The Reformed Advisor

The Faith of Chip and Joanna Gaines Makes Them (And Us) “Cultural Heretics”

Posted on December 21, 2016 in Marriage, Sexuality, Theology by

Chip & Joanna GainesThe hit piece on Chip and Joanna Gaines, hosts of HGTV’s “Fixer upper,” highlights a new low in American journalism and tolerance.

You probably saw the article a couple of weeks ago decrying the fact that Chip and Joanna Gaines attend a church where they teach that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. The now infamous hit piece by BuzzFeed lamented that this very popular TV couple are conservative, Christian Americans that believe in traditional marriage.

This personal attack on the Gaines has much to teach us about the new reality we live in as part of the sexual and moral revolution.

If you’re not familiar with the story, here’s a short recap from a recent article:

“In what can only be described as a politically-motivated witch hunt, BuzzFeed posted a non-story about how the fan-favorites attend a church where it’s apparently news that the pastor preaches straight out of the Bible. In her hit piece (disguised as journalism), author Kate Aurthur implies that Chip and Joanna may be hateful people for attending a church that has the nerve to believe what Scripture says! “So are the Gaineses against same-sex marriage? And would they ever feature a same-sex couple on the show, as have HGTV’s ‘House Hunters’ and ‘Property Brothers?’” Continue reading…

Here’s 2 Ways to Get on a Solid Financial Path

Posted on December 20, 2016 in Public Policy by

Piggy Bank SavingsThis time of year gets people thinking about money, not spending too much, saving money, and having enough money. It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

More money will be spent during this time of year than any other. Between Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas, there is a lot of money flying around. And, as people eagerly cross items off their Christmas shopping list, it causes many people to think about their financial position.

It might surprise you to know just how many people don’t have a budget. Or, maybe that won’t be surprising at all. As a financial professional, I regularly ask people about their budget only to have them look at me sheepishly and say they don’t have one. It’s a problem that spans generations. From people in their 20’s to people preparing to retire, there is a lot of people that don’t have a budget.

What I tell most people is that without a budget you are almost guaranteed to spend more than you make. Without knowing exactly what comes in and what goes out, you will eventually spend more than you make. But, the good news is that there is a few simple ways to ensure that you don’t overspend. Continue reading…

Why I’m a Reformed Christian (Part 3)

Posted on December 15, 2016 in Theology by

Five SolasNow that I’ve shared some of the aspects of reformed theology and my experience with the Baptist church, I want to talk a little about the reformed churches I’ve been a part of and the difference I see in them.

The churches I’ve had the pleasure of being part of that adhere to reformed theology are some of the most biblically sound, Gospel centered, theologically literate, biblically literate, missions minded churches I’ve ever seen. Everything from their polity to their worship is unlike anything I’ve ever known growing up. The emphasis on prayer, the focus on Jesus and the Gospel, the call to repent, the reminder to study, the community engagement, it’s the church I’ve looked for my whole life.

One of the things I’ve appreciated about reformed churches and theology is their willingness to keep “the main things the main thing.” They do not argue over non-essentials. They focus on the Gospel and its power to change people’s lives and allow freedom on non-essentials. That’s precisely what the scriptures call us to. We are not to tout “the traditions of man as though they are doctrine” (Matt. 7:7-13) as the Pharisees did. And this group, unlike any other I’ve known, emphasizes and lives this out. The Baptist churches I’ve known are so legalistic that if you disagree on a non-essential you are labeled a heretic of sorts. “How dare you not adhere to a pre-millennial, pre-tribulation view of the rapture. You’re wrong!” Well, the truth is that regardless of what you believe about the rapture, it doesn’t change whether you are a Christian. So, in truth, it doesn’t matter. Sure, it’s good to know what you believe and understand it. But having a “proper” view of the rapture doesn’t save you, or un-save you. So if someone wants to believe that there’s no literal 7-year tribulation, that’s ok, we are still brothers in Christ and can fellowship and worship under the same roof. Continue reading…

Why I’m a Reformed Christian (Part 2)

Posted on December 14, 2016 in Theology by

Five SolasNow that we’ve looked at some of the myths of reformed theology, I want to comment on my experience in the Baptist church. This will be helpful in contrasting my previous and current church experience.

