VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Tells Young Girl to Watch Porn and Visit Sex Shop
Posted on July 25, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
The first thing that should alarm and disturb anyone about the following video is that begins with the story of a 43-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl “playing sex games.” In my world that’s called statutory rape and constitutes a crime, and yet that is not even the entire story here.
The video becomes more disturbing when you begin to realize that a “15-year-old” girl is being given advice on how to engage in BDSM type of sexual activity. I can’t help but wonder if the Planned Parenthood (PP) worker in the video would be so willing to share this information if the girl’s mother or father was sitting next to her. Then again, Planned Parenthood doesn’t really like parents and is generally willing to do whatever is necessary to circumvent parental authority.
The PP goes on to tell the girl that stop doesn’t necessarily mean stop. She explains the need to have a “safe word” other than stop because some people just don’t know what stop means. With rape being a serious problem in our country (1 out of every 3 women will be sexually assaulted) we can be sure that PP is not helping by continuing the absurd notion that some people just don’t know what stop means.
A little later in the video the PP worker tells the underage girl to try going to a “sex shop” to get ideas and find items needed to carry out the BDSM activity. Either this is the only adult on the planet that doesn’t know you have to be 18 years old to enter an adult store, or she is deliberately advising the minor to break the law. Knowing the depth of criminal behavior PP is engaged in, I would say it’s not a stretch to think the worker is deliberately advising the girl to break the law. Continue reading…
Judge Says Incest is Okay Because: Abortion
Posted on July 24, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry

Judge Garry Neilson says incest is okay because of abortion. Image credit:
Do you want a picture of the liberal, Utopian society they are seeking to achieve? Here it is:
Incest is acceptable because abortion will rid the world of any deformed children caused by the relationship.
What? Does that shock you? Does that sound absurd? Are you under the impression that such an idea would never be offered by any sane person in our society? Think again.
A judge in Australia offered that exact idea while presiding over a case recently. A man was being tried for repeatedly raping his sister over the course of eight years. When evidence was presented the judge refused to allow it because, he said, incest is a taboo that people are willing to accept these days. A recent article shares the judge’s thoughts:
“By that stage they are both mature adults. The complainant has been sexually awoken, shall we say, by having two relationships with men and she had become ‘free’ when the second relationship broke down,” the judge said, according to the Herald. The only thing that might change that is the fact that they were a brother and sister but we’ve come a long way from the 1950s,” he added. “If this was the ’50s and you had a jury of 12 men there, which is what you’d invariably have, they would say it’s unnatural for a man to be interested in another man or a man being interested in a boy. Those things have gone.” Continue reading…
Sex Education for Parents: Why It Should Matter Who Teaches Your Kids
Posted on July 23, 2014 in Family, Sexuality by Derick Dickens
This post originally appeared here.
I understand awkwardness in talking to your children about sex. Yet, let’s be honest, parents who do not want to address sex with their children are a part of the problem.
The liberal solution is public schools. School is not the solution to the problem. In fact, making education utilitarian, is a part of the problem too. Possible solutions:
1. You talk to your kids about sex.
2. Get someone else you trust and respect to talk to your kids about sex.
3. Find a good book on the topic and let your kid read about it.
But here is also where the problem arises. My wife and I talked to our kids about sex from very early in their life. We always answered their questions truthfully, but never more than necessary at every age. When asked how “Mommy got pregnant”, We explained how God designed men and women, and Daddy’s seed fertilized mom’s egg. For a while that satisfied their curiosity. Later they would ask other questions, and the more questions the more detail we gave. Continue reading…
More Christians Being Told to Violate Their Religious Convictions
Posted on July 21, 2014 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
What if your faith costs you your job? Is that a price you are willing to pay?
Some have already decided to keep their faith hidden, secret, in order to ensure they have no trouble at their place of employment. They’ve forgotten the words of Jesus, “you cannot serve God and money,” and determined that it’s too high a price and a sacrifice they are not willing to pay.
Our Christian brothers and sisters around the world are being faced with life or death for their faith and, like pregnant Miriam Ibrahim or Pastor Abedini, refuse to renounce Christ in the face of certain death. And yet American Christians aren’t willing to lose their jobs. Something is wrong.
We’ve heard the stories about the photographer in New Mexico that was convicted of “discrimination” for refusing to photograph a same-sex ceremony because it would violate her religious convictions. We’ve heard about the florist in Washington that is facing criminal charges for refusing to create floral art for a same-sex ceremony because it would violate her religious beliefs. And we’ve heard about the cake maker in Colorado that was ordered, upon pains of fine or prison, to make a cake for homosexuals even though it would violate his religious convictions.
The cake maker, Jack Phillips has refused to comply and said he would close his shop and go to jail before he violates his faith. It’s not only a shining example of the kind of conviction needed in America, it’s a sad example. It’s sad because we’re not talking about some foreign country where freedom and liberty are not the law of the land. We’re talking about America, where the religious freedom to live by one’s convictions was one of the central purposes for the Pilgrims and Founding Father’s establishing this great land. Continue reading…
Understanding the Progressive Sexual Ideology: Sex for Everyone – Even Kids!
Posted on July 18, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
When LGBT activist, and U.S State Department guest speaker, Masha Gessen was asked about the issue of marriage, she did not mince words. The activist made it clear that she believes homosexuals should have the right to marry, that’s not really shocking, or new. But it’s what she said after that that is notable and revealing.
