Quiz: Do You Know How to Prevent Pregnancy? Apparently There’s Some Confusion.
Posted on July 15, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Let’s test our basic biology and anatomy skills. Assuming we are all adults with a semi-intellectual understanding of the human body and how it works, this should be easy. Here’s the question:
What is the only way to ensure with absolute certainty a woman will not get pregnant?
That may seem like a silly question. It might even sound a bit odd considering the single, obvious answer. And yet some people have a hard time with the question and the answer.
In case you are not sure of the answer, it’s abstinence. Now, if you’re ever on Jeopardy and have a chance for a daily double you will know the right answer.
This should not be a debatable statement. It shouldn’t even be a statement worth discussing or questioning. I have a hard time taking seriously any person that would attempt, on any level to contradict this statement. And unless someone can show me another method that is 100% effective at preventing pregnancy we can all agree that abstinence is the only answer. Agreed?
Okay, now that we have the formalities out of the way let’s move on and discuss why anyone would disagree with the fact that abstinence is the only way to avoid pregnancy. Continue reading…
How Nationalism Found Its Way Into the Church
Posted on July 14, 2014 in Religious Freedom, Theology by Derick Dickens
Original article posted here.
In the 1950′s, we were engaged in a cold war with the Soviet Union that lasted until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. In the cabinet and leadership of the United States was a growing fervor that the Cold War was a battle between two ideologies–a Christian worldview and an atheist.
Don’t get me wrong, there is some truth to that claim. The USSR thought they could build a country upon atheistic principles and operate their country better. They appeared to be succeeding in the 1950′s with the launch of Sputnik in ’57, our country was in turmoil. The Russians believed their order of society would out-pace American society and through war or ingenuity, they would win.
The U.S. Administration saw this as a battle between atheism and Christianity, a battle between two radically different views of the world.
Thus was birthed Christianity wrapped up in the flag. Continue reading…
“Pastors” Use God to Support Abortion in Planned Parenthood Letter – Again!
Posted on July 12, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Remember that “Pastoral Letter” sent out by Planned Parenthood to support abortion? The one that was so offensive they removed it from their website? Well, it seems that they have drafted a second “pastoral letter” supporting women who kill their unborn children. This letter shows the names of the “Religious Affairs Committee” and the denominations they represent. Not surprising is the fact that most of the denominations represented are dying and desperately seeking to fill pews. Even more shocking is that any “pastor” would dare support the intentional murder of an unborn child. See the cover page of the letter and the text of the letter below. (H/T to LifeNews.com for reporting this.
Is there really much difference between “going to church” and “being the church”?
Posted on July 11, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
That’s a question I’ve given a lot of thought to lately and the conclusion is that there is considerable difference. First let’s describe what “going to church” looks like and then talk about what it means to “be the church.”
Going to church is little more than checking a box on a to-do list and believing that you have done your duty. A person who sees church as something you go to is missing the fact that every Christian IS the church.
The typical church where people see going to church as the primary objective is often characterized in a number of ways.
First, the church has an inward focus. This is true because the members are focused on going to church and church is what happens inside the walls of the church building. So the primary focus becomes what church members do inside the church building on Sunday. The lack of external focus inevitably leads to stagnation, starvation, and death. Thom Rainer recently wrote that the most common factor in declining churches is “an inward focus.” Continue reading…
UPDATE: The Latest States to Fall: Utah, Indiana, Wisconsin
Posted on July 10, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
I’ve been following the judicial activism in states with traditional marriage laws as federal judges, acting alone, usurp the will of the people and enact sweeping changes unilaterally. For previous comments on states that have had marriage redefined for them within the past year or so, scroll down to see an earlier post. (Or click here for my first post on the subject.)
The first post centered around 13 states – conservative states – where marriage was being threatened by judicial activism. Since that first post, much has changed. Two more states were added, Georgia and Wisconsin. Of the original 13 Utah, Oklahoma and Indiana have now had marriage redefined for them – along with Wisconsin.
All in all this means that 15 conservative states where marriage laws protected natural, one man one woman marriage by a vote of the people have now had those laws wiped out by a single judge. That fact should trouble ever freedom loving American that believes our Constitution stands as a barrier to such radical activism.
For news regarding the decision in Indiana you can click here. For news on what is happening in Wisconsin you can click here. For news on what is happening in Utah you can click here. To see what is happening in Oklahoma you can click here.
The bottom line is that these judges are acting alone in states where LGBT activists and other lawmakers knew there was little chance of changing the laws. Because these are conservative states where traditional, conservative values are held in high esteem, there is little chance of getting voters to approve marriage redefinition. So, the judges simply wiped out the will of the people and replaced it with their own opinion. While LGBT activists cheer they forget that one day other judges could do the exact same thing and reverse those marriage redefinition laws. Continue reading…
The Institution of Marriage Should Not Exist! Who Said It?
Posted on July 9, 2014 in Marriage by Nathan Cherry
In the effort to redefine marriage there is a concerted effort to present homosexual couples as similar, if not exactly like heterosexual couples. They are committed, loving, couples that like to watch movies, golf, and host dinner parties. This is far less reality and far more campaign strategy intended to create an emotional narrative that will lure unsuspecting people into support for marriage redefinition.
A recent article at Slate, of all places, highlights the fact that gay couples are not nearly as monogamous as heterosexual couples.
