The Reformed Advisor

Tag: defend

VIDEO: Parents Choose Life Despite Fatal Diagnosis

Posted on February 9, 2014 in Life by

Little Zion Isaiah Blick was born on January 11th to Josh and Robbyn Blick. He died 10 days later on January 21st. His parents knew before he was born that he would not live, but chose to give him life rather than take doctors’ advice and abort him. Zion was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a fetal anomaly that is fatal in every case. Knowing their son would not live long, they loved him and documented every moment they had with their precious child.

The Blicks said that spending those ten days with their son, while knowing he would die, taught them a lot about God, love, and life.
The video below shares those moments the Blicks recorded with their son. They now share them with the world to declare that life, no matter how small or short, is worth defending. Watch the video and share it with others. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Have You Seen The Awesome Pics of Unborn Animals? Amazing!

Posted on January 23, 2014 in Life by

I love photography. Especially photography of things that we can’t normally see, such as space and underwater images. For this reason the images below of unborn animals is an amazing sight that we all need to take a moment to see and share.

What is so unbelievable is that each of these unborn animals looks just like the adult, born, version. perhaps you thought that animals somehow looked strange and unrecognizable before they were born. These images will show without a doubt that they in fact look exactly as they do when they are born.

Please take a moment to look at these amazing images and then share them with others. Be sure to pay attention to the last image, it is particularly special and important.

Video: Christian’s Song “No Night” (Must Watch)

Posted on January 22, 2014 in Life by

The video below is a beautiful thing. I’ve been following the story of Lacey Buchanan and her son Christian for a while now. When you see Christian you will understand why Lacey has gained a public following. A couple of years ago Lacey posted a video to YouTube sharing Christian’s story and the fact that many people thought she should have aborted him because of his “disabilities.” Since that time Lacey has traveled the country sharing Christian’s story and defending life and dignity for all people regardless of their appearance. The story being told by Lacey and Christian and their family is inspiring and one our world needs to hear.

With that in mind, a song has been written in honor of Christian and a preview video for the song has been released. Here’s is what Lacey said of the video below:

MUST WATCH VIDEO: Viral Video Chronicles 41 Years of Abortion

Posted on January 19, 2014 in Uncategorized by

You MUST WATCH this amazing video featuring women born in every year since Roe v. Wade was passed. The video chronicles milestones in the fight to defend life since 1973. I cannot urge you enough to watch this video and share it with others.

Then, let’s join with the women in this video to proclaim that “My generation WILL end abortion.”

If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

Abortion Survivor Pens Letter to Unborn Child

Posted on January 18, 2014 in Life by

by Melissa Ohden

Sixty-two days. Today, my dear son or daughter, you are 62 days old. I say son or daughter, because, you are 62 days old in the womb today, so we don’t know a whole lot yet about you. But what we do know is this. You are ours and you are loved.

Without yet even seeing you, I feel your presence each day, and I look forward to your presence being made more aware to the world through a soon-to-be burgeoning belly and through movements that make your sister and father squeal with joy.

Amazing Pictures: Photog Captures First Moments of Life

Posted on December 30, 2013 in Life by

Some contend that life begins “when the mother decides life begins.” This is not just a patently false position it is logically absurd. The argument is a weak attempt to justify abortion. The lack of logic and rational thought behind the position is so obvious that few dare use it. But for those who do try and use this silly position they should take a look at the images captured by a photographer at a university hospital in Europe.

A recent article says of the images:

“A photographer has captured the wondrous, miraculous moment of birth – in all its raw and unglamourised glory. Taken before a mother has seen her baby for the first time these amazing photographs show the reality of how we all enter this world.
The warts and all pictures are the work of respected Danish photographer Suste Bonnen who was given unprecedented access to mothers while they were in labour.”

MUST READ: To Sharpen Your Skills In Defending Life and Marriage You Must Read These Two Articles

Posted on December 23, 2013 in Life, Marriage by

Are you able to defend life and marriage against the arguments people may throw at you?

If the answer to that question is no, I recommend a little study in order to be better prepared to defend these positions. There is no need to be afraid to engage someone because of the arguments they might use against your views; with a little study you can be thoroughly prepared to offer sound logic and biblical support against popular arguments.

The following two articles do an outstanding job of combating popular notions against life and traditional marriage. The first article, from Matt Walsh, addresses the specific arguments of an obviously “logical” pro-abortion advocate. Walsh’s responses are common sense, logical, and show just how absurd some arguments against life can be.

The second article, by Matt Chandler, addresses four basic arguments often used by advocates of homosexuality and other sexual sins. Chandler’s answers are biblically sound but culturally relevant as well.

I highly recommend taking a look at both of these articles then passing them on to someone else. Enjoy.

UPDATE: EU Decides Abortion in NOT a Human Right!

Posted on December 11, 2013 in Life, Public Policy by

The European Parliament will vote Tuesday on a report, known as the Estrela Report, which will decide whether or not abortion is a “human right.” This is important first because it is absurd to think that abortion is a human right. This is important secondly because this vote will no doubt have consequences for America.

As Americans continue to recognize that life should be defended from conception to natural death, the abortion industry grows desperate. Clinics are closing at unprecedented rates, pro-life laws are being passed by states like never before, and most Americans now identify as pro-life than in the last 40 years. This spells trouble for the money making machine of the abortion industry.

A vote, such as the one taking place tomorrow, will have a ripple effect on the United States. Should the European Parliament find a “human right” to abortion, we can be sure the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history and his administration will seek to further push their pro-abortion agenda on us. However, if the vote defends life, we can expect an increased surge in the protection of life here in the states.


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