The Reformed Advisor

Tag: homosexual

Do You Know What the “Gay Rights Platform” Is? If Not You Will Be Shocked!

Posted on August 11, 2014 in Marriage, Public Policy, Sexuality by

The question is, “Do you know what that gay rights agenda is?

In an article for WND, pastor, writer, and human rights consultant Dr. Scott Lively has explained in great detail exactly what the gay rights agenda is, and how it is being accomplished. And he’s done so using their own writings.

Take for example the 1972 Gay Rights Platform. This platform was adopted in 1972 when more than 200 homosexual organizations met in Chicago to write and adopt it. Why should it matter to you? Because nearly every plank in this platform has been achieved. A platform that is more than 40 years old has been implemented with surgical precision. Check for yourself, read the platform and check off how many of their goals have been accomplished.


1) Amend all federal Civil Rights Acts, other legislation and government controls to prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations and public services.

Remember the Old Nazi Re-Education Camps? It’s Happening Again – in America!

Posted on August 7, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

Laugh all you want. Call me an alarmist or a conspiracy theorist, but what is happening right now in America is nothing short of the redefinition of the Constitution. The new definition includes re-education that would make any socialist or communist proud.

I can only describe the case of Jack Phillips, a baker in Colorado, as jaw-dropping and shocking. Every time I read another account of what is happening to him I shake my head and wonder what America is going to look like in 10 years.

In case you aren’t familiar with Jack’s story, here’s a quick brief. Jack Phillips owns a bakery in Colorado. He has been doing business for 20 years and is highly respected for his artwork in deliciousness. A homosexual couple came in to his shop in 2012 and wanted a cake to celebrate their same-sex union. Jack told them he would be glad to do just about anything else, but that he could not lend his talent and services to celebrate their ceremony. They sued.

A local judge and then the Colorado Civil Rights Commission found Jack guilty of sexual orientation discrimination. But as Jack has said, he isn’t discriminating against anyone:

Tony Dungy Gets Blasted for Being Honest About Michael Sam

Posted on July 30, 2014 in Sexuality by

Throughout the draft process the talk about Michael Sam centered around the fact that he is gay, and that he is the first openly gay player seeking to be drafted. There was more talk about his gay-ness than there was about his actual football skill. In fact, I was dumbfounded at the fact that a few commentators were brave enough to say that Sam was not really skilled enough to make the NFL but would most likely be drafted simply because he was gay!

And yet people continue to be “disturbed” by Dungy’s comments or the fact that many people agree with him. One article reported:

More Christians Being Told to Violate Their Religious Convictions

Posted on July 21, 2014 in Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

So the Brendan Eich’s, Phil Robertsons, Chick-Fil-A’s and bakers of the world are targets. For that matter all who hold to any view of sexuality that does not affirm any kind of sexuali activity will be a target. So maybe you are okay with homosexuality but you “draw the line” at polygamy, polyamory, or pedophilia; you will soon be just as much a target as those who currently oppose homosexuality.

This is the game, a game of degrees. The way it’s played is to slowly but surely take steps toward the ultimate goal. Those seeking to redefine marriage know full well that to come out and say “we don’t want marriage to exist” or “we support polygamy, pedophilia, and bestiality” would result in nothing less than an overwhelming defeat for their movement. So they move slowly, with what they believe is most palatable to society, two consenting adults that just want to love each other. And, like a great fisherman, society has taken the bait and the hook is sunk.

Debate: Can You Be a Gay Christian?

Posted on July 16, 2014 in Sexuality, Theology by

Now, on the surface is the short, simple answer from both sides of the debate. Homosexual activists would quickly say “of course it’s possible” and cite several examples, perhaps Matthew Vines, Jennifer Knapp or friends and family they know. Christians by a large majority would quickly say “no, this is not possible” and cite scripture calling homosexual behavior a sin.

At issue then is whether or not homosexual behavior is a sin. Because if homosexual behavior is not a sin then it is entirely possible to be a proud, practicing homosexual and at the same time be a Christian. If homosexual behavior is a sin then to live in sin and be proud of it while claiming to be a Christian is contrary to biblical teaching on several levels.

UPDATE: The Latest States to Fall: Utah, Indiana, Wisconsin

Posted on July 10, 2014 in Marriage by

I’ve been following the judicial activism in states with traditional marriage laws as federal judges, acting alone, usurp the will of the people and enact sweeping changes unilaterally. For previous comments on states that have had marriage redefined for them within the past year or so, scroll down to see an earlier post. (Or click here for my first post on the subject.)

