The Reformed Advisor

Tag: girls

The Hypocrisy of Feminism is on Display in the Boy Scouts

Posted on November 2, 2017 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

While they claim to be about equality, and they only want to seek equality for girls, they undermine their message by refusing to advocate access for boys to girls groups. If equality was really the goal, then they would simply advocate for groups where boys and girls all have the same access. By refusing to do so they prove that equality is not really the goal, but rather the goal is to make sure there’s not a single boys group without a girl in it; while girls maintain their exclusivity.

What’s really intriguing about this change is the response from The Girls Scouts (GS).

Experiencing Sex Before Your First Kiss – We Have a Porn Problem

Posted on April 18, 2017 in Sexuality by

As a father it is heartbreaking to think that many teenage girls are being pressured daily to provide naked pictures and sexual favors to hyper-sexualized boys. At one time boys first viewed pornography around ages 11-13. That number has now been moved back to age 8. But even the pornography they viewed was not the hard-core images and videos available at the touch of a finger today.

But we also have to acknowledge that previous generations primarily viewed static images, not video clips or even full-length movies. The average male first experienced pornography in the pages of a magazine where images could not talk or do more than hold a single pose. Today however, the pornography being viewed is video clips from all over the world being uploaded by porn producers, movie and music stars, and the average person next door. The world of porn has gone global.

A “Christian Feminist” Shares Thoughts on the Transgender Bathroom Issue

Posted on October 12, 2016 in Marriage, Public Policy, Sexuality, Theology by

Seeking to keep bathrooms and locker rooms segregated by biological gender is not the answer to protecting the privacy of women and children?

Mock’s reasoning is that those with evil intentions will still find a way to abuse children so we need to focus on the other ways predators find their victims. This thinking, for me, is appalling, at best. Mock is declaring that protecting the privacy of women and children in public bathrooms and locker rooms will not prevent predators from abusing kids so we need to ignore the threat. Rather than take away one avenue for predators to harm children, we should ignore it and focus on other avenues.

Why This Progressive Leader in the ACLU Just Quit is Surprising. Hint: Transgender People and Bathrooms

Posted on June 14, 2016 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

I never thought I’d see the day when a progressive person, a leader in the ACLU no less, decides to quit over the implementation of a progressive idea. Yet that is exactly what Maya Dillard Smith did after her young daughters were shaken by having men in the women’s bathroom.

What makes this an interesting story is that a self-described liberal is seeing first hand just how bad the transgender bathroom policy really is. Many voices have shared concern for the safety of women in light of Target’s decision to allow transgender people to use whatever bathroom they choose. And greater concern was shared when President Obama decided to ask all public schools to allow transgender students to use whatever bathroom and locker room they choose.

The public has pushed back against the idea that grown men should be allowed into the locker room and bathroom with young girls and women. The boycott against Target has grown and Target has watched their stock price drop. Fundamentally, people know that grown men and women should not be in the same bathroom or locker room together. But this progressive, liberal idea has become a central focus in our culture.

Boys Being Boys: The Redefinition of Boyhood in American Schools

Posted on May 28, 2014 in Sexuality by

So when experts like Christina Hoff-Summers starts talking, I start listening. Hoff-Summers is the resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and she has a serious message for America: Let boys be boys!

That might sound like a silly old cliché but more and more it is becoming a battle cry for many parents at odds with a society that wants their boys to behave like girls.

I’m not saying that people want boys to wear dresses and sport some well applied make-up. I’m talking about the effort to “reform” the behavior of boys so that it resembles that of girls. In other words, we’re taking the macho out of our boys and replacing it with feminine characteristics.

In a recent video for the American Enterprise Institute and Prager University, Hoff-Summers explains the problem taking place in schools regarding boys and their behavior:

Ten Things I Want To Tell Teenage Girls

Posted on March 20, 2014 in Family by

I’m always looking for good resources on parenting. Raising kids in this culture can be dangerous and I would be silly to think I know it all. But finding well-written, practical, common sense articles can at times be difficult. So when I do find such an article, I am all-too happy to share it.

As the father of a little girl I am deeply concerned with the “trends” in society that tempt our daughters to everything God doesn’t want them to be. Everything from fashion to movies, make-up to music is sending a constant message to our little girls that unless they look, sound, act, behave, smell, and live a certain way, something is wrong.

Will Boys Be Playing On Your Daughters Team Soon? Here’s the Answer

Posted on February 25, 2014 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

Psychiatrist Keith Ablow plans to keep speaking against encouraging transgenderism in children despite death threats.

While it’s good to know people are willing to oppose dangerous “science” and speak out against things that may be harmful to children, it’s also sad that such a need exists. Yet, the realm of transgenderism is one such area where amidst growing cries for rights, some voices are urging caution.

In the wake of a California law that took effect in January allowing students in California to decide for themselves which bathroom to use and which sports team to play on based on their perceived gender, Ablow wrote:

What’s More Important: Cookies or Babies?

Posted on February 24, 2014 in Life by

As you might know by now, there is a boycott of Girl Scout cookies taking place across the country. The purpose is to expose the connection between the Girl Scouts and the abortion industry. Many still do not know that every box of cookies bought will send money to groups like Planned Parenthood and help fund abortion.

For years now the Girl Scouts (Part of the World association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts – WAGGGS) have been in bed with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. They even recently honored both Nancy Pelosi and Cecile Richards as “women of courage.” Nancy Pelosi is the minority leader of the House of Representatives, while Cecile Richards is the president of Planned Parenthood. Apparently supporting the whole sale murder of innocent children makes you a “woman of courage” to the Girl Scouts. Hmm…might have to check into other groups for my daughter.

Girl Scouts Threaten Pro-Lifers for Pointing Out Abortion Ties

Posted on February 17, 2014 in Life by

After pro-life website pointed out the ties between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood, they received a letter demanding they stop all such reporting. The letter says that the Girl Scouts have no partnership with Planned Parenthood and don’t plan on starting one anytime soon. But evidence to the contrary is abundant, making the threatening letter seem…worthless. shared the following evidence for a partnership between the Girl Scouts and Planned Parenthood:

American Heritage Girls Offers “Respect Life” Patch

Posted on February 11, 2014 in Life by

I’m a vocal supporter of the American Heritage Girls organization. This alternative tot he Girl Scouts seeks to instill moral virtues and traditional values in their girls rather than the sexually charged and abortion minded environment offered by the Girl Scouts. Just another example of how different these two organizations are can be seen in the fact that the Girl Scouts honored both Nancy Pelosi and Cecile Richards recently as women of courage.

If honoring our nations two most vocal abortion advocates is what the Girl Scouts is all about, count me out. But the American Heritage Girls seeks to honor life and respect life, including the unborn. A recent article reports:

“American Heritage Girls, an international faith-based character-development program for girls ages five through 18, has created a new Respect Life Patch that reinforces the organization’s commitment to honoring life from conception to natural death. Troops representing more than 30,000 girls in 48 states can earn the patch by participating in an event that brings attention to respecting life or by providing a service project for an organization whose mission/purpose demonstrates a desire to respect life, such as pregnancy resource centers, pro-life groups and hospices.”

Check out the American Heritage Girls if you are interested in a place for your daughter to learn solid values and morals that don’t include supporting abortion.


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