The Reformed Advisor

Tag: kids

In Light of the Supreme Court Decision Let’s Celebrate Endangering Health and Harming Kids

Posted on October 15, 2014 in Public Policy, Sexuality by

In light of the Supreme Court’s decision to reject appeals from five states concerning the issue of marriage, thereby effectively legalizing same-sex “marriage” in those five states, I found a couple of other articles interesting.

Shouting just below the clamor of those rejoicing at the Supreme Court’s decision, and the advancement of same-sex “marriage” in general, is the common sense warning signs of the dangers of this lifestyle. First are the physical/health dangers inherent within homosexuality.

According to a recent “Morbidity and Mortality” report by the Centers for Disease Control, while gay men make up just 2% of America’s population, they account for nearly two-thirds of all HIV cases. A recent article states:

Former Homosexual Warns America of “Unmitigated Disaster” of Marriage Redefinition

Posted on October 3, 2014 in Marriage by

Activists pushing for the legalization of same-sex “marriage” don’t want you to hear from former homosexuals. In their world there is no such thing. Anyone claiming to be a “former homosexual” is, in their opinion, either a liar suppressing their true identity, or they never were really a homosexual. I’m not sure how someone can claim to be a homosexual without ever really being one – it doesn’t seem like something you do as a recreational past time.

What they think of this rapidly growing class of people, they are afraid of them. No group has more power and ability to stop the homosexual agenda in its tracks than former homosexuals. So when someone like David Kyle Foster, himself a former homosexual, writes about the “unmitigated disaster for gay marriage,” it might be a good idea to listen.

For anyone not sure if Foster really was a homosexual his answer is succinct: “Does sleeping with over 1,000 men count?” His time as a homosexual spanned 10 years and he has now been a “former homosexual” for the past 34 years. Because of his experience living the homosexual lifestyle, Foster is uniquely qualified to discuss the dangers and disasters awaiting the society that chooses to life homosexuality atop a pedestal.

Dr. James Dobson: America Will Not Survive If We Allow the Family to Disintegrate

Posted on September 25, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

Dr. James Dobson is a world-respected psychologist, author, and speaker. For more than 40 years he has spent his life teaching and training parents on how to raise children in the healthiest way possible. As a Christian, Dr. Dobson infuses his biblical beliefs into every aspect of his ministry and helps parents to learn biblical truth regarding child rearing.

After leaving Focus on the Family, the organization he began, Dr. Dobson founded ‘Family Talk,” to continue his efforts in helping parents to leave a legacy of biblical values in their kids. His new book, “Your Legacy” is centered on this idea of leaving a legacy, and the difference between inheritance and legacy.

In the video below Dr. Dobson talks about a variety of issues that he is concerned about in society. One of the first issues is that of the epidemic pornography problem. An oft-overlooked aspect to sexual crimes – whether against adults or children – is the link between the perpetrator and pornography. But Dr. Dobson makes it clear that many, most sexual crimes are at least in part due to the presence of pornography in a person’s life.

Planned Parenthood Tells “15-Year-Old” That Painful Sex is OK

Posted on September 3, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

Planned Parenthood just can’t keep from giving terrible, awful advice to underage girls. It’s almost as if they are trying to see how dangerous or perverted they can be, always pushing the limits.

The latest example of the systemic failure of Planned Parenthood comes from the ongoing undercover video series carried out by pro-life organization Live Action, led by Lila Rose. In the latest undercover video a Planned Parenthood staffer at a clinic in Eden Prairie, MN, tells the undercover girl, posing as a 15-year-old, that painful sexual activity is fine as long she consents to it.

Watch the video below to see just how dangerous the advice given by Planned Parenthood is.

Do 10 Year Olds Have a Right to Contraception and Abortion? Researchers Say Yes!

Posted on September 2, 2014 in Life, Sexuality by

A group of four researchers at the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University say that very young adolescents (VYA) – kids between the ages of 10 and 14 – have a right to contraception and abortion. But that is the least troubling conclusion of this new report, published in Global Public Health.

