Planned Parenthood Sends “Pastoral Letter” Lying About Biblical Position on Abortion
Posted on June 4, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Planned Parenthood must be feeling desperate. So desperate that they have sent a “pastoral letter” to their patients sharing their version of the Bible which includes no mention of abortion and approval for the murderous procedure. The letter is posted below so you can rad it in it’s entirety. But believe me when I tell you that there is nothing “pastoral” or biblical about this letter.
Very quickly let me point out the glaring problems. First it says that abortion is not mentioned in Scripture. That’s true, abortion by name is not mentioned, just like smoking pot, sniffing cocaine, and many other modern terms. However, the Bible is very clear that murder is wrong – you can find it in those 10 commandments. From beginning to end the Bible makes clear that murder in any form is wrong, that is undeniable. Since abortion is clearly the murder of an innocent child, it is very easy to understand that the Bible condemns abortion as murder.
The letter further asserts that no one knows the circumstances of your life or what is in in your heart better than you do. This too is false. God knows far better what is in a persons heart and where they are at in life. God, being sovereign and omniscient knows all things and has control over all things. So while we might like to pretend that no one knows better than we do, the truth is that God knows better.
Last, the letter says that “God loves you and is with you no matter what you decide.” This is only partially true. Yes, God loves us no matter what because His love is eternal and perfect. But God is not “with you” when you choose to sin. The greatest example of this is the fact that God turned His back on His Son, Jesus, when Jesus was on the cross because Jesus had become sin in order to redeem mankind. God cannot stand sin and He will not go with someone in some approving way as a person chooses to sin.
This letter is a sick attempt to persuade impressionable young women that abortion is approved by God and the Bible. Nothing could be further from the truth. Neither God nor the scriptures approve of abortion and both call it murder, and sin. Shame on Planned Parenthood for twisting the truth of God’s Word for their evil business of death. God will not be mocked, He will hold them accountable.
The Death Penalty: Is It Right for Christians to Support Killing Murderers?
Posted on June 4, 2014 in Life, Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
I have long been a proponent of the death penalty.
Some say it is neither Christian nor pro-life to support the death penalty. Doing so, according to some, violates the principles of the pro-life movement. Others say it does not evidence love, mercy, or forgiveness to advocate for the death penalty. And nonetheless I have lived a peaceful existence advocating for my faith as a Christian, the pro-life movement, and the death penalty.
What may be even more surprising is that I am not alone.
The debate about the death penalty, its purpose, and need is widespread. Christians and others on both sides of the debate stand resolutely for their position and refuse to consider the others’ perspective.
To be honest I would be almost apathetic to the discussion were it not for what I believe is a clear Biblical mandate in favor of the death penalty. As much as possible I seek to base my life, my worldview, on the Bible and what it teaches. At times this means adhering to views that are not culturally popular (one man one woman marriage) and defending positions that are hotly debated (abortion is murder). Continue reading…
WV Senate President Kessler Tells Gov. Tomblin to Call Special Session to Address 20 Week Abortion Ban
Posted on June 3, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
According to Alliance Alert: West Virginia Senate President Jeff Kessler (D) today added more pressure to the call for a special session to address the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the bill that Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin (D) vetoed at the end of the regular session in March.
Appearing today on MetroNews “Talkline,” Kessler said, “We have a pro-life majority in leadership and I think we can get this issue addressed and put it behind us and move on to other topics that also need to be addressed.”
Gov. Tomblin has said he would again veto the bill, arguing it is unconstitutional. House Speaker Tim Miley again brought up cost. “I don’t believe West Virginia taxpayers will understand why lawmakers would be so eager to quickly return to Charleston at great expense to attempt to pass legislation destined for a long legal battle and a very uncertain future,” he said.
Kessler rebutted both contentions in his appearance on Talkline. Had he thought the law was unconstitutional, Kessler said he wouldn’t have voted for it in the first place.
“Kessler argued the bill already has overwhelming support among legislators and just needs another chance to pass,” according to reporter Shauna Johnson of West Virginia Metro News. Kessler said, “We are going to have a pain capable bill. That’s a given.”
