One of the Most Honest Post-Election Statements You NEED to Read
Posted on November 22, 2016 in Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
In the wake of the election that saw Donald trump upset the Clinton political machine, stunned media outlets tried to make sense of it all. One of the most honest, and accurate statements about why Hillary Clinton lost the election came from a CNN anchor.
The liberal media took a beating during the 2016 election and in the days immediately following. How did they get it so wrong? How could they possibly have so underestimated Donald Trump and the outcome of the election? Fingers started pointing and tongues began wagging as accusations against each other began to fly. But in the midst of the confusion the pundits and talking heads were going through, one statement helps make it all make sense.
John King, host of the show “Inside Politics” on CNN made the following clarifying statement that should bring every liberal to reflection and encourage most Americans: Continue reading…
Apps and Books to Help Plan Your Financial Future
Posted on November 15, 2016 in Family by Nathan Cherry
So you’ve decided you need to get your financial house in order. You see the need to save for emergencies, future purchases, and retirement. Now that you’re ready to take those important steps, you’re wondering where to start and what to do first. With such an important task before you it’s necessary to make sure you do it right.
I suggest starting with a budget. The foundation of any successful financial strategy is a budget. You can’t know how much to save or where to save if you don’t know how much money is coming in and how much is going out each month. A budget is nothing more than a detailed list of your income and your expenses. You can start by simply making a list on a piece of paper showing how much you bring home each month, and how you pay out for things like cable, cell phone, food, gas, and car insurance. It’s a simplified version of a budget, but it’s a great place to start on your journey to financial freedom.
To help with your budget task I suggest checking out some of the latest budget apps for your smart phone. A recent article reviewed two of the latest budget apps and it’s probably a good place to start. You can check out this app, or this one. The thing about these apps that is different than the old-school budget is that they are connected to your checking account and credit card. So these apps know exactly how much you are spending the moment you spend it. That’s some quality accountability. Continue reading…
Popular Christian Author: God is Ok with LGBT Relationships So the Church Needs to Accept Them
Posted on November 9, 2016 in Marriage, Sexuality, Theology by Nathan Cherry
The statements of a Christian author that caused her books to be removed from LifeWay stores is worth studying and understanding theologically.
Popular Christian author Jen Hatmaker recently had her books pulled from the largest Christian bookstore in the country for her statements supporting same-sex relationships. It’s become commonplace in our society to hear of Christians “evolving” on this issue and voicing their support for what the Bible calls sin. It almost seems expected for popular pastors, authors, speakers, and religious personalities to tickle the ears of the masses with this “conviction” that didn’t exist ten years ago.
A brief statement by Hatmaker bears significant theological problems and is worth looking at to understand why her view is not in line with what the Bible teaches. She said:
“From a civil rights and civil liberties side and from just a human being side, any two adults have the right to choose who they want to love. And they should be afforded the same legal protections as any of us. I would never wish anything less for my gay friends. Continue reading…
If You’re Wondering Where to Start Saving for Retirement – Look At This
Posted on November 8, 2016 in Family by Nathan Cherry
This post will be a little different from most of my usual postings. However, the topic is as important as any other. In fact, perhaps no topic is more personal and critical to our every day lives. And yet it’s one topic many American struggle with and rarely seek help with.
The topic is money.
Money is something we need every day. We pay our bills, buy food, and provide shelter for our families with money. There is virtually no part of our lives that money doesn’t touch. And yet, many people struggle with managing and saving money.
The need for saving money is critical to everyone and yet it seems to be a constant struggle. Few people know about the options available to them for saving money. This is reflected in shocking statistics like 6 out of 10 Americans have less than $25,000 saved for retirement. Every person hopes to retire one day and still so many find it hard to save for that day. Continue reading…
More Resources for Parents Seeking to Raise Godly Kids in a Sinful World
Posted on November 2, 2016 in Family, Theology by Nathan Cherry
Last week I posted a few resources for Christian parents to help in raising their kids in the “fear and admonition of the Lord.” I found those resources very helpful for me, personally, as I seek to raise my kids in the Gospel. So, when I came across more resources to help with this holy task, I wanted to share them as well.
Take a look at some of the articles below to learn more about cultivating the Gospel in your kids, the importance of your presence, and how to avoid “provoking your children to wrath.” There’s even a couple of videos at the end of the list that I think are very helpful (the first video is a beautiful animated YouTube song depicting the Gospel.) I hope these are a blessing and encouragement to you as you seek to impart your faith to your children.
10 Tips for Leading Kids to Christ
“This is definitely not an article about “success, and how we have achieved it.” Rather, as the old adage goes, we are beggars telling other beggars where we have found some bread. If you are seeking to influence little ones toward Christ, you might find these ten tips helpful…2. Remember, you are responsible for your child’s spiritual formation, not your church, your pastor, or your children’s minister. Be faithful to teach them the Word, to shape their hearts, and, yes, to indoctrinate them. Even if your church is healthy enough to outsource your kid’s spiritual formation, do not do it. It is unbiblical, and it robs you of some of life’s greatest joys.” Continue reading…
Margaret Sanger: Planned Parenthood Founder Shares Racist Vision in Her Own Words
Posted on November 1, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
You might have missed the historic anniversary that took place recently. There was fanfare and celebration and the media even made sure to mention it. Sadly though, the celebration was over the millions of unborn babies killed by Planned Parenthood.
