The Reformed Advisor

Tag: marriage

The Definition of Marriage is More Than A Defintion

Posted on January 10, 2014 in Family, Marriage by

The definition of marriage is not just an arbitrary conglomeration of words with no meaning. But that is exactly what those seeking to redefine marriage are trying to make it. Opponents of traditional marriage believe the definition is too narrow and exclusive, so they are seeking to broaden the definition in order to be more inclusive.

The problem is that by broadening the definition of marriage, these self-titled liberals and progressives would also erase any actual or perceived definition of marriage. Marriage is inherently the union of one man and one woman for one lifetime. For example, the Webster online dictionary defines marriage thus:

West Virginia: Attack on Marriage Intensifies

Posted on January 4, 2014 in Marriage by

In case you didn’t know already, a lawsuit has been brought to challenge West Virginia’s DOMA law. The warning that having just a DOMA law and not a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman was sounded long ago. Many West Virginian’s spoke up to say they wanted to exercise their right to vote on such a constitutional amendment. But our elected lawmakers refused to give us the right to vote and have ever since held our own state constitution hostage from us.

While they held our constitution hostage they told us repeatedly that marriage in West Virginia was safe, but that if anyone ever challenged our DOMA law that they would be the first to take up the fight to defend it. Well, this lawsuit was first filed in October of 2013. Have you heard one peep from a single lawmaker about it or the need to defend marriage? Me neither. But Lambda Legal is moving full steam ahead with their lawsuit and has recently asked for summary judgment in favor of their case:

A Dynasty America Can Live With (And Be Proud Of)

Posted on December 23, 2013 in Marriage, Sexuality by

I’ve been trying to keep up with the Duck Dynasty saga over the last week, not an easy task. Last Friday when I was writing my own commentary on the incident I was also having conversations on social media with people about what I thought would happen. (You can read my commentary here or here.)

In my conversations I mentioned that I thought this was the biggest mistake a cable network has ever made. A&E decided to cater to a small group of people that don’t even watch their network and offend the 15 million viewers making them a ton of money. I’m no cable network exec, but if making decisions like this is what it takes to be one, I can start today.

Additionally, A&E has already wrapped up filming the last 10 episodes of season 4 before this flap started and has no plans to scrap any of those episodes. So guess who will be in those episodes starting January 15th? That’s right, Duck Commander Phil Robertson.

MUST READ: To Sharpen Your Skills In Defending Life and Marriage You Must Read These Two Articles

Posted on December 23, 2013 in Life, Marriage by

Are you able to defend life and marriage against the arguments people may throw at you?

If the answer to that question is no, I recommend a little study in order to be better prepared to defend these positions. There is no need to be afraid to engage someone because of the arguments they might use against your views; with a little study you can be thoroughly prepared to offer sound logic and biblical support against popular arguments.

The following two articles do an outstanding job of combating popular notions against life and traditional marriage. The first article, from Matt Walsh, addresses the specific arguments of an obviously “logical” pro-abortion advocate. Walsh’s responses are common sense, logical, and show just how absurd some arguments against life can be.

The second article, by Matt Chandler, addresses four basic arguments often used by advocates of homosexuality and other sexual sins. Chandler’s answers are biblically sound but culturally relevant as well.

I highly recommend taking a look at both of these articles then passing them on to someone else. Enjoy.

Join Me in Thanking A&E for Firing Phil Robertson

Posted on December 21, 2013 in Marriage, Religious Freedom, Sexuality by

Would you join me in thanking A&E for firing Phil Robertson for sharing his personal views on sexuality?

I know many are upset over this decision to fire one of the most popular television personalities in history for simply sharing his religious beliefs when asked. But I want to take a moment and thank A&E for doing so.

While others are sharing viral images, meme’s and signing petitions demanding A&E reverse their decision to punish Phil Robertson, I am going to thank A&E.

Does Anything On This Flier Seem “Ludicrous” to You?

Posted on December 20, 2013 in Marriage, Religious Freedom by

A group in Indiana is under attack for speaking truthfully about the danger same-sex “marriage” presents to religious freedom. The group put out a bulletin insert to churches which listed “Just Four Dangers of Same-Sex Marriage” that is being blasted as “promulgating panic” by those who don’t agree. The flier says the four dangers are:

A&E Tries to Silence Duck Dynasty Star for Being Christian

Posted on December 19, 2013 in Marriage, Sexuality by

It was just a matter of time before it happened.

Ever since reports surfaced that A&E was trying to crack down on religious expressions by the Robertson family during taping of their mega-hit show Duck Dynasty, we knew it was just a matter of time. And now it’s finally happened.

In case you’ve been under a rock in the last 24 hours, it has been reported by every media outlet in the country that Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has been placed on “indefinite hiatus” for his remarks on homosexuality. When this news broke, the Internet and social media exploded. Here’s the story.

Robertson was doing an interview with GQ magazine when he was asked about his faith and the faith of the Robertson clan. The faith of this beloved all-American family is well-known. So when asked the questions about faith and sexuality, Robertson didn’t hold back. He said:

Did You Hear Polygamy is Now Legal?

Posted on December 17, 2013 in Marriage by

Remember when defenders of traditional marriage said that any attempt to redefine marriage would result in opening the door to any kind “relationship” and calling it “marriage”? The argument said that if the government redefine marriage for homosexuals it will have to continue redefining marriage for other groups of be guilty of the same discrimination it now accuses traditional marriage supporters of.

That day came sooner than anyone expected.

The result is the legalization of polygamy in the wake of a decision by a federal judge in Utah that found the states laws banning polygamy unconstitutional.

Brietbart Senior Legal Analyst Ken Klukowski says that this decision relies on the very same arguments made by homosexuals:

Millennials Complain About Politics and Sex in the Church. Should We Care?

Posted on December 16, 2013 in Marriage, Theology by

Much has been said and written in the last decade concerning the troubling trend of Millennials leaving the church. Those that were born between 1980 and 2000 have been the subject of much speculation as they walk out of the church doors and appear to abandon their faith. The alarm has been sounded so loudly that it has reshaped the landscape of the American church as young pastors and seasoned veterans of ministry seek to retain the Millennials they have and reach the ones down the street.

A recent article titled “5 Possible Reasons Young Americans are Leaving Church and Christianity Behind” explores this topic with analysis gained from the vast resources of groups like Focus on the Family and the Barna Resource Group. It’s an interesting read.

While several of these reasons are suspect, to me, at least two of the stated reasons were easy to guess; and I would have been surprised if they were not on the list. The two are: Politics in the Pulpit and Sex.

Court: Australian Same-Sex Marriage Violates Law

Posted on December 14, 2013 in Marriage by

Previously, lower court rulings upheld a law making same-sex marriage in Australia legal. But it seems the ruling was short lived as the high court of Australia has ruled that such laws violate the Federal Marriage Law of the country, which defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. A recent report states:

“The legalization of gay marriage has been overturned in Australia. On Wednesday the country’s high court issued the decision. A landmark ruling in November had upheld same-sex marriage in Australia. That came when the federal government challenged an Australian Territory’s law making gay marriage legal. The high court took a different view, ruling the law violates the Federal Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between a man and a woman.”

The court has not only upheld the law of the land, but has said the issue belongs in the National Parliament rather than in courts. Kudos to Australia for upholding traditional marriage. Click here for original article.


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