Is It Fair That a Man Gets Prison for Having Sex With a Toddler? Maybe Not!
Posted on June 3, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Pedophilia is one of the most heinous crimes a person can commit. It is the intentional robbing of childhood innocence for the sexual pleasure of an adult. It is selfish. It is dangerous. It is helping to create victims of sexual abuse that often engage in damaging behavior such as drug and alcohol abuse (and some say homosexual behavior).
The question being asked is whether or not it is fair for a person guilty of pedophilia to be sentenced to jail?
Here’s the story, a 39 year old man is busted for sexual activity with his 3 year old daughter. After a lengthy trial in which the man claimed the child initiated the sexual contact with him causing him to be aroused, he is sentenced to twelve years in jail. Is this case fair for all parties involved?
Before you answer there’s a couple more facts to be aware of. The man in this case admits to having mental disabilities of a minor kind that do not prevent him from knowing the difference between right and wrong. He was judged to be more than competent to stand trial. The accused also repeatedly blamed the child’s mother for the incident (presumably his ex-wife). The accused also said it was the child that initiated the contact by undressing herself and then unzipping his pants; which led the man to become aroused and engage in the sexual contact. Continue reading…
VIDEO: Candace Cameron-Bure Says DWTS Allowed Her to Share ‘The Light of Christ”
Posted on June 2, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
In this video, Dancing With the Stars contestant Candace Cameron Bure shares thoughts on her experience dancing on the popular television show. She says, as she has from the beginning, that the show allowed her to share “the light of Christ” with a national television audience. It’s well worth a couple minutes of your time.
If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.
Warning: Graphic Video: The Sad Last Moments of a Sex-Crazed Murderer
Posted on June 2, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
By now most people have heard something about Elliot Rodger, the Santa Barbara City College student that ended his life with a self-inflicted gunshot wound after going on a killing spree that left at least 6 dead and more than a dozen wounded. This is a shocking crime spree that has police, media, and others asking questions but lacking answers.
The shooter’s last YouTube video is posted below, but be warned, it is graphic in language. I want to take a moment to comment on several things from that video. Before I comment though here is the timeline for Elliot Rodgers’ deadly murder spree according to Sheriff Bill Brown:
- Rodgers stabbed three males at his home. They were stabbed numerous times and the wounds were fatal.
- He banged on the door of a sorority, and when no one answered the door he shot three women standing nearby, killing two and wounding one several times.
- He drove to a deli and fatally shot Christopher Martinez.
- Driving down the wrong side of the road, Rodger fired several rounds at people on the sidewalk.
- He brandished a gun at a female, fired additional bullets, and turned his car around to head in another direction and traded gunfire with a sheriff’s deputy who was on foot.
- Rodger struck a pedestrian with his car.
- He fired more shots at pedestrians.
- At another point in his wild ride, Rodger shot yet another victim.
- Four sheriff’s deputies ran across a park to intercept him. He accelerated past them and fired at them. Three of the deputies fired, hitting his car and striking Rodger near the left hip.
- Rodger hit the gas and was going at a high rate of speed when he struck another bicyclst. The biker was thrown on the windshield of Rodger’s car, caving in the windshield.
- Rodger’s car collided with several parked cars. When police arrived he was dead from a gunshot to his head that Brown believes was self-inflicted.
Parkersburg Wrestling Team Will Keep Wearing Bible Themed Shirts
Posted on June 1, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
The kerfuffle that began over a Bible verse printed on the Parkersburg South wrestling team shirts seems to be over, for now. (Click here to read a State Journal article detailing the events and the apparent outcome.)
In case you missed what has transpired over the last couple of weeks, here’s the basic story line.
The Parkersburg South wrestling team has been wearing shirts with the Bible verse Philippians 4:13, ‘I can do all things through Him who gives me strength,’ for years. The shirts are bought by parents and students are not required to wear them. Each student that wears the shirt makes a personal decision to wear it.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation, that lovely Wisconsin based legal group that relies on bullying and scare tactics, got a phone call from a single “concerned” person. That was enough to prompt the group to send one of their famous “threatening letters” designed to scare a school into backtracking.
