is being waged by Lambda Legal, a LGBT rights organization, on behalf of three same-sex couples. A federal judge ruled last week that the lawsuit against West Virginia’s ban on homosexual “marriage” may proceed.

Complementarianism: A Biblical Model of Marriage

Posted on February 4, 2014 in Marriage by

I could spend a lot of time talking about biblical gender roles. In fact, I spent over a year studying them before compiling a teaching outline and writing a number of articles on the subject. I believe the Bible lays out specific responsibilities and guidelines for men and women if they desire to be a biblical husband/father and wife/mother.

Disney Show for Kids Features Lesbian Couple

Posted on February 3, 2014 in Marriage by

The Disney kids show “Good Luck Charlie” recently featured a lesbian couple in an episode that some loved and others did not. The episode featured the “parents” of one of Charlie’s friends that happen to be two women.

What is most concerning to me was actually articulated by Miley Cyrus as she praised Disney for the episode. She tweeted:

‘I commend Disney for making this step into the light of this generation. They control…so much of what kids think!

Ding ding! That’s the point. Disney has significant influence in the lives of children. To promote homosexuality to young kids watching this show isn’t appropriate. This is a subject parents ought to be discussing with their kids when the parents are ready. Sensitive subject matter such as this should not be forced into homes because Disney wants to make a political statement. Disney has now played their hand and let everyone know where they stand on this issue. I suppose we will see Disney advocate for marriage redefinition in the near future, perhaps with a new animated movie featuring two princesses.

What If I Decided to Ignore the Law Like President Obama?

Posted on January 29, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy by

A disturbing trend is taking place across the nation regarding marriage laws. We are seeing more frequently a refusal on the part of elected officials to defend marriage laws, even those put in place as a result of a vote of the people. Working from where we are right now, backwards, the troubling trend has a specific starting point.

Just last week the newly elected attorney general of Virginia said he would not uphold his state’s ban on same-sex “marriage.” Mark Herring said he “cannot and will not” defend a law that he believes is unconstitutional. Virginia’s ban on same-sex “marriage” is set to be challenged in court very soon by tow homosexual couples. So this decision by Herring is timely and will require legal scrambling on the part of the state.

Has Feminism Helped or Hurt Our Daughters?

Posted on January 17, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

I’ve always thought that feminism was an effort perpetrated by a few really angry, hurt women to get otherwise happy women to become angry and hurt. Of course I’m thankful that certain unjust inequities were righted; such as voting. But to me it seems the overall point of feminism has been not to achieve equality, but superiority over men. Since the movement began it has seemingly lost roots in mere equality and rights and instead sought to elevate the worth of women over that of men in a perceived battle of dominance.

Perhaps no other aspect of society has been more impacted by feminism than that of sexuality.

The Definition of Marriage is More Than A Defintion

Posted on January 10, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

The definition of marriage is not just an arbitrary conglomeration of words with no meaning. But that is exactly what those seeking to redefine marriage are trying to make it. Opponents of traditional marriage believe the definition is too narrow and exclusive, so they are seeking to broaden the definition in order to be more inclusive.

The problem is that by broadening the definition of marriage, these self-titled liberals and progressives would also erase any actual or perceived definition of marriage. Marriage is inherently the union of one man and one woman for one lifetime. For example, the Webster online dictionary defines marriage thus:

West Virginia: Attack on Marriage Intensifies

Posted on January 4, 2014 in Marriage by

In case you didn’t know already, a lawsuit has been brought to challenge West Virginia’s DOMA law. The warning that having just a DOMA law and not a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman was sounded long ago. Many West Virginian’s spoke up to say they wanted to exercise their right to vote on such a constitutional amendment. But our elected lawmakers refused to give us the right to vote and have ever since held our own state constitution hostage from us.

While they held our constitution hostage they told us repeatedly that marriage in West Virginia was safe, but that if anyone ever challenged our DOMA law that they would be the first to take up the fight to defend it. Well, this lawsuit was first filed in October of 2013. Have you heard one peep from a single lawmaker about it or the need to defend marriage? Me neither. But Lambda Legal is moving full steam ahead with their lawsuit and has recently asked for summary judgment in favor of their case:


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