The Reformed Advisor

Tag: life

What Do Polls Reveal About Americans and Abortion?

Posted on March 6, 2014 in Life by

A recent article at shows that Americans are consistently pro-life on the issue of abortion. The issue is an in-depth look at the use of specific words in polls and how it affects the outcome, but the results show a strong pro-life leaning in nearly every poll.

The two poll results shown below are representative of many polls taken over the last decade. The number vary slightly at times but polls consistently show that Americans favor life. This begs the question of why our federal government under the Obama administration has given more money to abortion groups like Planned Parenthood than ever before? And why repeal policies like the Mexico City policy put in place by former president George W. Bush to prohibit the U.S. from sending money for abortion to foreign countries? And why demand, through the HHS mandate and ObamaCare that tax money be spent to pay for abortions?

This also begs the question of why our lawmakers in West Virginia have not made abortion in welfare illegal, allow state tax money to be used for abortions, and still have not enacted any common sense health and safety restrictions on the abortion industry in our state. Obviously our lawmakers, both state and federal are not listening to the people that elected them.

Beautifully Graphic Photo Shows the Humanity of the Unborn

Posted on March 2, 2014 in Life by

The following photo is baby Noah. He died due to spontaneous miscarriage at just 12 weeks and 5 days old. What makes that so horrible is that Noah is at the age when most unborn children are aborted.

Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates tell us that unborn children are blobs of tissue, not really living, and not human. But I ask you to take a look at the photo below and tell me if any of those statements seems remotely true or even logical. The fact is, an unborn child at 12 weeks is every bit as human as a 12 year old; and deserves to be fully protected from the horrors of abortion.

Tell Gov. Tomblin to Sign the Pain Capable unborn Child Protection Act

Posted on March 1, 2014 in Life by

West Virginia has a chance to make state history as well as send a strong, clear message to Democrats in Washington. The question is whether or not we will claim victory and make that statement, or sink into the abyss that is status-quo for Democratic led politics.

Let’s be clear on the facts first.

West Virginia currently has no laws restricting abortion. Not one. A woman can have an abortion in West Virginia up to the moment of birth for any reason and no one will ask a single question. West Virginia is just one of nine states that have no laws protecting unborn life. What makes this so ironic is that most of our elected lawmakers claim to be pro-life.

MUST WATCH: Pro-Life Ad Created by Lingerie Company!

Posted on February 19, 2014 in Life by

The video below is an add created by the Japanese lingerie company Wacoal. it is not what you would expect but has a very powerful pro-life message that shows just how valuable life is. It also shows how selfless parenthood should be. Take a few moments to watch the video and share it with others.

The video is part of an ad-campaign called “Beauty Inside.” It is meant to showcase true beauty, not the airbrushed type that requires photoshop. What’s more, the company says the video is base don a true story. I have no doubt that many other stories just like this one exist, showcasing just how beautiful life is.

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URGENT: Contact W.Va. Delegates to Ask Them To Support Pro-Life Bill

Posted on February 19, 2014 in Life by

After the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (HB 4588) failed during a procedural vote last week, state lawmakers were taken to task for their failure to protect innocent children from the torture of abortion. Perhaps they are feeling the pressure as it seems the bill has been revived and has passed a key hurdle in being discharged from committee.

According to

“…on February 12, 2014, the Democrats convened a caucus where, according to The Charleston Gazette (see Statehouse Beat: Caucus Becomes Heated), ‘Tensions are running high in the House of Delegates, after a three-hour, knock-down, drag-out Democratic caucus Wednesday that was marked, we’re told, by yelling and screaming, and even delegates concerned that fisticuffs might break out.’ Why such a heated caucus? The Gazette continued, ‘A procedural vote on this year’s anti-abortion bill being championed by West Virginians for Life…'”

The bill was set to be in the judiciary committee yesterday and news of what will happen next is pending. The best thing you can do right now to help pass this critical, life-saving bill is to contact your elected lawmakers and urge them to support the bill.

For contact information for your delegate, go to: or go to

W.Va. House Approves 20 Week Abortion Bill

Posted on February 18, 2014 in Life by is reporting: “A West Virginia House of Delegates committee has voted to pass a bill to limit abortions after 20 weeks. The proposal passed Monday in the Committee on Health would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks unless a physician deems a woman’s medical complications pose a risk to her life or would cause irreversible physical impairment. This does not include a woman’s psychological or mental condition.”