Gessen further clarified that she doesn’t believe marriage should exist at all. Here’s her comment:
“I agree that we should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it is a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. . . . Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we’re going to do with marriage when we get there, because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change, and again, I don’t think it should exist.”
Why does this matter? Does it matter at all? Don’t be absurd, of course it matters.
At one time sexuality was held within the moral confines of one man one woman marriage. This doesn’t mean that every person adhered to this confine, but it was nonetheless an established, accepted norm for sexual activity. Furthermore, those who abandoned these boundaries were viewed as guilty of…immorality. So the moral boundary of sexual activity carried with it a price for anyone that chose to treat across the boundary. Continue reading…
Breaking: Democratic Bill to Overturn Hobby Lobby Decision Fails
Posted on July 17, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
A bill introduced by Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO), the “Protect Women’s Health From Corporate Interference Act” to override the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent Hobby Lobby ruling failed to get cloture in the Senate today. This bill seeks to overturn what the Supreme Court ruled earlier this month, and would force family business owners to provide their employees in their healthcare plan drugs and devices that have the potential to kill an unborn child even if they may have moral objections, and despite the protections afforded to them by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). It failed to get the sixty votes that were needed to move the bill forward, coming up short at 56-43 votes. We are thankful to the Senators who voted against cloture on this bill, thus protecting the religious freedom of all family businesses.
This is certainly good news.
The Supreme Court recognized the need to protect the religious freedoms of business owners in not forcing them to violate their conviction by supporting abortion. The extreme abortion-rights position of the left was in plain view in even considering a bill like this.
Records show that our very own John Rockefeller was a co-sponsor of the bill, but it appears Joe Manchin was not. However, both Joe Manchin and John Rockefeller voted in favor of the bill and support forcing employers to violate their religious convictions. THankfully John Rockefeller is retiring and will most likely be replaced by pro-life Shelley Moore-Capito. At least we (West Viriginia) will have one Senator that is not pro-life in name and words only.
Sen. Orrin Hatch said of the bill:
“This is the first time in American history that Congress will consider a bill intended to diminish the protection for the religious liberty of all Americans. It is part of a broader campaign to demonize religious freedom as the enemy, as an obstacle to certain political goals.” Hatch said the ACA’s contraceptive mandate is “exactly the kind of situation that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was enacted to address, the kind of situation that should require government to justify why and how it wants to interfere with the exercise of religion.”
I applaud those lawmakers that stood for religious freedom by making sure this bill died. Hopefully this November many of those lawmakers will find gainful employment elsewhere.
Did The Hobby Lobby Decision Violate Religious Freedom?
Posted on July 17, 2014 in Life, Religious Freedom by Derick Dickens
I love reading articles like this from the left. This article not only misrepresents the facts by linking religious rights to taking four pills in question in the Hobby Lobby case, it disproves what it is trying to prove.
Here are some issues that should be apparent in the article by a little thought behind the words of the article.
1. They misrepresent teachings of Jewish history. It is clear that an agenda is in the works when this author says it is a religious requirement to support contraceptives. What the article cites is a disagreement among two ancient Jewish Scholars on the role of a form of birth control as it relates to two Jewish Principles. They discussed whether a sponge like material for the prevention of pregnancy is allowed and even use the phrase, “may use” to distinguish it from being a religious obligation, as this article seems to try to advance. Continue reading…
ALERT: Senate Democrats Pushing Bill to Wipe Out Every Pro-Life Law!
Posted on July 16, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Senate Democrats will hold a hearing on a bill tomorrow that would wipe out almost every single pro-life law on abortion.
S.1696 is deceptively titled the “Women’s Health Protection Act” even though it revokes protections for women and their unborn children. Instead, the bill would be far reaching in how it would topple pro-life laws passed in virtually every state in the country.
Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the federation of state right-to-life organizations, is one of the only pro-life speakers testifying against the legislation. She tells LifeNews that four months before the mid-term congressional election, Senate Democrats are pushing into the national spotlight “the most radical pro-abortion bill ever considered by Congress.”
ACTION: Contact your senators and urge STRONG opposition to the bill.
Debate: Can You Be a Gay Christian?
Posted on July 16, 2014 in Sexuality, Theology by Nathan Cherry
I don’t have any grand ideas of ending this debate here today. My only hope is to further the discussion in a positive and practical way. While I don’t pretend that I am not convinced of my position, I nonetheless encourage civil discourse about critical issues facing our society.
One such issue is that of homosexuality, or more properly, homosexual behavior. The question at hand is whether or not it is possible to be a practicing and proud homosexual and simultaneously be a Christian.
Now, on the surface is the short, simple answer from both sides of the debate. Homosexual activists would quickly say “of course it’s possible” and cite several examples, perhaps Matthew Vines, Jennifer Knapp or friends and family they know. Christians by a large majority would quickly say “no, this is not possible” and cite scripture calling homosexual behavior a sin.
At issue then is whether or not homosexual behavior is a sin. Because if homosexual behavior is not a sin then it is entirely possible to be a proud, practicing homosexual and at the same time be a Christian. If homosexual behavior is a sin then to live in sin and be proud of it while claiming to be a Christian is contrary to biblical teaching on several levels. Continue reading…