In my personal experience with Baptists, I have found some of the most shallow, biblically illiterate, mean-spirited, lukewarm people I’ve ever encountered. People that are prideful simply because they are Baptist. An accusation often hurled at reformed Christians. And I should know, I was one of them. An arrogant, prideful person that took pride in my theological knowledge when I was, in reality, a miserable wretch. In reformed theology I found a theological depth, a Gospel centered theology that reminds me of my sin and encourages me to die to myself each and every day. I found an understanding of the Gospel that daily calls me to the cross to confess my sin, be accountable, and die. I found a theology that reminds me that I can do nothing to earn my salvation (my works are worthless) and that I must rely on the finished work of Jesus both now and every day forward. My understanding of the Gospel and my ability to communicate it is infinitely greater now, thanks to the Gospel focus of reformed theology, than it has been in my entire life. Continue reading…

Why I’m a Reformed Christian (Part 1)

Posted on December 13, 2016 in Theology by

The Five SolasAfter several years of study I’m stepping out of the Arminian closet and into the Reformed light.

Several years ago a friend challenged me to read the book of Romans in a way I had never considered. I had been studying reformed theology and was interested in learning more so he encouraged me to read Romans with reformed theology in mind. For a month I read through the book multiple times considering the tenets of reformed theology.

That month would change my theology.

Though I grew up Baptist, went to a Baptist college, and had held to Arminian theology for my entire life, God was working to teach me in ways I have never experienced.

Reformed theology, also known as Calvinism, is a theology that places high priority on the sovereignty of God and His will and good purposes in salvation. The main tenets of reformed theology are often referred to as T.U.L.I.P:

The Total depravity of man
Unconditional election
Limited atonement
Irresistible grace
Perseverance of the saints

There is not enough time or room to properly explain these points in detail. But you can click here for a more robust discussion of these points. The very short summary of these points is that reformed theology believes that God, in eternity past, decided who will and will not be saved according to His own sovereign plan and purpose. This is known as predestination, and those that are saved are called the elect. Those predestined to be elect are so based on God’s foreknowledge and sovereignty. Continue reading…

GrubHub CEO Doesn’t Want to Do Business with Trump Supporters and I Support Him

Posted on December 8, 2016 in Religious Freedom by

GrubHub CEO

GrubHub CEO Matt Maloney

Do employers have the right to tell customers with an opposing political view not to do business with their company?

After the election of Donald Trump a number of CEO’s made it clear that Trump-supporters are not welcome at their companies. This article shares the reactions by several CEO’s at various companies’ that decided it was a good idea to tell Trump supporters that they are not welcome at their company.

Now, I’m all for the first amendment rights of these owners making it clear where they stand. And, I fully support their right to do business with whomever they choose. I’m also supportive of their right to refuse to do business with anyone they want. Business owners should have the right to adhere to their conscience and convictions, and should not be forced to conduct business that would violate those convictions.

So, if doing business with a Trump supporter is morally objectionable, or, would violate a business owner’s convictions, that business owner should have the right to refuse to do business with that person. Just as a baker should not be forced to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding in violation of the baker’s religious freedom and deeply held convictions.

However, I’m also supportive of the right of people to decide where they will spend their hard earned money. In the case of GrubHub, this lesson in free-market economics is only starting to sink in. Continue reading…

VIDEO: The Holiness of God Explained

Posted on December 6, 2016 in Theology by

What do you know about the holiness of God? I’m sure you’ve heard about holiness. Anyone that has attended church for even a short period of time has heard of holiness. Despite hearing about it, sometimes for years, many people are not quite sure what holiness is or how to explain it.

