American Life League Report on Planned Parenthood Facilities
Posted on March 30, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
This link will take you to a report by the American Life League concerning Planned Parenthood. While PP tries to masquerade as a women’s health organization we know they are in fact the nation’s largest abortion merchant. They primarily concern themselves with abortions and seek to perform as many life-ending procedures as possible.
This survey of Planned Parenthood facilities from the American Life Leagues STOPP International organization is telling for a number of reasons.
First of all, this report shows that the number of PP clinics and affiliates nationwide is shrinking. From nearly 1,200 in 1995 to less than 800 last year, the reach of Planned Parenthood is shrinking as the truth about the organization continues to spread.
Second, this report reminds us that there is only one Planned Parenthood affiliate clinic in West Virginia, located in Charleston. While it’s good to know there is only one, one is too many. The clinic in Charleston has proven to be a dangerous, unsafe place for women that does 5-7 abortions each day. We have no room to sit back and gloat that we have just one clinic when so many babies are dying in our mountains each day.
Speaking of the clinic in Charleston, why hasn’t Gov. Tomblin signed the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act passed by the state legislature earlier this month? With overwhelming support it seems Gov. Tomblin would be quick to sign such a life saving bill. He is “pro-life” after all.
Breaking: Texas Abortion Ruling Has Implications for West Virginia
Posted on March 28, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Some very good news for pro-life advocates is coming out of Texas where a judge has upheld HB2, the bill that requires abortionists to have admitting privileges at local hospitals and puts strict requirements on the use of RU486, the abortion drug. According to LifeNews:
“The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a ruling upholding the Texas law Wendy Davis opposed that was responsible for closing abortion clinics in the Lone Star State…Now, the appeals court has issued a positive ruling, according to Texas Right to Life:
“A panel of three judges in the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit released its ruling upholding HB2, Texas’ Pro-Life law, which took full effect in October of last year. The opinion affirms the constitutionality of the legislation passed last summer and rejects Planned Parenthood’s argument that HB2 places an “undue burden” upon abortionists, abortion facilities, and women seeking abortion.
“The court upheld sections of the law that require abortionists hold admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, and that the dangerous RU-486 abortion drug be administered according to FDA procedure.”
This is not only important for Texas and the lives that will be saved there, this is important for West Virginia as well.
Right now Gov. Tomblin is still waiting to sign the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that passed in the state legislature earlier this month. The bill passed with an overwhelming bi-partisan majority that should have made it a no-brainer for the governor to sign. And yet he is waiting, and hedging, saying that he is concerned about the “constitutionality” of the bill. Continue reading…
UPDATE: World Vision’s Near-Sighted Decision to Support Homosexuality Reversed!
Posted on March 27, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
World Vision (hereafter referred to as WV) believes that changing its policy to allow homosexuals in same-sex “marriages” will help to “unite” the church around their mission of serving the poor. This change only affects the US division of WV and not the global umbrella. Richard Stearns, president of the US division, said:
“Changing the employee conduct policy to allow someone in a same-sex marriage who is a professed believer in Jesus Christ to work for us makes our policy more consistent with our practice on other divisive issues. It also allows us to treat all of our employees the same way: abstinence outside of marriage, and fidelity within marriage.”
What exactly does Stearns and WV believe is a divisive issue? As a pastor and student of theology there is nothing arbitrary or grey about what the Bible teaches regarding homosexuality. And though an unrepentant and lost culture might reject the Bible’s teaching, why would that impact the decision of a “Christian” organization? Does WV silently condone divorce, abortion, adultery, pornography, and other black and white biblical issues in the same way it is now condoning homosexuality?
According to Stearns this is not “caving” to any pressure, or starting down a slippery slope, he commented: Continue reading…
VIDEO: One Photo for Every Day of Pregnancy While Singing – Awesome Video
Posted on March 26, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
One couple decided to take a photo every day of their pregnancy and make it into a music video. The result speaks for itself. It’s a beautiful picture of how valuable life is. At the very end of the video the man’s wife walks out of the picture and returns holding their newborn child.
This might be the most unique pregnancy video I’ve ever seen and it is obvious from the care that went into it that this couple was eagerly and excitedly awaiting the arrival of their child. Watching this video will do your heart some good and remind you just how beautiful life and “new things” are.
If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.
Time to Put Down the Gadgets and Play with Your Kids
Posted on March 26, 2014 in Family by Nathan Cherry
I read not too long ago that future home designs will not include plans for a dining room. To some that might seem incredibly strange, to others it might not be a big deal. But one thing is for sure, the family is changing.
Once upon a time the family sat down and ate dinner together each night as they discussed their day, shared stories, and parents even used the time to teach manners or other life virtues to their kids. It was a daily family ritual that served as an anchor to keep every person in the family grounded. The picture we see today?
