Obama Administration Bathroom Policy Blocked by Federal Judge
Posted on September 7, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
The Obama Administration is reeling after a federal judge in Texas blocked their mandate demanding that students be allowed to use the bathroom and locker room of their choice.
For some reason the Obama Administration thought it would be a good idea to let school students to use whatever bathroom and locker room they choose. This means that boys that “identify” as girls can use the girls’ facilities and vice versa. Anyone with a little common sense can clearly see what a bad decision and policy this is.
Texas, along with 12 other states agreed that such a decision is not safe for students. So a challenge to the mandate began as greater public outcry against the mandate continued. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor agreed with the challenge and blocked the mandate saying the Obama Administration did not follow the law in issuing the mandate. Specifically, the judge said the Obama Administration failed to give adequate notice of the impending law and allow for a comment period.
That means that for now, the mandate is blocked while the challenge moves forward.
Besides Texas, the other states taking part in the challenge are: Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Continue reading…
Summer Camp Experiment: Dissecting Aborted baby Brains
Posted on September 6, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
In this very short video clip, Dr. Paul Roth of the University of New Mexico Health Science Center admits that students at a summer camp dissected aborted baby brains.
The clip shows Dr. Roth admitting on camera that a faculty member obtained and used fetal brains in one of the summer workshops. Specifically, he states:
“Yes, we had a faculty member who obtained some tissue, and during one of these summer workshops, uh, dissected I think one or two fetal brains.”
A recent article on this deviant incident says that a House Select Panel has sent a letter to the New Mexico Attorney General recommending that the University of New Mexico and the supplier of the baby brains be charged with violating state and federal laws. The article states: Continue reading…
If Homosexuals Can Marry then a Mother and Son Should Be Allowed to Marry As Well
Posted on September 1, 2016 in Marriage, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
The story of a mother and son in New Mexico is getting much deserved attention. The very same arguments used to defend and legitimize homosexual “marriage” are now being used to defend and legitimize incest.
If you support homosexual “marriage,” you owe it to yourself to read what Matt Walsh says about a mother and son fighting for their right to “love” one another. All of the arguments used to defend and legitimize homosexual relationships and “marriage” are being used by the mother and son to defend and legitimize their incestuous relationship. And the things is: if you support the logic and reasoning used to defend homosexual “marriage” then you have no moral or legal ground to refuse to support incestuous relationships.
To prove that point, Walsh runs through the main arguments used to defend homosexual “marriage” and then applies them to incestuous relationships. Namely, he cites:
- It’s consensual
- It’s not hurting anyone
- Love is love
Looking over the arguments it would be hard to deny a mother and son the “right” to love and engage in a relationship. If these arguments can be used to legitimize homosexual relationships then there is no logical, moral, or legal reason to refuse to allow a mother and son the right to their relationship. Continue reading…
New study Says There’s No Evidence People Are Born in the Wrong Body
Posted on August 31, 2016 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
The effort to normalize transgenderism in our culture is in full swing. Men and women that believe they were “born in the wrong body” want to live as the opposite gender and want us to treat that decision as normal. Grown adults making the decision to live as the opposite gender is a disturbing reality.
But what about kids?
The fact that we have to even have a discussion about kids, many of them elementary aged kids, is heart breaking. Those that believe they were born in the wrong body and want to live as the opposite gender are confused, disturbed individuals in need of loving, compassionate help. They do not need encouragement. When it’s an adult in this situation, making such decisions, it’s one thing. When it is a child being encouraged into hormone treatments in order to support their confused decisions, it’s another thing entirely.
Recently, the American College of Pediatricians released a study on “Gender Dysphoria in Children.” The study has some important scientific conclusions regarding kids and transgenderism that need to be read by everyone. This is an important issue because it directly affects children. Adults are, in many ways, complicit in their decision to be transgender. Kids often don’t have the mental and emotional maturity to know what is happening and make the right decision. If the people they trust, parents, schoolteachers, encourage them to make a confused decision; it could impact the rest of their life. Continue reading…
Are You Familiar with these 99 Essential Doctrines of Christianity?
Posted on August 30, 2016 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
People trying to “build a bridge” will often say that “doctrine divides” and that we should focus on Jesus and love rather than any kind of doctrinal distinctives. The problem here is that doctrine is precisely what makes us evangelical Christians and not Muslim, or Mormon, or Buddhist. To ignore doctrine is to ignore who we are.
The claim that “doctrine divides” is accurate. Doctrine does give us distinction from other religions. Many false religions have their own unique set of doctrines that depict what they believe. The doctrine of the Bible is, for biblical Christians, the core and foundation of our beliefs. Without these essential doctrines there is nothing to separate biblical Christianity from the rest of the world’s religions.
If you’ve never seen The Gospel Project curriculum, it would be in your best interest to take a moment and review it. The prominent difference between The Gospel Project and other church curriculums is that it focuses on the essential doctrines of Scripture over a three-year period. The student will be taken on a theological trip through the Bible, highlighting critical doctrines such as the Bible, God, Creation, Sin, and Redemption.
