The Reformed Advisor

Why I’m Moving My Family to Maryland: A Discussion of Honoring Parents

Posted on June 1, 2016 in Family, Theology by

maryland_flag1After living in West Virginia for the last 15 years, I’m moving my family to Maryland for reasons that some people don’t quite understand.

I came to West Virginia from the great state of Ohio. I’d spent most of my life in Ohio and considered Ohio my “home state.” I was not thrilled about moving to West Virginia in 2001 because all I knew about the Mountaineer state was redneck and hillbilly jokes. A “city boy” like me was bound to be out of place and have little in common with people that considered “giggin frogs” a viable weekend recreation. But I came here for family.

My dad is a pastor. He had just accepted a position with a church in West Virginia and moved when I was at a place of transition in my life. We talked about working together at this new church as a family; my brother, dad, mom, and myself. The thought of working with family was something that I would not fully appreciate until many years after it was over. But for now I was excited to be living and working around my family.

Fast-forward 15 years and I’m now pensive as I leave West Virginia. Continue reading…

You Absolutely MUST Watch This Video: Connection Between Unborn Child and Mother

Posted on May 31, 2016 in Life by

I’ve seen a lot of videos depicting an unborn child growing in the womb. I enjoy them and find myself fascinated once again at the miracle of life; and truly it is a miracle. But the video below was exceptionally fascinating.

In this video, posted here, we learn about the connection an unborn child has with his/her mother while in the womb. We learn of how the child hears and remembers words and his/her native tongue. We discover that a mother produces different recipes of breast milk for a boy and a girl. We see that the unborn child sends stem cells to help heal the mother’s heart should it be damaged/injured. And we find out that baby boys leave behind a part of themselves in their mother’s brain.

The science in this video is amazing. It also further reiterates the fact that the pro-life position is both pro-science and pro-woman. The pro-life movement is advancing scientific studies of the unborn and releasing that science to the public. The pro-life position is standing firmly on science as a part of the foundation for our position. I can think of nothing more pro-science than defending the unborn as living human beings.

Please take a moment to watch this short video. It is spectacular and worth every second.

If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Blogger Remembers Being Gender Confused At a Time When People Were Sane

Posted on May 26, 2016 in Marriage, Sexuality by

Blogger LaVern Vivio shares  her struggle with gender confusion at a time when saner thoughts prevailed.

Blogger LaVern Vivio shares her struggle with gender confusion at a time when saner thoughts prevailed.

I grew up in the 80’s. It was a time when we played outside until dark; video games were okay, but bikes and sticks and forts and bb guns were “way cooler.” Yes, we had “loud pants,” slap bracelets and MC Hammer. But we also had, apparently, more common sense.

You see, when I was growing up just because you were rowdy you didn’t get slapped with a label (ADD, ADHD) and prescribed a drug. For the most part we were just kids with a lot of energy. This might not have been true for everyone, but it applied to most. Spanking was normal. I can even remember being spanked in the principles office at school. Teachers actually taught. Parents had no interest in being “best friends” with their kids. Boys were dorks and girls had cooties.

The best thing about boys and girls was that boys were boys and girls were girls. Sure, we had “tomboys” that played rough and tumble with the guys. But they were still girls. We liked the difference between boys and girls. We didn’t seek to close some imaginary gender gap and create an androgynous culture; we celebrated the differences between boys and girls (well, as best as elementary students can celebrate gender differences).

Like blogger LaVern Vivio, I’m very thankful I grew up at a time when common sense was still common and boys and girls were still boys and girls. Vivio recently shared a very personal part of her child hood in which she recounts wishing she were a boy. But she quickly surprises the gender activists by saying she is thankful she grew up then, rather than now: Continue reading…

MUST SEE VIDEO: College Kids Aren’t Sure There is a Difference Between Male and Female

Posted on May 25, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

FPIW VideoIf you have an abundance of common sense this video will be a little hard to watch. The college kids being interviewed have trouble determining if there is a difference between male and female.

I’m an average guy that learns from observing the world around me. This constant observation has led me to conclude that the earth is not flat; the seasons come and go annually; everything is bigger in Texas; guns don’t kill people – people kill people; spoons don’t make people fat; and there is a definable, scientific difference between men and women.

Maybe you agreed with everything I just said, maybe you didn’t. One thing is for certain though: you cannot refute the reality that there is a definable, scientific difference between men and women.

But don’t tell that to the “enlightened” college students at Seattle University.

In the video below you will hear from student as they are asked questions about gender, and the difference between male and female. Joseph Backholm, the director of The Family Policy Institute of Washington, interviewed students to find out if there even is a difference between male and female.

(Video appears below the break: MUST SEE)

Take a look at some of the questions asked of these “educated” students and see if you can properly answer them: Continue reading…

VIDEO: Mother Shocked to Find Man in Women’s Locker Room at Local Pool

Posted on May 24, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

gender-neutral-bathroomWhat would you do if you walked into the women’s locker room at your local pool and there was a man standing there?

Suppose you took your kids to the pool for a relaxing day of fun in the sun. Everything is going great when you need to make a run to the locker room. As you walk in, you see a man standing there, in a women’s bathing suit, staring at the women in the locker room. What would you do?

That’s exactly the situation one mother faced. The video below, shared by the Family Policy Alliance, tells her story about taking her kids to the local pool and walking into the women’s locker room to find a grown man standing there looking at the women. When this confused mother went to the employees of the pool they politely told her that “he must identify as a woman” and that he was welcome to use the women’s locker room.