The 100th year of the world’s largest abortion merchant saw everyone from celebrities to politicians applaud and thank Planned Parenthood for their efforts in killing the unborn. Many people, however, have no idea that Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist woman that hated minorities and anyone that was different than herself.
Margaret Sanger was a first-class racist that had ties to the Klu Klux Klan and routinely wished that minorities could be exterminated. An article recently recounted some of her statements and writings. They are posted below so you can educate yourself, and share them with others in an effort to help people see the true intent behind Planned Parenthood and the push to abort the unborn.
In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble in 1939, Sanger wrote: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members” (Margaret Sanger commenting on the ‘Negro Project’ in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, December 10, 1939). Continue reading…
New Survey Proves People (Christians) Have No Clue What They’re Talking About
Posted on October 26, 2016 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
When more than half of people surveyed believe that “God accepts the worship of Christians, Jews, and Muslims,” it’s time to admit that theology has been ignored and needs reinstated to prominence in our churches.
It’s no secret that American Christians are uneducated. For years many voices have sounded the alarm that the shallow talks given each Sunday in American churches are harmful. That reality is more evident now than ever before.
Recently, LifeWay Research and Ligonier Ministries surveyed 3000 adults concerning the state of theology in America. The results are a glaring red flag that proves how uninformed and uneducated Americans are concerning theological issues. The researchers only identified about 20% of those they surveyed as evangelicals; many other respondents identified themselves as evangelical. That in itself is a problem.
(See the chart below to view the top 12 questions and answers from the survey.)
Among the problems discovered by the survey is that nearly 3 out of 4 people believe that they must contribute to their own salvation and that Jesus is the “first and greatest being created by God.” Continue reading…
Resources for Christian Parents Seeking to Raise Kids in a Sinful World
Posted on October 25, 2016 in Family, Theology by Nathan Cherry
As a parent that is deeply committee to imparting my faith to my children, I am always looking for resources to help. I am often overwhelmed by the task of sharing my faith with my kids, teaching them, and training them. I fail daily and need the wise counsel of those who have gone before me.
With that in mind, the following list is some helpful resources for everything from praying for your kids to taking them to church. There’s insight on answering kids’ biblical questions and tips for raising Godly kids. And, at the end is a list of books and other resources that can provide further support in your task as a parent of bringing the Gospel to your children. I hope this is a helpful list of resources that provide encouragement and support for you, mom and dad.
Why Require Unregenerate Children to Act Like They’re Good?
“Here are at least three reasons why Christian parents should require their small children (regenerate or unregenerate) to behave in ways that conform externally to God’s revealed will. I say “small children” because as a child gets older, there are certain external conformities to God’s revealed will that should be required and others that should not. It seems to me, for example, while parents should require drug-free, respectful decency from a 15-year-old, it would do little good to require an unbelieving and indifferent 15-year-old to read his Bible every day. But it would be wise to require that of a 6-year-old, while doing all we can to help him enjoy it and see the benefit in it.”
Seven Things to Pray for Your Children:
“Some years back a good friend shared with me seven Scripture texts that he and his wife prayed for their two daughters from the time they were infants. The girls are now grown. And it’s beautiful to see how God has (and still is) answering the faithful, specific prayers of faith-filled parents in the lives of these young, godly women. I have frequently used these prayers when praying for my children too. And I commend them to you (see below).” Continue reading…
A Baltimore Victory! And a Victory for Religious Freedom Too
Posted on October 19, 2016 in Life, Sexuality, Theology by Nathan Cherry
Federal judge makes a common sense ruling in allowing pro-life pregnancy centers to only advocate life.
It’s almost too absurd to consider. And yet, it’s a reality in our upside down social landscape. Baltimore City Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and the City Council sought to force pro-life pregnancy centers to advocate abortion. Mayor Blake an the City Council apparently are so committed to abortion in Baltimore that they are willing to force people fundamentally opposed to it to not only support it, but to help advertise it.
A recent article reports:
“Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and the City Council had moved to force the pro-life centers to post signs discouraging women from using their services and pointing them to abortion sellers…The ordinance is similar to laws now on the books in California and Illinois where Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys are working to protect crisis pregnancy centers from government overreach.”
This shows the desperation of the abortion movement as they lose ground to people that increasingly see the humanity of the unborn and want to see them protected. The last few years have seen more pro-life laws enacted on the state level than in any other time in our nation’s history. Since the Obama administration has done everything it can to protect Planned Parenthood and force abortion on the American people, states have taken the issue into their own hands and defended the unborn. Continue reading…