“A long Gawker story last week explored this problem in greater detail. In the fight for marriage equality, the gay rights movement has put forth couples that look like straight ones, together forever, loyal, sharing assets. But what no one wants to talk about is that they don’t necessarily represent the norm: The Gay Couples Study out of San Francisco State University—which, in following over 500 gay couples over many years is the largest on-going study of its kind—has found that about half of all couples have sex with someone other than their partner, with their partner knowing.”
We knew. We all knew. We’ve been blowing the whistle on this aspect of gay relationships for a long time now. Only the most naïve and uninformed have believed that a majority of homosexual couples have any intention of being monogamous. And only the least informed person believes that monogamy is any inherent trait of the homosexual lifestyle. Continue reading…
Believe in Traditional Marriage – Go to Reeducation Camp!
Posted on July 8, 2014 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Do you think only women get pregnant?
Believe marriage is the union of a man and woman?
Hold the position that there are inherent differences between men and women?
You old-fashioned, homophobic, bigoted, discriminatory, sexist person. How dare you believe such things.
How dare you believe that only women can get pregnant. Never-mind the biology, it is absolutely sexist and gender-biased of you to think that only women can get pregnant.
And to think that marriage is the union of only a man and woman. I can’t believe any sane, rational, fair-minded person in this day and age would believe such nonsense.
And don’t get me started on gender distinctions. Anyone believing that the genders are inherently different is a product of their discriminatory environment, not an enlightened culture. Continue reading…
How the Transgender Will Redefine Gender, Marriage, Parents, and Family
Posted on July 7, 2014 in Family, Marriage, Religious Freedom, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry

Image credit: Time Magazine
This is the second part of a two-part post. Read part 1 here.
A recent article by TIME magazine gleefully advocates for transgender people and their “struggle” to be accepted. Sharing the story of Cassidy, the first openly transgender Homecoming Queen in the U.S., the TIME article (and video) eagerly exposes people to another world full of confusion.
At one point Cassidy says she “came out” to her parents as a gay man in high school, but now lives as transgender. Yet Cassidy said it was in 5th grade that “she” first acknowledged and knew “she” was transgender. The amount of sexual confusion here is astounding to me. This is a young man that has been confused for a long time and rather than seeking any kind of help he is being encouraged in his confusion by others.
Speaking of confusion, an article at The Federalist details the extreme confusion of a female named Tracey transitioning to male:
“This would be a woman named Tracey who ‘transitioned’ to being Thomas by having a double mastectomy with a dose of hormones to produce facial hair and such. Thomas thought it would be nice to have a baby someday, and so decided to keep ‘his’ vagina, uterus, and ovaries intact. But for some reason, even though Thomas was legally documented as male, she (oops!) needed a sperm donation. (Life isn’t fair.) In any event, when pregnant, Thomas was happy to pose nude (mostly, anyway) for the camera.” Continue reading…
Commentary: What the Hobby Lobby Case is Really About and the False Claims of the Left
Posted on July 5, 2014 in Life by Derick Dickens
Original article posted here.
The issue is rather simple. Either you believe women have a greater right to abortion-inducing drugs than I have a right to practice my religious beliefs, or you believe I have a greater right to practice my religion than you do to an abortion pill.
This is the issue that faced the Supreme Court in the Hobby Lobby case. There are two conflicting “rights” being decided. One is a right that was inserted purposefully in our Constitution, the other was invented. One is from God, the other is from Romans 1.
It is in times like these when worldview matters and when analyzing the worldview of others is important to understand a key concept, without a Christian Worldview the worldview of others can and will devolve.
Take, for instance, the head of Planned Parenthood. Immediately after the decision she noted that this decision goes against science and health. You have to wonder, what kind of science is she talking about? This decision is about ethics, morals, rights. Are these issues that Science can address? The other issue they brought up was “health.” Even here, when it deals with healthcare, we are not talking about the life of the mother or the normal health of a mother. At issue were 4 pills that aborts a baby. When a woman goes through the natural child-bearing process, this is being billed as a health issue. I tried to find one situation where these pills were able to save the mother’s life or to make her healthier. I can’t find one instance anywhere.
In reality, this has nothing to do with Science or Health, it has everything to do with abortion. They, the left, view abortion as a greater right to be preserved than religious beliefs. Continue reading…
Hobby Lobby Roundup: Statements Regarding the Momentous Supreme Court Decision
Posted on July 4, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
ABC News: “In a 5-4 opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito the court held that as applied to closely held corporations the Health and Human Services regulations imposing the contraceptive mandate violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Alito was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas. Justice Anthony Kennedy filed a concurring opinion. The decision is a victory for the Green family that owns the Hobby Lobby arts and crafts chain and the Hahns who own Conestoga, a cabinet making company, who had challenged the so called contraceptive mandate saying it forced them to either violate their faith or pay ruinous fines. The government defended the provision as an essential part of health care coverage for women.”
Christianity Today: “While the case was decided 5–4, the opinions that accompanied the court’s decision also signal that seven of the nine justices agree that businesses can make religious liberty claims in court—an important ruling, said Joshua Hawley, senior counsel for The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. ‘The opinion was right on the money … that the government is required to accommodate those folks and not violate their religious beliefs,’ Hawley said. ‘That is exactly the kind of coverage and protection that the law is supposed to give, and the court reaffirmed that today. It’s quite targeted and modest, but firm, and for people of religious conviction this is a great victory.’”
Citizenlink: “These families’ stand for freedom benefits the many faith-based businesses faced with the same awful choice of deciding between their faith and livelihood. It also vindicates a higher principle, showing that government must tread carefully when it seeks to impose policies contrary to our most cherished rights.” Continue reading…