Today families are so busy that stopping to eat is a challenge, much less getting everyone around the table to share dinner together. It’s no wonder there’s a fast food chain every 100 yards, with the busy schedules people seek to maintain no one has the time to cook.
There’s a common principle in business called the Pareto Principle. This principle says that 20% of the clients for any given business produce 80% of the businesses profits. This principle is often cited in churches as 20% of the people do 80% of the work or, 20% of the people give 80% of the tithes. The principle is hard to deny.
The question is what is the most meaningful 20% of your time together as a family? Continue reading…
VIDEO: This is What 55 Million Aborted Babies Looks Like
Posted on March 25, 2014 in Life by Nathan Cherry
Can you wrap your mind around 55 million aborted babies? It can be easy to talk about but a lot harder to visualize exactly how many lives lost that is. A new video (shown below) produced by Life Dynamics Incorporated is putting that number into perspective.
Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics in explained why this video was created: “We did this video because it’s very easy to talk about 55 million dead babies but no one can fully wrap their minds around those numbers. This will help America understand just how overwhelming these numbers are and demonstrate the magnitude of abortion in the United States.”
Watch the video below and come to grips with the ongoing holocaust against the unborn that is taking place. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.
This Homosexual Couple Was denied a Cake. Their Response is Shocking!
Posted on March 25, 2014 in Religious Freedom by Nathan Cherry
More stories are cropping up in the news about homosexual couples being denied service from Christian business owners. If you’ve not read about the photographer in New Mexico, florist in Washington, or baker in Colorado, you can do so here. Big names have shared their thoughts on the issue in light of the religious freedom bill vetoed in Arizona.
By now I should be used to reading these stories. Despite that fact I am genuinely shocked by the response of one homosexual couple when they were turned down by a baker in Indiana.
The story goes like this. The couple wanted to celebrate their relationship in April and called 111 Cakery to order a cake for their occasion. They were told by the owner that they could not get a cake because doing so would violate his religious convictions.
At this point we should be hearing about the couple getting mad, hiring a lawyer, alerting the press, and suing the baker. And though a social media firestorm happened over the weekend as a result of the incident, the couple’s response is beautifully shocking. They said: Continue reading…
by Matt Walsh
I took the bait. I couldn’t help but open an email with the subject line: “You’re afraid of this pro-choice argument”
Afraid? I’m afraid of a lot of things. Actually, five things: spiders, asteroids, ghosts, head lice, and malaria. But arguments? Especially pro-abortion arguments? Definitely not on the list.
I might be frustrated by them; annoyed, angered, even disturbed, but afraid? I don’t think so.
Here’s Rachel, trying to strike fear into my heart:
Dear Matt, ever since I first read your blog I knew you were a cowardly fake. It wasn’t until I started reading some of your anti-choice articles that my suspicions were truly confirmed. You spend a lot of time picking the low hanging fruit. You attack the weakest abortion rights arguments while ignoring the glaring weaknesses in your own position.
If you had the guts or the brains you’d try to respond to the most important abortion rights argument… bodily autonomy or bodily integrity. This means that we have the final jurisdiction over our own bodies. Nobody can claim a right to our body that goes above our own right. Nobody can use our bodies without consent. We cannot be forced to donate organs or blood to someone else. A fetus must survive on a woman’s body so the woman has a right to withdrawal her consent and her body at any time. Continue reading…
Homosexuals Don’t Have Facts – Just Emotional Narrative
Posted on March 21, 2014 in Sexuality by Nathan Cherry
Including homosexuals in your advertising is now considered “good business.” That’s according to the president and CEO of GLAAD in response to the gay-friendly Coke commercial that aired during the Super Bowl.
Many people saw the commercial and were upset. But the majority that were upset didn’t like the fact that verses of America the Beautiful were sung in other languages than English. While they fumed over the language issue Coke quietly inserted a gay family into the commercial, the first ever portrayal of homosexuals during the Super Bowl.
This is just another step in the effort to normalize deviant sexual behavior, as Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality commented:
“Coke’s Super Bowl ad is only the latest step in the escalating government-corporate campaign to normalize homosexuality in the culture…Americans are being conditioned to accept sexual perversion as normal and good, and there is some big corporate money behind it. It’s sad that families can’t even watch the Super Bowl anymore without having their faith undermined.”
It would be intellectually dishonest and absurdly useless to deny that there is an effort to normalize homosexuality. At every turn steps are being taken to present homosexuals and their families in a positive light as people that just want to “live freely” as everyone else does. Pictures of loving couples and families with adopted kids are splashed everywhere in an attempt to focus on the pretty, positive side of homosexuality. Continue reading…