Here is a glimpse into the thoughts of people attempting to influence the sexuality, sex-education, and moral training of our children in public schools:

The Most Pornographic Place Your Kids Will Visit is Their School

Posted on August 21, 2014 in Sexuality by

Parents have enough to protect their kids from these days. Not only do they need to monitor what they watch on television – because apparently naked reality shows are all the rage – but the Internet has it all. Then there’s making sure they aren’t receiving naked pictures via text or drinking at parties. Even parents that are fully engaged, teaching their kids solid morals and values will be exhausted at the sheer magnitude of ways kids need protected.

And of course parents must be defended from their local school!

Yep, you read that right. Where once the local school was a place of safety and learning, it seems it is now a place of undermining parental authority and sex.

The newest example of school-overreach into the lives of students comes from California where a book that will be used in a sex-ed class is being called nothing short of pornographic.

A Very Clear Warning to Churches Regarding Youth Ministry (Kids Ministry Too)

Posted on August 20, 2014 in Family, Theology by

The following article from the Christian Post should serve as a very sobering warning to every church regarding youth ministry. I would also suggest that it applies to kids ministry as well. Churches that are quick to entertain and lack the ability to challenge their kids and students could be setting them up to reject faith entirely during their college years.

As parents it should be our most sincere desire to be in a church that will intentionally challenge our kids and students in their faith. We should be looking for leaders that are not just convicted in their beliefs, but know the Bible and how to communicate it. At the end of the day the fun and games must take a back seat to imparting solid doctrine and teaching biblical values to the impressionable people in our care.

I encourage you to take a few moments and read this article if you are a parent or church leader. Let us be reminded of the eternal nature of our charge to share our faith and disciple our kids and students.
Learning From Young Atheists: What Turned Them Off Christianity

It’s something most Christian parents worry about: You send your kids off to college and when they come back, you find they’ve lost their faith. The prospect of this happening is why many parents nudge their kids towards Christian colleges, or at least schools with a strong Christian presence on campus.

But in many ways, the damage has been done long before our children set foot on campus. That’s the message from a recent article in the Atlantic Monthly.

Sex Education for Parents: Why It Should Matter Who Teaches Your Kids

Posted on July 23, 2014 in Family, Sexuality by

But here is also where the problem arises. My wife and I talked to our kids about sex from very early in their life. We always answered their questions truthfully, but never more than necessary at every age. When asked how “Mommy got pregnant”, We explained how God designed men and women, and Daddy’s seed fertilized mom’s egg. For a while that satisfied their curiosity. Later they would ask other questions, and the more questions the more detail we gave.

We see sex as a beautiful thing, something wonderfully created, something that is more than a way to orgasm, but full of purpose, meaning, and containing tremendous substance.

Why would I want someone to teach anything less?

Understanding the Progressive Sexual Ideology: Sex for Everyone – Even Kids!

Posted on July 18, 2014 in Marriage, Sexuality by

At one time sexuality was held within the moral confines of one man one woman marriage. This doesn’t mean that every person adhered to this confine, but it was nonetheless an established, accepted norm for sexual activity. Furthermore, those who abandoned these boundaries were viewed as guilty of…immorality. So the moral boundary of sexual activity carried with it a price for anyone that chose to treat across the boundary.

But a major goal of the LGBT movement and progressive ideology is to eliminate all such boundaries. If sexual boundaries can be eliminated then the sky is the limit in determining what behavior is acceptable. To this end the “hook-up” culture was created and normalized among American youth. The effectiveness is obvious.

How the Transgender Will Redefine Gender, Marriage, Parents, and Family

Posted on July 7, 2014 in Family, Marriage, Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

This is the second part of a two-part post. Read part 1 here.

A recent article by TIME magazine gleefully advocates for transgender people and their “struggle” to be accepted. Sharing the story of Cassidy, the first openly transgender Homecoming Queen in the U.S., the TIME article (and video) eagerly exposes people to another world full of confusion.

At one point Cassidy says she “came out” to her parents as a gay man in high school, but now lives as transgender. Yet Cassidy said it was in 5th grade that “she” first acknowledged and knew “she” was transgender. The amount of sexual confusion here is astounding to me. This is a young man that has been confused for a long time and rather than seeking any kind of help he is being encouraged in his confusion by others.

Speaking of confusion, an article at The Federalist details the extreme confusion of a female named Tracey transitioning to male:


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