The video below is an animated illustration of God’s holiness. It is a visual depiction of holiness in a way that clearly communicates the truth of Scripture.

This theological theme, God’s holiness, is central to our life as Christians. Understanding God’s holiness and why He commanded us to “be holy for I am holy” is important for our spiritual growth. Being able to understand and explain God’s holiness is essential for understanding the world around us and why we view events differently than people that don’t know Jesus.

Take a few minutes and watch this video, and share it. You will gain a better understanding of one of the most essential, yet misunderstood aspects of God in all of scripture.

Planned Parenthood Empire Could Come Tumbling Down Under President Trump

Posted on December 1, 2016 in Life by

defund-planned-parenthoodThe election of Trump coupled with a Republican House and Senate could mean the end of taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. That is something Republicans and Democrats can support.

Last year a Republican controlled House and Senate passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood of all taxpayer money. This was a bi-partisan bill that had overwhelming support in Congress. And yet, President Obama vetoed the bill and sent more than $500 million dollars to the abortion merchant.

The American people are tired of funding Planned Parenthood. Republicans and Democrats alike say that tax money should not be used to fund a “non-profit” organization that profits from killing babies. But Planned Parenthood doesn’t just profit from killing babies, they actively seek to kill the unborn so they can sell their body parts. It’s as gruesome and evil as it sounds.

However, with the election of Donald Trump, a self-professed pro-life president, and the strong bi-partisan support for defunding Planned Parenthood in Congress, this year could be different. Continue reading…

This is What Happens When You Grow Up Believing “Everyone’s a Winner”

Posted on November 29, 2016 in Public Policy by

Trump ProtestThe “participation trophy” generation shows their true colors in the wake of Trump being elected.

After it became clear that Donald Trump would be elected the next president of the United States, millennial’s reacted in the only way they know how: they threw a big old temper tantrum. In fact, the temper tantrum is still going on as they march down streets, cites, and college campuses. This tantrum has revealed several things that were merely speculation before the election.

First, this tantrum reveals that many Trump supporters were right. Many people across the country (even Democrats) supported Trump because they are tired of the elitist obnoxiousness from the liberals of the country. People in the heartland of the country are tired of being berated and demeaned for adhering to their traditional values and convictions. As violent and angry protesters throw their highly public tantrum and call Trump voters racist, bigoted, misogynist, and any other liberal moniker that crosses their mind, it validates the underlying reasons many people voted for Trump.

The truth, and this will be hard for the “participation trophy” kids to understand, is that many people voted for Trump simply to oppose Hillary Clinton. It wasn’t because she is a woman; it is because of her policies. She was the most pro-abortion candidate in history. Much of American is pro-life. Clinton showed little concern with the safety of our country. She promised to put coal workers out of business (it’s like she’s never been to West Virginia or Pennsylvania). Clinton was under FBI investigation for several reasons and has, for years, ignored the law simply because of her political position. America was tired of the Clinton’s. Continue reading…

How Do You Define Parent and Family?

Posted on November 23, 2016 in Family, Sexuality by

FamilyWords have meaning. The cultural war we are engaged in at the moment seeks to redefine words and threatens to remove all meaning from these words, and the relationships these words define.

Juliet once said:

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.”

The now famous quote penned by William Shakespeare is a concise commentary on our culture. Within our culture are those that seek to redefine words so that they lose all meaning. Words like tolerance are understood to mean one thing when, in reality, they mean something else entirely. (Consult an older version of the dictionary of you’re confused.)

One of the words under constant attack of redefinition is the word “family.” It has been understood for centuries that a family is composed of a husband/father, wife/mother, and their children. Of course we understand that there is ‘extended family” composed of grandparents, aunt’s, uncles, and cousins. But for the most part we’ve understood the family to be a very narrow description.

In order to be a parent you either have to be part of the biological process that created a child, or you have to formally adopt a child. Outside of those two methods there is not a way to be considered a parent and few would admit any legal right or parenthood to a person not taking part in one of those two methods. Continue reading…


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