(See the video below the break) Continue reading…

List of Corporate Sponsors for Planned Parenthood Gives Pro-Life Advocates an Opportunity

Posted on May 19, 2016 in Life by

target-bathroomRecently I was made aware of a pro-life organization that has compiled a list of every company that gives financial support to Planned Parenthood. The list is massive, and extremely detailed in explaining what industries the company is involved in and what specific products the company sells. It is quite an education.

Most importantly, it is an opportunity. As a pro-life Christian, I don’t want to support any organization that partners with Planned Parenthood. I want to spend my money wisely at companies that see the value in life (or in the very least are neutral on the issue) rather than knowingly supporting companies that publicly support abortion.

This is one of the reasons I have stopped supporting the Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts have made a big deal of supporting Planned Parenthood and bringing the abortion merchant into their organization to conduct seminars and classes. I have no intention of supporting an organization that thinks it’s appropriate to teach young girls how wonderful abortion is; and how it’s okay to explore sexuality in grade school. So I politely decline to buy cookies every year they come to my door. Continue reading…

An NFL Player, Evangelist, and Pastor All Share Thoughts on the Transgender Issue. You Should Read Their Thoughts.

Posted on May 18, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Tight end Benjamin Watson (previously with the Saints,  now with the Ravens) shares truth on tough issues.The transgender bathroom issue isn’t going away. Part of me wonders if it is a distraction to divert our attention from other critical issues facing our culture. But I also see this as an important issue in the gender identity battle; one that we can’t ignore or shrink away from.

Some notable voices have shared their thoughts on this issue. One of those notable voices is Baltimore Ravens Tight End Benjamin Watson. Watson is an outspoken Christian that is not afraid to share biblical truth on tough issues. The fact that he is a very public figure with a high-profile job makes his outspoken stance even more courageous.

Watson recently shared his thoughts on the transgender bathroom issue through a post on Facebook. (You can read the full post here.) Watson made a point that needs to be repeated over and over again. He lamented the fact that our society seems to be pushing us to simply accept the feelings of everyone, regardless of their validity or the truth of those feelings. He wrote: Continue reading…

Reason #1 for Not Supporting Donald Trump: He is Clueless About Religious Freedom

Posted on May 17, 2016 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

Trump-religionIt seems Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election. While many are extremely happy about that possibility, I am more concerned than ever about the future of our country.

First of all, let me say that I believe God is alive and well and continuing to be sovereign over all that takes place. As the Bible clearly indicates, God uses rulers (presidents) to bless and to punish nations. How Donald Trump will be used by God should he become president is not for me to prophesy about; I’ll leave that in God’s hands.

However, statements by Trump from a few months ago give me little reason to be excited by his nomination and possible presidency.

It was reported a few months ago that Trump wanted a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until elected officials can “figure out what is going on.”

Trump went on to say that he would like to stop all Muslims from entering the country due to their “great hatred toward Americans by large segments of the Muslim population,” which was supported, Trump said, by a recent Pew Research poll. Trump went on to say that until it could be determined why Muslims hate Americans so much that they should be refused entry into the United States: Continue reading…

Should Christians Take Part in the Target Boycott?

Posted on May 12, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality, Theology by

target-bathroomPart of the sub-debate surrounding the Target bathroom issue is whether or not Christians should join the boycott. The question is whether or not boycotting a local business is the right way to “show Christ” to a lost world.

Christians are having an intra-faith debate on social media about whether or not it’s right and appropriate to boycott a business for the cultural position it takes. In one sense it is an interesting discussion as intelligent conversations discuss the pros and cons of boycotting. On the other hand it’s frustrating and tiring as angry accusations and sinful threats are hurled across social media platforms. You know, the old “if you don’t…un-friend me now.”

One recent blogger lamented: “is boycotting a corporation the best way to reflect Christ in light of the issues at stake? I worry that a strategy of cultural engagement centered around boycotts is doomed to undermine the true effectiveness of biblical evangelism.”

I find this interesting because the author suggested that boycotting is not really a good strategy for evangelizing the culture in the face of these difficult issues. (And by difficult, I mean difficult for lost people. The transgender issue is easy for a biblical Christian adhering to the clear teaching of God’s Word.) The author correctly points out that the underlying issue is the fact that people need Jesus. Lost people act lost; and Target is adhering to an unbiblical worldview because people that don’t know Jesus run it. Continue reading…

Here’s Why I Cannot Support Transgender People in Their Lifestyle

Posted on May 11, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality, Theology by

target-transgender-bathroom-controversyAt the time of this writing the (AFA) American Family Association’s boycott pledge stands at over 1 million signers. This means more than a million people, so far, have pledged not to shop at Target until the bathroom policy allowing men in women’s clothing to use the same restroom as women and girls is changed.

I watch this with a bewildered sort of curiosity as self-professing Christians blast other Christians for supporting this boycott. These angry Christians can’t believe anyone would not support the trans-community and show them compassion; you know, like Jesus would. But from where I sit supporting sin is a sin in itself.

At issue are several points that need to be made. First, the transgender bathroom issue is not a solely biblical issue. As a Christian I can make a case for why I think this is a bad idea – and I will. But this is also simply bad policy. The idea that disturbed individuals for perverted reasons will not exploit this policy is absurd. A cursory Internet search will reveal multiple cases already of men taking advantage of such policies to spy on women and children. From a public policy standpoint, this is simply bad policy. AFA made it clear that this is a bad policy by saying: Continue reading…


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