The Reformed Advisor

Tag: homosexual

Millennials Complain About Politics and Sex in the Church. Should We Care?

Posted on December 16, 2013 in Marriage, Theology by

Much has been said and written in the last decade concerning the troubling trend of Millennials leaving the church. Those that were born between 1980 and 2000 have been the subject of much speculation as they walk out of the church doors and appear to abandon their faith. The alarm has been sounded so loudly that it has reshaped the landscape of the American church as young pastors and seasoned veterans of ministry seek to retain the Millennials they have and reach the ones down the street.

A recent article titled “5 Possible Reasons Young Americans are Leaving Church and Christianity Behind” explores this topic with analysis gained from the vast resources of groups like Focus on the Family and the Barna Resource Group. It’s an interesting read.

While several of these reasons are suspect, to me, at least two of the stated reasons were easy to guess; and I would have been surprised if they were not on the list. The two are: Politics in the Pulpit and Sex.

Court: Australian Same-Sex Marriage Violates Law

Posted on December 14, 2013 in Marriage by

Previously, lower court rulings upheld a law making same-sex marriage in Australia legal. But it seems the ruling was short lived as the high court of Australia has ruled that such laws violate the Federal Marriage Law of the country, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. A recent report states:

“The legalization of gay marriage has been overturned in Australia. On Wednesday the country’s high court issued the decision. A landmark ruling in November had upheld same-sex marriage in Australia. That came when the federal government challenged an Australian Territory’s law making gay marriage legal. The high court took a different view, ruling the law violates the Federal Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman.”

The court has not only upheld the law of the land, but has said the issue belongs in the National Parliament rather than in courts. Kudos to Australia for upholding traditional marriage. Click here for original article.

“Can My Transgender Girlfriend Get Me Pregnant?”

Posted on December 12, 2013 in Sexuality by shared this: “Planned Parenthood has posted a response on its Tumblr account to a reader who asked, ‘Can my trans[gender] girlfriend get me pregnant?’ Someone who, understandably, wanted to remain anonymous wrote, ‘My girlfriend is trans and has been doing hormone replacement therapy for about a year. About how likely is it that she can still get me pregnant?’ Yes, a biological female apparently having heterosexual intercourse with a biological male asked if sex still causes pregnancy. A Planned Parenthood spokesperson named ‘Mylanie’ responded with the perplexing statement, ‘anytime your girlfriend’s semen…gets into your vagina or onto your vulva, you’re at risk for pregnancy.'”

How sad is it that sexuality has been so defamed and maligned that we have to answer questions like this? This young person has been so conditioned to see sexuality as just another “customizeable” aspect to a persons life that she doesn’t think it strange to be in a sexual relationship with a person so confused about his own sexuality that he is trying to become a female.

Furthermore, the girl in question is obviously having her own sexuality issues considering she is in a relationship with a biological male transitioning to a female; which makes her…homosexual?

Lastly, exactly how effective is all that explicit sex education in the public schools if this young woman doesn’t know that sex between a man and woman carries the risk of pregnancy?

Welcome to the 21st century. In this “brave new world” males try to become female, females engage in sexual relationships with trans females, and neither of them can figure out what causes pregnancy. But don’t worry, Planned Parenthood has lots of brochures to make sure they enjoy sex, have lots of condoms(?), and just in case those two crazy kids – one or both – end up pregnant help with abortions services. Ladies and gentlemen, the future of America. Click here for original article.

Homosexual Tyranny Will Destroy Religious Liberty

Posted on December 12, 2013 in Religious Freedom by

Writing at, Steve Jalsevac has penned what I would call a wake-up call to people regarding the “growing…very real tyranny” of activist homosexuals in America. In particular he centers on how homosexuals are already influencing the Catholic Church while seemingly ignorant or indifferent leaders do nothing.

Jalsevac wonders out loud where Catholic leaders were when Christian business owners were being persecuted through prosecution for simply adhering to a biblical definition of sexuality and marriage. He laments, “All I can recall, from the Catholics and Anglicans at least, was the usual, deadly, shameful soul and spirit killing silence that seems to happen all over the developed world on this issue.”

While Jalsevac directs his concern toward the Catholic Church, and rightly so, I would direct concern to every church in the United States that continues to confess the biblical definition of sexuality and marriage. As recent headlines have proven, the environment is right and activists are poised to seek not just recognition but full acceptance for their lifestyle from society; including the church.

Rick Warren Defines Tolerance for Piers Morgan

Posted on December 10, 2013 in Marriage, Sexuality by

The video below comes from Piers Morgans show on CNN during an interview with Pastor Rick Warren. In this clip, Warren defines tolerance for Morgan. Morgan clearly holds to the modern day, false definition of tolerance which says all views are equally valid. Warren helps Morgan by correctly defining tolerance and sharing his views on marriage.