This is great news in light of the failure of our lawmakers last week to approve another bill to limit abortions after 20 weeks. I’m not sure why our lawmakers, many of them claiming to be pro-life, can’t accurately represent the people of West Virginia by enacting common sense health and safety regulations on the unregulated abortion industry in our state. Are they afraid of doing what’s right and making the people that elected them happy?

One curious note to this article came when it said: “The bill would also compel physicians who perform abortions after 20 weeks to do so in such a way that provides the best opportunity for the unborn child to survive. Under the bill, all abortions would be reported to the Division of Health and anyone who performs an abortion in violation of the bill would face felony charges.”

How exactly do you perform an abortion “in such a way that provides the best opportunity for the unborn child to survive”? Is there a method of abortion that encourages life? This is a strange report that hopefully will be answered by lawmakers as this bill progresses.

Let’s call and email our lawmakers and let them know that we support this bill and want to see it signed into law in order to protect both women and children in West Virginia. You can find all your elected officials contact information at the West Virginia Legislature website.

Are You “Outside the Mainstream” on Abortion?

Posted on February 16, 2014 in Life by

NARAL Pro-Choice America president Ilyse Hogue says pro-lifers are “outside the mainstream” on the issue of abortion and frequently “lie and cheat” in order to get pro-life legislation passed. Do you agree?

Watch the video below of Hogue’s comments to see if she is speaking for you and representing your views accurately. As a pro-life advocate I can say I disagree completely with her and believe it is abortion advocates that lie to women in order to support their agenda of killing the unborn (think, “it’s just a blob of tissue.”).

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Shocking Viral Video: Baby Inside Amniotic Sack!

Posted on February 15, 2014 in Life by

The video below has gone viral as people around the world share it and view it. The discussions raised as a result are important as people question the morality and legality of abortion.

The video shows an unborn child approximately 20 weeks old, unborn, still in the mother’s amniotic sack. Speculation abounds as to why the child is in the amniotic sack outside the mother’s womb. Theory’s, such as this is the result of a miscarriage, or that the child was delivered as a result of a car accident abound. But the reality is that this is a human child.

As you watch the video you can see the child move when touched. Does that look like a “blob of tissue”? Are we really going to pretend that the lies from Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates that abortion does not kill a human being are true? Are we going to keep ignoring the greatest act of genocide in our nation’s history?

I don’t know who this child is or why I am seeing this video. But it is my hope and prayer that this video will spread far and wide and confront abortion advocates where they are. I hope this video sparks conversations and prompts a greater defense of the innocent unborn in our nation. If the video doesn’t appear automatically, please refresh your browser.

WV State Lawmakers Vote to Support Later Term Abortion. Here’s How They Voted.

Posted on February 13, 2014 in Life by

Once again our lawmakers have claimed to be pro-life while proving they support the unregulated abortion industry in West Virginia. They have ignored the overwhelming majority of West Virginians that support life and want to see the abortion industry regulated. They have shown that decades of one party leadership in West Virginia is partially responsible for the position we are in nationally. They have failed.

To the lawmakers that voted to defend unborn children from torture and pain, thank you. To those who turned a blind eye to the suffering of West Virginia’s most vulnerable mountaineers, shame on you. The graphic below shows exactly how each lawmaker voted on this critical bill. I highly recommend letting your lawmaker know if you are pleased with his or her vote. All contact information for lawmakers can be found here.

American Heritage Girls Offers “Respect Life” Patch

Posted on February 11, 2014 in Life by

I’m a vocal supporter of the American Heritage Girls organization. This alternative tot he Girl Scouts seeks to instill moral virtues and traditional values in their girls rather than the sexually charged and abortion minded environment offered by the Girl Scouts. Just another example of how different these two organizations are can be seen in the fact that the Girl Scouts honored both Nancy Pelosi and Cecile Richards recently as women of courage.

If honoring our nations two most vocal abortion advocates is what the Girl Scouts is all about, count me out. But the American Heritage Girls seeks to honor life and respect life, including the unborn. A recent article reports:

“American Heritage Girls, an international faith-based character-development program for girls ages five through 18, has created a new Respect Life Patch that reinforces the organization’s commitment to honoring life from conception to natural death. Troops representing more than 30,000 girls in 48 states can earn the patch by participating in an event that brings attention to respecting life or by providing a service project for an organization whose mission/purpose demonstrates a desire to respect life, such as pregnancy resource centers, pro-life groups and hospices.”

Check out the American Heritage Girls if you are interested in a place for your daughter to learn solid values and morals that don’t include supporting abortion.


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