Below is a list of some of the essential doctrines discussed in The Gospel Project. Take a minute and review the list. How many of these doctrines could you clearly communicate to someone if asked? This is just 20 of the 99 essential doctrines The Gospel Project studies. Consider looking deeper into this study if you are unfamiliar with these critical doctrines. Continue reading…
Islamic Leader Calls for “Right” of Polygamy to Be Recognized
Posted on August 24, 2016 in Marriage, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
What moral or legal ground could a government stand on to refuse to legalize polygamy?
As same-sex “marriage” became a cultural obsession in our country, polygamy advocates quietly stood in the shadows, waiting. They were waiting to see what the courts would do as they planned to take action in light of their decision. When the Supreme Court of the United States decided to create a constitutional right to same-sex “marriage” and legalize it, polygamy advocates rejoiced.
If the government decides that two men or two women have the right to be married, what possible legal or moral ground is there for the government to fall back on in refusing to legalize polygamy? That is the question that will soon be asked, and need to be answered.
The question is already being asked abroad.
In Italy, where same-sex “marriage” is legal, an Islamic leader is asking why the Italian government is refusing to acknowledge the “civil right” Muslims have to be in polygamous relationships. And he is using the very same arguments gay rights advocates used to seek the legalization of same-sex “marriage.” Continue reading…
Hillary Clinton Thinks “Religious Beliefs Have to be Changed” to Support Abortion
Posted on August 23, 2016 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Before you vote for Hillary Clinton, consider remarks she made in a speech saying that “religious beliefs” need to change in order to more fully encourage abortion in our culture.
A video, posted below, shares several clips of Clinton’s remarks on abortion which include her desire to see Planned Parenthood get more money, that unborn children don’t have any Constitutional rights, and that Roe v. Wade is settled law. One of the most disturbing comments she made though was that “religious beliefs…have to be changed.”
Just to be clear, Hillary Clinton supports abortion to such a radical degree that she wants those opposed to it based on their religious convictions to change their convictions. This shows how little Clinton knows about religious convictions, the Bible, and the theology that leads to being pro-life.
Clinton is under the impression that those with a theological, Biblical opposition to abortion (religious conviction) are making it up; that such people have just determined on their own to be pro-life. She has no understanding that we have understood the Bible to be pro-life and has called us to be pro-life in adherence to God’s Word. It’s God’s Word, His immutable, holy, eternal Word that asks us to respect every human life.
It is also the Bible that explains that life begins at conception. And the Bible says taking an innocent human life is murder. Therefore, taking the life of an unborn child (a human life) is murder. So the conviction that Christians adhere to is not one we made up, not one we can take or leave; it is the clear teaching of the Bible and we have no other recourse but to joyfully obey God’s Word.
Take a look at the video and see Clinton’s comments for yourself. Before you make the decision to vote for her consider if you can support her position on abortion. It is as critical and central an issue as any.
School Tells Girl She Can’t Use Boys Bathroom – Court Agrees. For Now.
Posted on August 18, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
A potential landmark case is brewing in Virginia where a transgender student has been told to use the bathroom of her biological gender, not her gender identity.
In 2014 a Virginia high school student began using the boys bathroom. Not a big deal until you realize that Gavin Grimm was born female and now identifies as male. The fact that Grimm started using the boys bathroom caused a stir in Gloucester County Virginia and a legal battle soon began.
The ACLU says that Grimm is being “stigmatized and isolated from the rest of his peers just because he is transgender.” Of course the ACLU was also disappointed with the recent court decision that will keep Grimm out of the boys bathroom.
What I find interesting is that the case came to light when parents of several kids at the school complained about Grimm using the boys bathroom. I can’t help but wonder how and why those parents learned of what was going on and decided to complain. Did their kids tell them what going on? Were they having conversations about a transgender person using the “wrong bathroom” with their kids? Were the kids uncomfortable with the situation? Continue reading…
This Might Be the Worst Election Advice I’ve Ever Seen
Posted on August 17, 2016 in Life, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
The upcoming election is going to be a tough decision for Christians. The last thing anyone needs is advice on who to vote for like the advice given by a Christian blogger.
One of the key issues in the upcoming election is the issue of abortion. Trump has declared himself to be pro-life, a declaration that remains to be seen. But there is absolutely no doubt that Hillary Clinton is one of the most extreme pro-abortion candidates since…President Obama.
Clinton is so radical in her support of abortion that even democrat supporters are having a hard time supporting her. When your own party, people that support abortion, are having a hard time supporting your election campaign because of your radical abortion policies, you know you are as radical on the issue of abortion as one can get.
So how radical is Hillary Clinton on the issue of abortion?
So far she has endorsed repealing both the Hyde and Helms Amendments. In case you aren’t familiar with these two bi-partisan amendments that have been broadly supported for many years, a recent article explains: Continue reading…