Thankfully the school did not demand the students stop wearing the shirts. Of course this may be due to the overwhelming support from both students and the community for the free exercise of religious freedom. (It also might have something to do with a school board election.) Whatever the reason, the school appears to have resolved the issue and the wrestling team will continue to wear the shirts that have been on their backs for years.
It was good to see the community stand up for the religious freedom rights. As usual, when a school or community does stand up for their right the Freedom From Religion Foundation backs down and hides somewhere. When their scare tactics don’t work they tend to back down because they often lose in court.
It remains to be seen if further action will be taken by the school, school board, or anyone else. For now though it will be good to see the wrestling team exercise their religious freedom with a community standing beside them.
The Compromise Everyone Hates
Posted on May 31, 2014 in Public Policy, Sexuality by Derick Dickens
Article originally posted here.
Sometimes compromise is a good thing. The great compromise of the United States formed two houses in Congress but created a great nation.
In fact, there is much to be said for a person who can delve deep into the weeds to find a solution that can satisfy every side without compromising core principles.
However, when compromise violates core principles, it usually never satisfies anyone.
This is the position the Boy Scouts of America find themselves when over a year ago they dropped their fight against allowing homosexuals to be members of the organization, but they refused to allow leaders to be openly gay. The compromise violated core principles of the pro-marriage supporters and the homosexual rights supporters making neither side happy.
This is the type of compromise that must only make sense in a stuffy committee room somewhere.
This put the Scouts in an awkward position. On the one hand, the homosexual community, desiring full acceptance of their lifestyle, felt shunned by excluding Scout leaders. Christians see the compromise as stunting the Christian view of morality.
For this reason, the compromise cannot stand. They will either have to make a stand for God’s view of sexuality, or they will have to make a stand with the homosexual community. They cannot maintain this current position.
Even the New York Times argues this compromise pleased no one. They said: Continue reading…
The Doctrine of God: God the Creator Makes His Creativity Known
Posted on May 30, 2014 in Theology by Nathan Cherry
The Bible says in Genesis 1:1; “In the beginning, God created.”
This word is critically important to us as we seek to understand our God and the vastly diverse world that displays the creative genius of God at every turn. From the mountains of West Virginia to the sunset coast of California, from the polar ice caps to the tropical rain forests, from the deserts to the edge of space – we can see that God created (Psa. 19:1-2).
The word “created” comes from the Hebrew word “bara” (baw-raw) which means “to prepare, form, fashion, create.” The Zondervan Bible Commentary says this about God creating:
“The verb rendered ‘created’, found 44 times in OT, is used only for God’s activity and denotes ‘the production of something fundamentally new, by the exercise of a sovereign originative power, altogether transcending that possessed by man’; it contains ‘the idea both of complete effortlessness and creation ex nihilo, since it is never connected with any statement of the material.”[1]
Placed in proper historical context the point that needs understood is that in the beginning there was nothing but God, and God Almighty, Elohim, chose to create – making something from nothing (creation ex nihilo). It’s not as if God had cosmic dust, space junk, or raw materials and used them to create everything. God had nothing, an absolutely blank space from which He created all things from His creative powers and spoken word.
The first two lines to the Apostles Creed – one of the most famous and enduring biblical creeds in history – says “I believe in God the Father, Almighty Maker of heaven and earth.” Continue reading…
VIDEO: 18 Year Old West Virginia Student Running for Office
Posted on May 29, 2014 in Public Policy by Nathan Cherry
In the video below political personality Glenn Beck interviews 18-year-old Hedgesville, West Virginia graduating senior Saira Blair. Blair is running for a seat in the House of Delegates in West Virginia, which would make her the youngest to ever hold such a seat. Beck interviews Blair about what made her want to run for office, some of her goals if elected, and her relationship with God.
Watch the video below. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.