If the video below doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser. Click here for original article.

Reading, Writing, Arithma – Sex Indoctrination

Posted on December 5, 2013 in Sexuality by

Remember when things like reading, math, science, and history were the primary focus of a well-rounded public school education? If I didn’t know better I would conclude that today the primary focus of a public school education was sexual indoctrination.

When I was in school sex-ed week was just that, a single week in the school year when the school took one class period each day to teach some basic aspects of human sexuality. It was an optional class that parents had to sign a waiver in order to approve their child attending. Except for that one week I can’t recall hearing anything about human sexuality during my time in public school.

Today, however, it appears that human sexuality is a central figure in public school education as those with a liberal agenda seek to indoctrinate students into a worldview that includes casual sex, sexual experimentation at a young age, approval for homosexuality and other alternative lifestyles, and of course abortion. It seems say someone read Lenin’s comments on children and transforming the world. Lenin once said:

Should Gay Men Be Allowed to Give Blood?

Posted on December 2, 2013 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

The Washington Times posted an article highlighting the push to end a federal ban on gay men from giving blood. The article states: “Supporters of the policy say politics, not science, is driving the proposed change, which would heighten the risk of spreading HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, when the medical demand for blood donations is decreasing. Under Food and Drug Administration rules, men who have had sex with men (MSM) since 1977 are ineligible to donate blood. An acknowledgment of having male homosexual relations at any time in one’s life is enough to disqualify a potential donor.”

Is it time to end this ban and allow the group primarily responsible for the spread of HIV and AIDS to add their blood to the nation’s blood supply? The one fact that homosexual men cannot deny or overcome is that they are primarily responsible for transmitting HIV and AIDS; a fact even the CDC confirms. So is it wise to allow this group to donate blood? Would such a decision open the nation’s blood supply to contamination and risk infecting others? Those difficult questions must be addressed before a decision is made. Click here for original article.

Doug Mainwaring: Homosexual’s Are Not Soulless

Posted on November 30, 2013 in Marriage by

I have a great amount of respect for Doug Mainwaring. His life is interesting for a number of reasons; perhaps most intriguing to me is that he is a same-sex attracted man, married to a woman, fighting against marriage redefinition. Doug has been in homosexual relationships before, but his faith helped him understand that being gay was not who he was.

Mainwaring has written a response to a book by Jonathan Rauch in which Rauch claims that only marriage can make gays and lesbians whole. Mainwaring response is not only an articulate critique of Rauch’s book, it is an intellectual disarming of Racuh’s entire premise. I highly recommend you read this fine piece of writing.

Jonathan Rauch’s Denial

by Doug Mainwaring
Jonathan Rauch, in his memoir Denial, argues that only access to the institution of marriage can make gays and lesbians whole. In doing so, he purposefully suppresses the truth that there are many other options available to those who are attracted to persons of the same sex.

Answering Questions on ENDA

Posted on November 25, 2013 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

The federal ENDA bill appears to be stalled, perhaps dead…for the moment. After passing in the Senate by a solid majority it appears the House will not bring the bill up for a vote. Even though West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin promised to oppose legislation like ENDA, in the end he broke that promise and voted in favor of the bill. However, to this point House Speaker John Boehner has opposed ENDA and said he will not bring it up for a vote in the House of Representatives.

One thing is for sure: this is the end of ENDA. There is no doubt that this bill will come back and we need to be prepared to oppose it. West Virginians in particular need to be prepared to oppose ENDA on the state level as we will no doubt be facing a state level ENDA bill again in the 2014 legislative session.

For those who are not familiar with ENDA, Joe Carter, writing at The Gospel Coalition, has written a short, informative article answering some of the most frequently asked questions about ENDA. In particular he answers the question why should Christians be concerned about ENDA?

“As a practical matter, ENDA teaches a view of human embodiment that Christians will strongly object to. Christianity embraces the body and self as an integrated whole; as unique creations that witness to the divine action and creativity of God through our being created male and female. Male and female are not arbitrary, socially imposed constructs. They are rooted in our biology. In contrast, the worldview behind ENDA assumes an ‘expressive individualism’ where our bodies become instruments of the will, capable of being re-created according to preference and desire.”

I highly recommend reading this article.

The Practical End to ENDA

Posted on November 20, 2013 in Public Policy, Religious Freedom by

For the time being ENDA appears dead. Even though it passed in the Senate it had no chance of making it through the House where Speaker Boehner opposed it as well as most Republicans; and a few vulnerable Democrats hoping to keep their job in 2014.

In case you don’t know what ENDA is, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act seeks to make it illegal for an employer to hire or fire a person based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

On the surface this might sound like a good idea. After all, no one should be denied a job simple because he is gay. But the problem with ENDA is that it has a back door that would lead to forcing religious organizations and Christian business owners to violate their religious convictions. Here’s how:


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