The first post centered around 13 states – conservative states – where marriage was being threatened by judicial activism. Since that first post, much has changed. Two more states were added, Georgia and Wisconsin. Of the original 13 both Utah and Indiana have now had marriage redefined for them – along with Wisconsin.

All in all this means that 15 conservative states where marriage laws protected natural, one man one woman marriage by a vote of the people have now had those laws wiped out by a single judge. That fact should trouble ever freedom loving American that believes our Constitution stands as a barrier to such radical activism.

For news regarding the decision in Indiana you can click here. For news on what is happening in Wisconsin you can click here. For news on what is happening in Utah you can click here.

The Institution of Marriage Should Not Exist! Who Said It?

Posted on July 9, 2014 in Marriage by

In the effort to redefine marriage there is a concerted effort to present homosexual couples as similar, if not exactly like heterosexual couples. They are committed, loving, couples that like to watch movies, golf, and host dinner parties. This is far less reality and far more campaign strategy intended to create an emotional narrative that will lure unsuspecting people into support for marriage redefinition.

A recent article at Slate, of all places, highlights the fact that gay couples are not nearly as monogamous as heterosexual couples.

“A long Gawker story last week explored this problem in greater detail. In the fight for marriage equality, the gay rights movement has put forth couples that look like straight ones, together forever, loyal, sharing assets. But what no one wants to talk about is that they don’t necessarily represent the norm: The Gay Couples Study out of San Francisco State University—which, in following over 500 gay couples over many years is the largest on-going study of its kind—has found that about half of all couples have sex with someone other than their partner, with their partner knowing.”

If a Cake Maker Can Be Forced to Violate His Convictions – What About a Graphic Designer?

Posted on June 10, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

The word I want you to see is creative. At the heart of this case is the right of every American to exercise – or refuse to exercise – his or her first amendment free speech rights. At the core of this case is the fact that the government is seeking to force an American citizen to violate his both his free speech and religious freedom rights. The government is telling Jack Phillips that he must use his creative abilities to create a cake a piece of art – a form of speech – that celebrates same-sex “marriage” and violates his religious convictions.

The reason this is critical and intricately linked to the article about the graphic designer is that if a cake maker can be forced to violate his religious convictions and use his creative talents to celebrate sin. And if a photographer can be forced to violate her religious convictions and use her creative talents to celebrate sin. How long before the government tells graphic designers that they must violate their religious convictions and use their creative talents to celebrate sin?

Help Wanted: Where is a Christian Supposed to Work?

Posted on June 5, 2014 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

It appears to me that those seeking to redefine marriage, and those that oppose faith, are creating a hostile work environment for Christians. The choice is clear: choose between your job and your faith.

There seems to be an effort to force Christians into silent support for what the Bible calls sin. If society cannot pressure us into willingly supporting homosexuality and other immoralities, it will threaten us with the loss of our livelihood. You will either conform and support or you will lose your job. The choice might be better stated as: choose between silent condoning of sin and your faith.

Is It Fair That a Man Gets Prison for Having Sex With a Toddler? Maybe Not!

Posted on June 3, 2014 in Sexuality by

Pedophilia is one of the most heinous crimes a person can commit. It is the intentional robbing of childhood innocence for the sexual pleasure of an adult. It is selfish. It is dangerous. It is helping to create victims of sexual abuse that often engage in damaging behavior such as drug and alcohol abuse (and some say homosexual behavior).

The question being asked is whether or not it is fair for a person guilty of pedophilia to be sentenced to jail?

Here’s the story, a 39 year old man is busted for sexual activity with his 3 year old daughter. After a lengthy trial in which the man claimed the child initiated the sexual contact with him causing him to be aroused, he is sentenced to twelve years in jail. Is this case fair for all parties involved?

Before you answer there’s a couple more facts to be aware of. The man in this case admits to having mental disabilities of a minor kind that do not prevent him from knowing the difference between right and wrong. He was judged to be more than competent to stand trial. The accused also repeatedly blamed the child’s mother for the incident (presumably his ex-wife). The accused also said it was the child that initiated the contact by undressing herself and then unzipping his pants; which led the man to become aroused and engage in the sexual contact.


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